Now: Setup
Next: Double Dash 150cc All Cup Tour (38 min)
Later: FAST Racing NEO (35 min)

Other urls found in this thread:

hes so tall and handsome as hell

>speedrunning a mariokart game

Shit, i fell asleep during the fucking Zelda, did i missed any autistic outburst?

First for telling lewdposters to go shit up some other board.

happy birthday murca.

New one is here you twat


It's indecent.


Did I miss anything good?

>shit OP image
>no subject
>no thread edition
>no now/next/later

Wow, it's shit.

It was first, deal w/ it nerd.

this is so fucking fu

>tfw I live in a first world country where Nintendo and their shitty rehashes and rubberbanding racers are utterly irrelevant

Feels good man.

anybody else enjoying this lets play?

>donating anything to doctors without borders

This isn't just a waste of money, but an active funding of more niggers in this planet.

then why donate to anything? you are literally helping those who are less fortunate

Trying to F-Zero on rainbow road?

>EEnE at almost 4am

Shit.. I'm just gonna fap until then.

How come all the unique, obscure games are the ones being played at the crack of dawn?

While all the overplayed games we've seen hundreds of times are shown during the day.

The overplayed ones are overplayed because they are popular and bring people in. They get prime time to try and grab the most people for donations.



Makes sense..

I guess I just like the obscure games more since you dont usually see people running through EEnE or Barbie Game Girl.
Good thing I'm a NEET for now and dont have to worry about going to bed at a set time.

why is she wearing a gas mask while pulling her panties open?

does she smell?

you cant be this fucking retarded

hi Sup Forums

i hate when fucking people say "this was all i could donate". off yourself all you wanted was to have your stupid name read out to a bunch of autists.

who is this based host? Love this guy's voice

I don't know, maybe for people that wont grow up to become a threat and/or die of some stupid shit easily avoidable like not drinking sewer water?
Donate to a cancer hospital in your city, for example.
Prove me wrong

Hi Steve

woah this looks like HD fzero GX

Who was that guy for AGDQ earlier this year or whenever that played some miserable indie game that he just picked up like hours before in order that was so horrible that we found his twitter had him posting cringe shit about not getting women and getting friendzoned and shit

holy crap is that actually running on a WiiU?

why wouldn't it? do you actually buy into Sup Forums mems?

Watching on for any interested in a much slower, less spammy chat

Why does everyone hate trihex?
I actually like mario maker

All this flying backwards is fucking with my head.

The Wii-U can run a lot of games at 60 fps.

i don't know his name, but i know who you're talking about. he ran that shitty indie game where you fly around in the ship and then get out and do a zero suit samus looking side scroller part

you mean selloutex

>for $100 ill suck your dick and say swag while doing it

how much do you think the dev paid for this?

that said...this game does look fun


>Cant even see the other racers



this isn't even fun to watch

Because you didn't know him before he became a sell out piece of shit.

YES, I can't think of the name of the game or streamer. That twitter shit was so bad


Piss off.

>this run

Cheating faggot, just play the game normally

Reminder that this is what F-Zero could have been if Nintendo didn't go full retard at the turn of the century.

This game looks like shit, Sup Forums shills are on full force today.

This game's aesthetics and speed are giving me an erection

anything wacky happen yet?
Will tune in tomorrow since I'm tired as fuck and have spent my day playing vidya with friends.

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who play exclusively on Nintenturd consoles

Will she be making an appearance?


>this guy

>i dont know why i'm clapping but he said nice so i guess i should

a glitchless run would have been more interesting

>everyone's retarded except me!
Ace posting

Please clap

>Quitting mid race

>It's a streamer got paid to shill a new game episode


>Game is relatively unknown
>Very similar to F-Zero
>F-Zero GX is well liked on Sup Forums
Hmm I wonder why people seem to like it user?

How come there's no girl speed runners?

>skipping cutscenes by quitting
why isn't this considered cheating?

Fuck off back to your mental illness hugboxes

girls belong in the kitchen lol

as cool as these lap skips are i would've loved to see a glitchless run of this
it really is a great game

1 0 0 0 M P H

Ikaruga: Racing Edition


Reverse checkpointing is kind of lame, but this is certainly entertaining. And they don't feel autistic as fuck.

Autism is rarer in women

>new game

The shit's like six months old you mong.

>skyrim glitch exhibition
so they're just playing the game normally?

They have social lives.

Not enough girls with autism.

Who is the girl that announces donations? Sounds cute

there is user, her name is Narcissa

Because women are biologically talentless at everything

Don't start

>tfw there will never be a new wipeout

who is the host/announcer? I love his voice

cause he fell for the "sell out for money" twitch meme

like a high priced hooker, he'll do anything for $

>run consist of slaming into something and driving backwards to trick the game into thinking you went the entire track
How the fuck does people come up with shit like this

One of the few games I wanted to see glitchless.

Is this fine piece of ass streaming during SGDQ2016?

>That feel when still no PS4 WipEout at 1080p 60fps

NO! I've had enough of your bullying!

>skyrim glitch exhibition

That shit could last all fucking day.

No it's not, it's just more socially acceptable.

>four people total have submitted runs for this game
This is some jew bullshit

Why are pigs in videogames always evil?

This shit is fucking broken.
Love it

60 FPS isn't enough for this FAST

because they are busy getting FUCKED in their hotel room

The same way someone came up with building Mario's De-Facto speed for 12 hours to save half an A press I guess.

who /Extreme-G/ here
