Which is better Sup Forums?
I prefer Dragon Quest
Which is better Sup Forums?
I prefer Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy, because almost everyone actually looks distinct.
Dragon Quest has better porn
I like DQ. They're so slow with new games though
Dragon Quest as a series has no bad game. Even its low point can be considered above average. And while its not universal, the majority of fans tend to agree III, IV, V and VIII are the best games.
On the flip side, even the Final Fantasy fans hate more than half the games. And can't even come to a consensus of which games are good.
Dragon Quest! Because it actually evolves along a straight line. Each sucessive Dragon quest game always feels like the last one only improved because they took what worked and keep making it better.
Final Fantasy on the other hand changes it's battle system nearly ever game to the point it's lost nearly all coheasion as a series.
All the main line Dragon quest games are good. Can't say that about Final Fantasy.
I've only ever played DQ so I can't vote, but it's nice to see some DQ love, even if it is just minors whining who haven't finished a game in either franchise.
Not interested.
Dragon Quest.
DQ, I preffer the simplicity and goofier and light hearted nature of them.
Mother is better then both.
I'm a fan of both but I gotta go with DQ. It has never lost it's focus, only expanded upon it, they key people behind it are still at the wheel, the sound design makes grinding fun, the episodic stories are pretty gripping and emotional and lastly I'm a slut for Toriyama's art. FF has tons of great games and despite it's ever changing gameplay, developers and looks it has stuck to it's original focus and that is to take risks. The original was an all or nothing risk for Square, and FF15 is looking to be a major risk too. Unfortunately with those risks comes flops, so it is a very flawed franchise too.
actually yeah. totally.
I agree with you about FF but instead of memeing how about you take a look at this. The purple haired delicious browns are twins.
I've started dragon quest 9 but the NDS graphics are pretty annoying, does the game pick up later on? I keep hearing people really liked it but so far it's just been 'okay'. I've gotten to the point where i'm outside the class change building.
both are entry level series that peaked years ago would be better off put down for good
DQIX is the slowest of the DQ games. Not just in story flow, but also the combat and on field enemies. The other games have some of the fastest combat in turn based gameplay. I'd suggest playing a different game before giving up on the series.
it was designed with multiplayer in mind so playing it alone wont be all that great. if you want to make it worth ditch your party and go solo like in the first DQ this will make everything more challenging and rewarding.
Both are overrated but good.
I prefer FF because it feels less like the same game every time.
Both franchises are weeb trash.
Oh no, I've been a little in DQ before which is why i picked up this new one so I'm not giving up on the series. What you said about the multiplayer makes sense as to what's eating at me gameplay wise.
Pretty much I really liked DQ3 way back when, what should I look into to get the same sorta gameplay?
Which is better Sup Forums?
I guess Final Fantasy. Roughly every other entry is awful, but some of the others are worth playing.
There isn't really another game like Dragon Quest III. DQVI, VII, IX and X all use a class system like III did. But that's really their only similarity. The stories, characters, worlds and everything else are very different.
But if the class system is what you specifically want, then try DQVII when it comes out on 3DS. Or keep playing DQIX, since the class system is really its best feature.
Both have aged like cheese left in the sun. So can't really decide.
Thanks, I'll keep trying with 9 since I got just outside the class change building anyway. Maybe go to 3 characters to at least stop the annoying FPS issue. I'll look into DQVII some more when it's out.
Phantasy Star
Alternatively, White Knight Chronicles ripped of this plot as well. I cant believe I was hyped for that game, it was a wreck