I got to the part where it taught me how to make the console say "Hello World" can I make games yet?

I got to the part where it taught me how to make the console say "Hello World" can I make games yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I read the first chapter
No fuck off.

I got to the point where I can make hello world scroll across the screen.

So probably

Why make this thread? What do you hope to gain out of it?

Sure, you could probably make a very simple console quest. But keep studying if you want to make anything decent

You can be the ideas guy

I feel like a CLI text based adventure with the right social message could get a 9.5 from IGN today.

bitter remorse

Are books a good place to start learning a programming language? I'm digging into C# but online tutorials don't seem to be as handholdy as I'd like, because I'm apparently retarded. Any books that really in depth?

Why do you always antagonize everyone? You seem to always show up in the shittiest threads posting the shittiest responses. Fuck you saucy and your stupid ass I fucking hate you.

try a fucking 10

K&R is good.

If you're retarded use the Codeacademy Python course.

>If you're retarded use the Codeacademy Python course.

It's nice, man. Wish they'd do for more languages.

They've got a Java one.
I tried doing it, but honestly it took so long to run that I just fuck it.

Now get to the math then realize you enjoy playing games not making them

Thanks for this. I'll take a look

Is java good for text based adventure rpg things with perhaps simple graphics eventually

good for nothing, piece of shit language
go to /agdg/ they should have resources and people who are able to handle your questions better

You're almost there, user! Keep doing that for another year and you'll be all set.

You can actually make a text adventure game as soon as you master conditionals and loops. If you also git gud at classes and structs, you can code something easier to expand upon and maintain.

Check out "Beginning Visual C#". I read about 850 pages of the 1000 in the 2010 edition of the book, and those answered about 90% of what I was asked about in a job interview for C#.

Use libGDX and it's ok.
Alternatively use C# via Mono.

If you want graphical games that is.
For literal console stuff it doesn't matter.

Frankly just learn Game Maker. You will actually learn how to program (loops, data structures, physics, and object oriented techniques) which makes learning an actual language far easier -- it's just learning the syntax for what you already know.

Then see if you can finish a game because we all know you're just a lazy fuck.

How versatile is game maker?

Not that guy, but I tried gamemaker. And the tutorials in the program are horrible. So I tried following online guides and they just turned into a game of 'copy the code someone else writes. Which didn't help me learn code at all.

Is there any type of guides out there that actually teach you what all the different things are? I don't want someone to just write out a 30 line script that I copy. I want to fucking learn what a script is and what you use it for. Which the gamemaker guides suck at explaining.

At least you're not a little bitch and learning c++ unlike all the other trash out there

I haven't used it since version 8, but I imagine it's still shit for 3D games. Anything 2D is fine, but the main points are

- You'll learn programming basics that apply to all languages and all games.
- You'll learn if you're actually capable of finishing a game without the excuse of "programming is too hard".

>object oriented techniques
This is something that GM doesn't do. It's complete and total shit as far as OOP is concerned.

2D is fine, I'm just curious about how much freedom it gives you, or how little it does.

Tom Francis (Gunpoint dev) has a video series on YT


You will not learn anything using game maker and with 2d you're better using existing frameworks and libraries to create your own engibe

It has objects and inheritance -- what more do you need for barebones OOP?

That all depends on what you want to make..

>Is there any type of guides out there that actually teach you what all the different things are?
Take existing code, learn why it works how it does.

you can program the dialogue trees for Fallout 4

Shitty 2D text based rpg

Go for it. Hell you can probably do it in TWINE

Honestly when starting to learn programming with C++ you're going to get overwhelmed. Sure, it's going to make you a much stronger programmer on average if you don't catch a lot of bad habits, but it's unwise to start from C++. And this is coming from someone who started programming with C++ and Pascal at the same time.

That's one of the guys I specifically was citing as not explaining things well. I was able to follow his guide to make a shooter game. But after completing the game, I found that I only understood 20% of what the code was doing. And couldn't modify the code to make something original. Because the other 80% was just stuff I copied from his code, but never understood what it did.

Guess I'm just not cut out for it.

It can be done but there are certainly better ways to do something that specific. I remember a program specifically for text based games but it escapes me. There's always RPG Maker.

I learned C++.
You should learn C, along with python.
C is similar to C++, and python is used commonly, along with java.
t. Sup Forumsentooman

I'm learning Visual Basic .Net because a job I'm hoping to get requires it and have been going through Microsoft's tutorials on their website and it's pretty good. When I learned C++, I think I actually used an old edition of the book that OP posted. I liked the book a lot and easily got an A in the class despite not paying much attention in class because I went through the book. If you buy a book and go through it, you should learn very well.

I saw some text game makers, but they seem more geared to "interactive fiction" than actual games. I want something with more freedom and more complexity. But hell, since pretty much any language will do I may as well learn something useful.

Barebones? Maybe. But it doesn't really teach object oriented techniques as suggested in the post I replied to, other than a very shitty implementation of inheritance.

GM gets the job done as far a game making goes for someone with no experience, but I would never recommend it as a way to learn to program, programming paradigms, and programming techniques.

I think the Game Maker manual does a fairly good job at that, which is why you might not see it in a tutorial. This is the manual I found online, I don't know what's in the program these days.


Personally, once I had the basics down the easiest way to learn the rest was to simply look up the function in the reference manual which I can't find online.

It's assembly or nothing.

If you don't know what it does trace through it and figure it out.
I assume GMS has some sort of step through debugging support. Just set watches for things you're unsure about and digest it and look at the documentation for functions you don't know.

Reading and understanding other people's code is not always trivial and is something very important.
Just remember if you don't understand something LOOK IT UP. Just use google until you figure it out.

When I took my embedded design class, we had to do some programming in assembly. Honestly for super basic tasks, it wasn't that bad. Can't imagine doing anything even slightly complicated with it though. I enjoy looking shit up in the datasheet for microcontrollers and making sure you set or clear all the right bits for what you want to do so I'm kind of weird.

>Not programming everything in TIS-100.

I guess I'll go back and follow one of Tom's guides, but stopping to look up each thing. See, I don't even get what an assignment or function is, despite watching tons of tutorials and reading the gamemaker guide. Because as you said, I guess the tutorial makers expect you already learned what it is. I'm having trouble finding the context.

You now realize Game Boy games were written in modified assembly. Its amazing they made anything at all.

>not manually sending bits using electrical signals

>Not inscribing your code on Tichi wood with hand extracted Quatcha oil and casting it into the spiraling sea to compile.


I don't know anything about gamemaker but a function is just something that you define and then if you type the function you wrote into other code, it'll jump to the function and run through that code. You can also send variables to the function and a function can return a variable once it's done.

So for an example in C++ that sums two variables (completely pointless, just doing it for an example)

int Example_Function(int num1, int num2) {
int result = num1 + num2;
return result; }

And if you wanted to sum two variables in some of your code, you could just write:

Sum = Example_Function(op1, op2);

>not writing your code using smoke signals and letting the winds compile it

>int result = num1 + num2;
>return result;
return num1 + num2 you plebian

Almost every console game before the PS1 came out was written in assembly.

>what are highly profitable android games

Have fun waiting for the storm dragon to breath life into your objects.

Airfags, I swear to god.

>objected oriented programming

Platonic-Ideal Programming or nuttin

why? code is code. games are sstill technically in assembly. it's just been further abstracted.

moar like POO am i rite?

They either never use Android's NDK (because they're ported from iOS) or they're just using Unity/Unreal Engine and those use C++ and C#.

I'd rather a site be liberal with 10s instead of treating them like some sort of holy grail. I remember gamespot giving perfect dark a 9.9

>implying there's anything wrong with that

can't spell OOP without oops!

not designing your own architecture in VHDL