>decide to play XV1 abit
>just noticed that I can play as Towa or fight Towa in 1 VS 1
>decide to pick Towa to play and as CPU
>I can't handle my boner
Decide to play XV1 abit
I literally cannot play fighting games seriously because I get too aroused by the female characters. Especially if I'm playing as one, girls getting beat up gives me an incredible erection.
How? I never unlocked Towa.
did you get the DLC packs?
Been playing XV1 again because I'm hyped for XV2 but it's not quite filling the hole.
I need XV2.
Do yourself a favor and get unhype for XV2
Youre not allowed to till we see if they unfucked the balance
Like I give a fuck about balance I just want to beat up supergods with my literal Mary Sue.
>Your created character from XV1 will be a supporting role character in XV2
>You will interact with this character as your new character
>They are known as a great hero and have a giant hologram in the center of the city of them
Muh dick can't take this
On the one hand it's great, on the other hand I wanted to play as my old character so it's gonna be annoying having to be original now.
I have this problem too.
I got really attached to my main character, having to make a new one is going to be hard.
>Go find some Towa hentai
>Jack off to it
>tfw played XV1 on the PS3
So is there gonna be more Xenoverse 2 news at TGS?
I'm really antsy about just what will carry over from 1 and how much you need to do. I have the first game on Steam but kind of want to go buy the PS4 version so I can have my CAC show up in the second game instead of that faggy default character.
I'm sure there will, I didn't even expect any UNTIL TGS.
hey I'm on the same boat, truly it was a mistake
Why do you want XV2 on PS4?
but there are barely at all.
Bah she's far from the hottest Dragon ball girl. Even Zangya's got her ass beat in the weird skin color category.
>Why do you want XV2 on PS4?
Why not?
That's the joke
>implying she isn't the hottest
Because you have XV1 on steam? You literally said so.
Nah. Even West Kaioshin's got her ass beat.
So? She still deserves some love even if she's unpopular.
You do know that XV1 and 2 are different games right?
>i bought the 360 version of Xenoverse
There's no way to transfer my Character from the first game, is there...
Yes? But you literally said you wanted to import your save data. Seeing as how you have your save on PC already, why the fuck do you want XV2 in the PS4?
is xenoverse a fighting game or a 'fighting game' (melee)?
Action JRPG
it's an action fighter similar to raging blast and tenkaichi with MMO and RPG aspects
look it up yourself you gaylord son of a whore
Because I don't want to play it on PC. I want it on consoles. Not everyone is one of those "PC masterrace" autists.
I have friends with PS4s. I gameshare with one of them so we can split the price and play online together.
Consoles are comfier and less hassle than worrying about my aging computer's ability to play certain games without overheating and setting up controllers and all that shit.
Plus it's fucking retarded that PC games use the Xbox's shitty button layout that an old fucker like me can't get used to because the unoriginal morons literally just flipped the SNES buttons around.
The only reason I didn't get Xenoverse on PS4 is because the framerate was shit and I didn't have a PS4 when XV first released anyway.
settle down my child
>I have friends with PS4s. I gameshare with one of them so we can split the price and play online together.
See, now you gave a reason. That's fair. Guess you're fucked out of the statue of your CaC.
So what kind of builds are the most broken for pvp? What about pve? Decided to start playing the game again and I want to make a new character.
anyway to get ssj4 vegeta legit? I just want to play as him on pc
So I have a question for Change The Future skill. Is it possible to avoid getting hit by foes Ultimates if timed properly or it's only really small ki blast?
Is it worth grinding to get Unlock Potential?
How many of you guys have beaten all PQ's solo, and what build did you use? The second and third-to last missions are fucking rough solo.
Depends on your build. It's literally useless on my majin and it blinds me because the white glow multiplies my majins default white glow at full ki/stamina so whenever I try to do anything all I see is white light.
I literally can't play any end game PQs solo. I just fucking suck and I'll never get those skills.
Change the future and Pressure Sign both work on supers and ultimates.
Since CtF has you appear in front of them you have to time it a bit better, because if you do it too close your i-frames run out before the super is done and you still get hit. It's not difficult though.
She's over by the time machines, until post game, then she's over by the fountain with the rest of the Taino Force.
Pirated it and played everything solo. Saiyan focusing on special attacks, usually spamming Final Flash. Took a fair few tries.
>Guess you're fucked out of the statue of your CaC.
I dunno. That's why I want more information.
If all you need is a save file I can run out and buy a used copy to make a file, then return it and get all my credit back because my local used game store is rad.
Aw. I can do it on my main Majin but I do have to abuse Blue Hurricane because those niggers do too much damage.
I can't imagine doing it on my Spam Saiyan, though. How the fuck do you deal with many enemies rushing your shit on a ki spammer?
I've done every single one solo and z ranked. But I'm a human male built for striking with unlock potential. I don't rep full melwe gear though.
>hear shit like this about how people get easily aroused
>I don't even get turned on that much if they are naked
I mean I'm straight but just seeing a woman isn't enough to make my monster grow.
>Getting off on the worst Towa
I mean its like youve never experienced Darkness Towa
I dunno about that. I'd definitely put her on Zangya's level, which is above any of the other "weird skin color category" girls as well as probably all of the human girls.
Bitch please.
Anybody who plays these games for MP are retarded. Making a balanced DBZ fighter balanced is difficult, since the source material throws balance out the window, not to mention the game mechanics are very exploitable unlike a simple 2D fighter. If they try and balance it too much it'll be no fun allowed like DaS3 ended up being.
For the love of god get Day 1 servers working
Like they can't fuck up this time right? They should be prepared
user, you should note that I said "human" girls.
18 is human.
>Saiyan focusing on special attacks, usually spamming
everything after saiyan was redundant to be honest
She's an 'android', or actually a cyborg.
Marron's lucky her 18 genes kicked sometime before or during puberty in GT.
>that doujin where 18 gets impregnated by Marron's tutor
dick status = muh
Seriously though, think we'll get android's in XV2?
You do understand what a cyborg is, right?
>mfw the legend of Frosty the Fridge lives on
Does using AI companions count as "solo"? I've done them all but the one with SSB goku and vegeta. It's seriously bullshit. Even if I survive the timer runs out. Playing as balanced(read gimped) strike/blast fridge.
As a race? No, that's literally what humans are anyway, it would be a waste, you can make a perfectly good android CaC using human base and android super moves. Besides they confirmed we're not getting new races.
A Cell Bio-droid race might have been cool I guess, that's about it. Kaioshins maybe too but they're very close to humans too for CaC purposes.
I'm curious.
is xenoverse enjoyable without online component? i want to pirate it and beat it before xenoverse 2
>think we'll get android's in XV2
how would they be different than humans
we need
>whatever recoom's species is
The only thing that would make XV2 better would be the option to make a evil and/or Time Breaker OC that works for Towa and Mira with a fully fleshed out storyline
>those colors
>Does using AI companions count as "solo"?
Of course not. You haven't beaten those PQ's until you've had to deal with 2 angry gods on yoru ass with no one to distract them for you.
>whatever recoom's species is
Quoting you on this one: "how would they be different than humans"?
Do Freeza's have genders? I'm thinking of making a femme freeza.
You mean green slug people, they're aliens not demons.
Fuck no.
>>whatever recoom's species is
Literally human in the same way androids are.
But seriously, I suppose Kaioshin/Makaioshin or Cell bio androids would be the only new races worth getting.
This is more like Buronsons art style desu.
DNA wise, she's human.
>whatever recoom's species is
it was a joke you dunderheads
>You mean green slug people
no i mean demons like
Are you implying that characters designed by our lord and savior, Akira Toriyama, can be anything but perfect?
Cyborgs are human, user
Just duck his shot up fampai
And on my dick i dont give a shit and would rather just have a reboot from the beginning since DIMPs should goddamn know i just want to be the same faggot i was in Xenoverse 1 but modified to fit all the shit they inevitavly will change around. Minmaxets and even pseudo minmaxers are probably fucked without salvation unless tuey raised the level cap to the point that specialization roles dont have much point anymore
Which is smart and exactly why they wont do it
So I'm happy that trunks still trained and got ssj2 and fucked dabura and babbidi in like a minute, that's cool and it sticks to his character. Still wished he would have gone ssj3 and whooped buu, feel that it would have made black that much more menacing if even a ssj3 was no match but beggars can't be choosers. I just hope future trunks gets a power boost and gets to at least asj3 but I'm not holding my breath
Nobody could dislike her.
Easy to hate some of her fans though
A cyborg is 'part' human. Part being the key word. Or is it that difficult for you to understand that there might be a distinction between a cyborg and a human?
>>You mean green slug people
>no i mean demons like
That was a joke you dunderhead.
I never noticed how great XV1's soundtrack is until my current playthrough
I hope XV2's soundtrack is this good
>Fuck no.
Confirmed underage who never watched Dragon Ball.
A cyborg is a human with cybernetic add-ons. People don't stop being human just because they have pacemakers.
>Confirmed underage who never watched Dragon Ball.
Fuck off, furry. They were never relevant and they don't even show up anymore. And imagine if DBX suddenly became furry friendly. It would be like the Buuwaifus only a hundred million times worse.
Can't wait to hear something like youtube.com
It's a pretty obvious distinction from just being a human. Having a pacemaker doesn't give you infinite energy or eternal youth, and no one would say that a pacemaker makes someone a cyborg.
But this argument is dumb anyway. If you are so autistic then fine, she's 100% human just like Bulma and Chi-Chi.
Yeah, nah, fuck that bullshit. The one with Goku/Gohan spamming Kamehas was bad enough.
>It's a pretty obvious distinction from just being a human
Not really, prosthetics don't make you less human.
>Having a pacemaker doesn't give you infinite energy or eternal youth
But it keeps your heart beating properly well past what it's age should allow it!
A person with a pacemaker is just a very basic cyborg.
Because yes, Cyborgs are human. Though if we're playing percentages, I suppose it would vary on a case by case basis. Gero himself was almost completely mechanical, 18 herself seems almost completely flesh and blood considering she can fucking give birth.
You know this is an 18+ site right?
>can't join the Taino Force
The real reason Xenoverse is shit
>You know this is an 18+ site right?
You know furries are banned everywhere but Sup Forums?
Time for my Brolyfags to come in.
So I take it that means mermaids, centaurs and other such things count as humans too? And Gero is a human as well since he at least has a human brain.
>So I take it that means mermaids, centaurs and other such things count as humans too?
No? None of those things are human, they're born that way.
>And Gero is a human as well since he at least has a human brain.
He certainly was.
It'll be one of the many problems XV2 will fix. i fucking wish
Broly's a cute ass nigga. Would date.