Saddest scene in the game
Zero Time Dilemma
>6 billion people die
>2 babies die in that timeline alone
>but apparently le dog death is the saddest :((((
fucking normies i swear foh
I'm going to be sadder when my dog dies than reading on the news that 10 people in another country died in an accident.
>That was the last biscuit... thanks for everything.
>all these years on Sup Forums
>still fail the Monty Hall problem
>dog helps you communicate with other teams
>dog gives you hints to zeros identity
>dog keeps you company in isolation
>dog saves your life
fucking normies right
Is there a soundtrack release for this game?
An official soundtrack or maybe a gamerip of the PC version?
>Got the third game
>It was good but not great
>Now have to return to my real life and have nothing to look forward to
This timeline sucks.
>You know that biscuit I just gave you?
>That was the last one.
i switched the first time and lost, thanks statistics, you're a fucking whore
babies die in that timeline alone
Make the receptionist Birdman, you double nigger. Turning Bum Tickley into a Birdman outta nowhere in the last panel makes about as much sense as the disappointment that is ZTD
>This will be revealed in the 4th game. I hope you guys look forward to it!
I just finished the game and it was cool for 10 hours and then general bullshit after that. There wasn't any boss stage puzzle or any real ending. Who let this game happen?
I still think this pic is weird
I mean, it happened at pratically the same time the game was launched, the timing was way too precise.
I saved it with the exact same filename because it fits so well .
So nobody felt any threat from Delta? It seems like everyone's reaction to Delta was laughter and memes.
so was it revealed?
Life is simply unfair.
me too
>that feel when 10% of ZTD players smart enough to switch will get fucked
>that feel when one in 16,384 players will shoot sigma 14 times in a row before getting the blank
Uchikoshi ran out of budget at the end
Just like R11
>You're at the shelter and this dude slaps your girl's ass
What do you do?
Steam version has a "mini-soundtrack" (all the new stuff I think) as a free DLC for a few more days.
Our motives, unlike our reactions, are complex
Bout to start Life is Strange. Hope the story is as good as this trilogy
Because MIND HACKING was such a stupid ass pull. SHIFTing is a pretty neat psychic power but Mind Hacking? And it works like hilarious star wars life force usage?
Come on.
It's a message from the people who programmed the computer simulation we're living in.
the delta and phi left behind after sigma and diana put them in the transporter. they presumably starved to death.
Amazingly enough the black cloak showed up in the game but literally nothing happened with it.
Like, they bothered to render the thing, just for it to show up on a table for the good part of 3 seconds and then never again
>switch the first time
>Got mask
>try for the one without a mask by not switching
>Don't switch
>No mask
Fuck the RNG
Has there even been that many sales?
Would you guys be fine if the next game was about Delta having a Nonary Game in the Titanic in the 30s?
The first thing I thought of when that came up was all the times it's been posted on Sup Forums. Of course I switched (and thankfully got it right, as according to the file the game still operates it on probability).
Jump on top of him, sit in his lap, punch him in the face and listen to him tell you how much he likes it.
If there's anything I'd want from Uchi to expand for ZTD I'd be after-stories DLC. Hopefully free since I'd imagine their devs have broke even now.
Maybe, if you add up all the platforms.
Did he ever reveal what the planned ending would be? I heard there was some blog that had a discussion/interview/something with Uchi about r11. I hate when series/stories aren't ended properly and, despite a new entry never being made, the creator(s) never reveal how the story would end. This can go on for decades too.
Not that guy but The transporter just sends over a copy of the body. So the babies were still there after they were transported.
So, are we to assume that the Phi from 1904 is dead?
top A parenting also Akane bitch never came back to help them
That was really digusting. Sigma just sneered at him and told him to fuck off.
I actually got it right thanks to the offtopic threads in Sup Forums. Thanks fags.
Tell me if I have this right, a timeline of Sigma's life
>Be swole college hunk
>Heading home from somewhere near Christmas,
>Gets gassed by Zero
>He splits at this point
>his young self shifts into an older sigma in the future
>VLR happens
>Gets sent to right after ZDT bad end and starts researching to set up VLR
>meanwhile Old Sigma shifts into young Sigma's body
>Immediately signs up for Dcom experiment etc etc
>Meets up with phi
>ZDT occurs
I was thinking that too, however that Phi and Delta that grew up together in 1904 are in another timeline that didn't connect to the snail one.
VLR > ZTD > 999
Mira used it to kill people right?
There were 1800 people playing it at once on steam.
I feel like there was too much hamfisted stuff in this game
the Mom. or remember this, this is important or all the clues you get for clicking even twice on some puzzle
i know games aren't top notch medium but i felt patronized throughout
What if Uchikoshi is a SHIFTer and Zero Escape is a cautionary tale?
>when he said this was the only timeline where ZTD could happen he meant it
>shoot sigma 5 times in row only to have him die every time
>convince myself it's scripted to be a live bullet always before getting to a certain point
>come back to the decision after exhausting every single other fragment
>the first shot is blank
>think I was right in my assumption
>mfw I read these threads
That's a bullshit excuse. It's just bad series writing. He was just writing out of his ass without any planning that a trilogy should demand. Zero Escape is just a nonsense series now. The ride was fun, but it's all just super incoherent now.
Sounds right to me.
The one she was wearing didn't have a free the soul symbol on it
VLR > 999 > ZTD
Expectations change for each game. ZTD didn't clean up as well as 999 nor did it expand on things as well as ZLR.
That's correct, then the old sigma from the VLR ending of ZTD, after switching with young sigma after the game, goes back to his original body and tells Akane everything he learned from playing the ZTD decision game so she can use it to better improve the AB game next time.
it bothered me that they kept re-using tracks in places that didn't fit and making them lose impact
Like 999 trepidation over and over in scenes that weren't even scary or suspenseful, or blue bird lamentation
So why didn't Sigma and Diana use the transporter to double all of their food? If they had 10 months of food, they could just transport it indefinitely
>middle spoiler
Did you play VLR? Same type of shit happened with the bomb codes.
She was Left.
Someone make a porn mod where you can see Sigma and Diana having sex
My favorite part of the series was being able to disscuss the game with you guys.
Also, how the fuck they couldn't animate a jacket, but Mira's tits were no problem at all?
It's not a fucking printer, its a fax machine.
The last one, yeah
Phi moved to the US, became a researcher and adopted herself.
Feels like a waste.
Because Uchikoshi was asked if he wanted jiggle and he said yes.
Fax yourself? You now have 2 of the same document
It was just as bad as sigma being old man in 2nd. But thing about it that doesn't make sense is AKANE SIGMA AND PHI KNEW ZERO WAS AN OLD MAN. THERE IS ONLY ONE OLD MAN IN FACILITY HOW DID THEY NOT SEE IT SOONER THAT HE WAS ZERO
VLR was the best game. 999's puzzles were too easy and the AB game was better than digital roots
You also get a very big hit when you get the first ending after the coin toss, Mira would ask, 'does anyone know who this kid is?'
Which is odd since through gameplay is stated multiple times that they have lived together for at least 5 days.
please no these characters are pure
Tit physics have been around for at least a decade or two.
>send food 8 months to the future in the same timeline
>keep the food you just sent
>8 months later you receive the food from the past
Anons, I have a confession:
I have this strong memory of playing 999 and listening to the song "Fix You" by Coldplay...
This was many years ago though but..
Am I gay?
Did someone rip the models yet.
They knew Brother was an old man, they didn't know shit about Zero.
Why Akane didn't alert Aoi about this old guy named Q of all things, now that's what's retarded.
>If you were reborn as a fuck, frog, or even a paramecium, there would be no way you'd be able to recognize your own existence.
He actually did it. The absolute madman. He SHIFTed Kyle's mind into a dog.
Literally the only pure character is Carlos
i think most got it after the reveal, but it's just too out there to be considered clever.
Id argue it's even worse because the game never calls Q Sean until the reveal and the shadows were so small and ambiguous they could've been mistaken for stains or shadows of furniture.
It doesn't work if you have 10 options in the first place.
If they would have been 3, that would have been completely different.
This theory is so dumb that I believe it.
>he's essential to the project
>without Kyle, there will never be a timeline without the 6 billion!
Here he's rendered as a literal shaggy dog that gets shot at the end for no reason. Kyle was a shaggy dog joke.
It wasn't supposed to be a trilogy. 999 was standalone, it was successful enough for Uchikoshi to be asked to make more, then VLR and ZTD were planned together.
Not disagreeing on bad writing, just correcting you.
You what? Left is Sean.
actually, 10 options statistically makes you even more likely to win if you switch
Junpei flirted with Carlos
Mira is a slut
Eric is a fuckboi slut for Mira
Carlos threw himself on Akane
Sigma has an 18 inch dick
Diana begged for sex, likes it rough, and gets drunk, fat tits
Were we playing the same game?
VLR was certainly the game with the big budget.
Voice acted, a LOT of really good music, many escape rooms with more challenging puzzles.
It just shows how little budget ZTD had. It's a miracle the thing was even made.
>Carlos threw himself on Akane
he was merely pretending, doesn't count
Worst part is that it doesn't affect anything in the story at all. Everyone knew about it already.
iirc they knew that shit went down in dcom, but they didn't know there was a decision game going.
What about Gab?
>people post Diana is Zero on Uchi's facebook
>wonder how it's all going to play out
>that character has a lot of DAMN YOU ZERO moments
>Zero tells Akane and Junpei to meet him in a timeline where he's alive
>instead we get MIND HAX
I wish that spoiler was true
As gay as Carlos/10