Who is the Stephen King of video games?

Who is the Stephen King of video games?

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Why did he hate Kubrick's version of The Shining so much?

tom clancy

kubrick changed a lot

because kubrick made his shitty story good

Probably some jap, they shit out horrible horror games without equal.

Because it was like having a Cadillac with no engine.

because it was better than is meandering pile of bore he calls a book

Because Kubrick's vision was superior to his own.
The ego is funny like that.

The Shining as a movie was pretty fucking good, but it wasn't faithful to his book so he didn't like it as an adaptation.

Roberta Williams

>Turning what was obviously a personal struggle with alcoholism and its affects on family into lol spooky crazy nicholson.

The movie IS better than the book.

But I can see why King doesn't care for it.

Someone who sticks to his core values and doesn't bother appealing to critics but who is nonetheless loved by most readers because he's highly competent at what he does?

I have no idea.

Shinji Mikami, maybe?

Better question, who's the David Lynch of Video Games?

Kotaro Uchikoshi
debate me

>loved by most readers
That's exactly it, it is pleb fodder.

That was probably the first time I've used that phrase unironically

>post yfw reading Dark Tower books 5-7

Cliffy B

A year ago, I'd say FNAF guy, but he seems to have slowed down. Maybe the Sakura team?

Stephen King is a competent writer and one of the best writers of his genre.

Unless you're some elitist faggot who thinks anything not literary is a waste of trees

Because Kubrick was not a hack like him. Every Stephen King story is worse than the film.

The real question here is why his mouth is so far from his nose.

>King has his characters go back in time to prevent the car accident
>because he subconsciously knows that it was basically the end of his good writing

I refuse to believe that, I watched The Stand 3 days ago, and it was beyond bad.

It would be someone who makes absolutely god-tier short form content.

Decent to good long form up until they got hit by a car and then started writing garbage.

Except for 11/22/63.

That's a good book.

But Molly Ringwald in those shorts tho

I think his upper lip just makes it seem like that

I enjoyed Pet Cemetery

>that 9/11 reference
That was weird.

That was before he got hit by the car.

The only thing more depressing than a man who wears a moustache but shouldn't, is a man who should but doesn't.


The people that made Alan Wake?

His kid looks just like him and has a full beard.

Doesn't help.

Who is the Tommy Wiseau of video games?

The real question here is why does he look like a gorilla who got plastic surgery

Hideo Kojima

I would have preferred the faggot died and Jake live instead of saving his lazy ass from getting hit by Sheemie.

The movie lacked moving lawn animals and the dog man... not better.

Both are great. But the books wins it for me.

Wait didn't he also get into a car accident and go full retard?


I'm never going to read a King book in my entire life and I'm proud of that.

>the fucking birthing scene of Roland's son


You better not be talking about Eddie.

Tommy was always like that.

The horn is found snitches.

Phil Fish.

You know it's true.

Thanks for spoiling a series i've been reading on and off for LIKE A FUCKIN DECADE you cunt.

You spelled it right so it spelled it wrong.

Mordred's hongry

No one cares you utter moron

Because Jack Torrence was entirely based on his own struggles as an alcoholic writter, Jack is supposed to be King. In the original story, Jack is redeemed by the end, sacrificing himself to save Wendy, Danny, and Dick, whereas the Kubrick version portrays Jack as completely beyond redemption, a petty, hateful, racist man who doesn't deserve redemption.

King took it personally, I suppose.


>randall flagg btfo by a spider baby
>spider baby btfo by tainted horse meat
>eddy btfo by a fucking furry with a gun
>susanna btfo by women logic and riding a three wheeler trike into an alternate dimension
>jake btfo twice, the second time in one of the most head scratching moments in literary history



You had a decade to read it you lazy asshole
No. Im talking about King being so unmotivated to finish the series he had to self insert himself into the story with Roland telling him to finish the fucking book
I like to think the end of Book 7 means that Roland has been to the tower many many times and little by little he will eventually get there whole with everyone alive.

But it will take a long long time.

>hate's Kurbrick's Shining
>embraces Idris Elba as Roland Deschain
Are you on the side of progress Sup Forums?

>>susanna btfo by women logic and riding a three wheeler trike into an alternate dimension
Nah m8, that was actually a pretty good one.

The only other time one of the Tet called him on his bullshit was Eddie. Roland's quest basically killed everyone she loved. In the end, she was strong enough to do what he couldn't, and abandon the quest.

Overrated and loved by normalfags?


Hideo Kojima, his first couple of books were good, but after that they just got fucking retarded, but everybody loves him anyway

Why the hell are writers like King and Rowling suddenly jumping on the "progressive" bandwagon?

Hell King was plenty progressive before, but not the kind of progressive where you put the shit on a pedestal and take the moral high ground if anyone criticizes

There was a guy I knew named David Quick that died in a plane crash two weeks after I read the same thing happen to a guy with the same name in book 3. Also my last name is Callahan. So, weird

Irish genes

Watch out for them gay vampires cake boy.

Watch out for them furfags they hungry.

Easy way to escape fading relevance.

You know what?

I actually have gotten over that.

But the massive fucking up of the plot, the OC characters and the terrible script are what bother me.

Wow, so you guys read n stuff huh? I've watched The mist like 3 times, really liked it.


Made the mistake of watching the mist before reading the book. Is there a difference in endings?

So Stephen King is a hack?

nigga lookin like a young stephen hawking

Even King agrees that the movie ending is way better than the ambiguous one he used.

Yes, the book is slightly less depressing at the end

isn't it already well established that stephen king is a hack?

spoil me senpai, I cant be asked to read it at this point

shit, my bad

I don't know, I honestly don't know much about him other than the fact that he writes really spooky shit.

Oh I forgot the Pere was a faggot, someone save my gay life tonight


"David, Billy, Amanda, and elderly, yet tough, school teacher Hilda Reppler reach the car and leave Bridgton, driving south for hours through a mist-shrouded, monster-filled New England. After finding refuge for the night, David listens to a radio and, through the overwhelming static, possibly hears a single word broadcast: "Hartford". With that one shred of hope, he prepares to drive on into an uncertain future."


iirc, they run out of gas, stop, get out and find more gas and keep driving for this beacon thing in the mist and that's where the book ends

Ok. I can always read it to you real slowly while you sit on my lap.

>Who is the Stephen King of video games?
Tecmo/Koei, putting out 6/10s on an industrial scale since the 80s.

An anagram for Roland Deschain is Arachnid Eld Son.

Food for thought.


When you have essentially unlimited monetary freedom, you start desiring more social freedom. Progressivism is "in" right now, so pandering to this ideology gives these people more social brownie points.


Has anyone else ever noticed this?

A guy who focuses on quantity over quality and considers himself above everyone else in his field? Todd of course.

Wolves shouldn't have spent so much time on Callahan's backstory, he was a good character, but I feel like it went on for too long.

The Crimson King was a big letdown, a colossal letdown. Isn't he supposed to be the source of evil in King's multiverse and he winds up being a Ganondorf tennis battle?

And finally, Modred's entire fucking arc through the series was completely botched. In the end he's just a puny spidder babby who gets poisoned from mutie meat.

Flagg should have been the final foe, I wanted so bad for them to duke it out at the foot of the Tower, fuck King for writing such a stupid and emasculating ending.

It was almost like Book 7 was almost trying to ruin the series. I haven't read much of King's recent stuff, is he still making Tower connections?

>is he still making Tower connections?

not to my knowledge

There was a comic adaption some years ago though

According to Google, it's only been mentioned in Sup Forums threads, 3 on Sup Forums and 1 on /lit/.

The Shining was a very personal symbolic novel for King about his hardship with quitting alcohol and drugs. Jack was essentially a stand in for King so when Kubrick changed a lot of stuff especially removing when Jack sacrificed himself at the end to save his family it was like a slap in the face to him.

There was a Stephen King marathon thing on some channel last week.

They played a made-for-tv 3 part adaptation of The Shining.

Shit was bonkers. Way, WAY different than the movie.
Also hilariously bad.
Rose Red is kino

I half agree with this.
Both really enjoy peppering their stories with youthful figures, a group overcoming an evil, and out-of-nowhere psychological shit.

Because books are an obsolete medium so they gotta pander towards SJWs to make money.

You're knowledge is wrong.

For fucks sake, he wrote book 8.

I think every book since The Dark Tower has had at least one Tower connection.

Because the movie looked good, but was fucking boring

Oddly enough, that's been me every time.

King is all buildup and no payoff.

That said, The Running Man was fucking great, but King wrote that when he was still drinking and doing cocaine.