In this thread we describe video games as vaguely as possible and try to guess them. I'll start with an easy one.
Two old men chase each other around the world and get into a fist fight on a boat at the end.
In this thread we describe video games as vaguely as possible and try to guess them. I'll start with an easy one.
Two old men chase each other around the world and get into a fist fight on a boat at the end.
a game where all you had to do was follow the damn train CJ.
you and a 7 foot tall robot "work together" to stop a old robot woman
serial killer kills serial killers
saints row
A game where you ride a train in the intro, and are on a train in the ending
you and your teammates try to not die while you blindly shoot at the enemy, then an RPG fucking obliterates half of your team and then you loose objective Bravo
suave katanaman in a suit kills peope
also uhh the moon or something
Capitalism but kawaii
TF2 but with waifus
> a game where all you had to do was follow the damn train CJ
Pong ?
ragnarok online
You play comic book characters and fight on a space station at the end.
Doom 4
God has a gay crush on the protagonist so kills him so they could be together in the afterlife.
Everything's fucked, but the entire game is just you continuing the cycle of getting-fucked
You crawl around the slums or some shit and random people you see for the first time tell you that it;s not the first time you see them and then proceed to tell you some crazy shit you did that you have no memory of doing
dark souls 3
or morning ending in bloodborne
Nier. Or alternatively, Dragon's Dogma.
You set out on an adventure of grand proportions and end up romancing the final boss.
You jump from floating platform to floating platform in an alien world while the narrator describes the events to another unseen character.
You have a task to complete. You do it in stages. You find out the results of what you do are different than you thought they would be.
Army of Two: The 40th Day.
Storming trenches and machine guns posts with your fellow Aryans leaving your friend who took a round in the heart
The entire game could be avoided if you didn't buy a ballon and actually be a good parent
Weighted precipitation
Shadow hearts would also be correct
Foggy New England town with monsters
Killer is dead
Old men playing at running the world. But the world left them behind long ago.
An animal collects shiny rocks to defeat some evil dude.
Aeris dies.
A game about exposing vampires to sunlight in a busy market city
Futuristic gang with amazing taste in music defends turf, fights police
You swear profanities at the bad guy for not letting other dudes killing you
Nice try, but nope!
You manage to head back to your homeworld after decades of being stranded on a remote planet only to discover humans are a slave race. You are tasked with rallying past allies and new ones to revolt against your masters who are already busy with a civil war
Stuff falls down to a snug fit
An operator fucked up and is transfered to a company of fuckups
The World Ends With You