
>It's not even an eroge, come on.
idk if threads deserve to be deleted but lets be real, its designed to jack off to above all else

>Oh, fug. I usually play VNs just once and move on. Hope at the end I will have an itch to play again
One route will take 4-6 hours depending on your reading speed. There's 18 endings to get and route branches at the 4th and 6th chapters for a total of around 26 different chapters. It's not a game where you're just meant to do one playthrough and then be done with it.

It isn't just "outfits", you mostly get pieces to wear instead. There are outerwear, tops, bottoms, legwear, footwear, headware, facewear, neckwear, armwear, other (back), hairstyle, and skin colour categories, each with varying amounts of stuff to unlock and mix and match. For example, I have 38 tops unlocked, and most items have several different colour / pattern options. There's also an outfit category which is specific unique outfits covering varying category slots, but usually everything that isn't accessories. I've got 43 outfits unlocked. I'm also still missing some, based on the remaining achievements, and I haven't gotten shoot 27 yet. In any case, there's a lot, so if you like dress-up it's great for that.



So is Dead or Alive, but just look at all the threads we have of that.

The mods want more space for overwatch threads

Just by curiosity, did they got the rights to use the danganronpa, miku and madoka magica costumes in the steam version of the game?

I'm pretty sure I've got 99% of stuff unlocked given the only thing I have left is one shoot I can't find, and I don't have any of those, so probably not. No Steins;Gate or Tifa costumes either.

So is this censored at all? If so, is there a company provided patch to restore any lost content?

>So is this censored at all?

But what about the lost costumes and the like?

You'd think that with S;G and FF7 being on Steam, it would allow them to include those in the Steam release.

Sorry, only Nintendo threads are allowed on Nintendogaf.

Costumes being removed due to licensing issues is not censorship, shitposter-kun.

JAST have no reason to have a partnership with Squeenix, so FF7 being on Steam has nothing to do with it. But it is ridiculous that the S;G costumes are gone given that JAST were the ones who localised it.

That seems more of a copyright issue than censoring, like the ikkitousen senran kagura ev collab, they can't be in the us version of the game cuz contracts and money, the director is trying to get then tho, but god knows if its possible or not.

Sorry, I'm not trying to shitpost, I swear I'm just tired.
I meant is there any way to patch those costumes back in from the Japanese release?

Not as of yet.

Now this will be an interesting test for the game's pc popularity, will the game be so popular among fans for someone will be to try to add back those costumes from the japanese / ps3 version?

I mean senran sv got moddable breast sizes, maybe it's not that impossible...

Is this accurate, Americans?

That's sad, but they did seem to put a lot of work into this and actually describe the dub as optional so I'll pick this shit up tomorrow.

We can only hope. More broadly, I hope this is the start of more eroge-y things on Steam. I don't think we'll ever get full hentai, but this is an interesting development.

Yes, that's the uniform for both female and male students.

>No perky nipples
No, not accurate

Funimation is run by all the jews left in the American anime industry.
More news at 11

>More broadly, I hope this is the start of more eroge-y things on Steam. I don't think we'll ever get full hentai, but this is an interesting development.
You clearly missed both Gahkthun and Kindred Spirits.

American Uniform (in terms of school) would probably be a Catholic schoolgirl.

Neck ties are the worst.

Is this better?

This game is problematic for modern Sup Forums moderation. We need more Overwatch threads instead.


Seriously? WITH the porn scenes?

>But it is ridiculous that the S;G costumes are gone given that JAST were the ones who localized it.

It really isn't. They, and Super sonico would have to reapply for the rights to release them again. Releasing a game involved in said special costumes does nothing to help your case because each license is individualized unless the contract agrees to allow all future releases to include said content. Most licensing agreements last only a year or two. A company can't even reprint the game with said content if they're license is up.

Yes. Nothing was removed for the Steam version. And you definitely couldn't post those CGs on Sup Forums without a ban.

It baffles me that Marvel vs Capcom 3 is already out of print because of this.

Shit, I assume the same is with Kindred Spirits?
This makes me so happy that Valve got their shit together and is allowing VNs uncensored on Steam.

Thought that makes me wonder why the fuck the new Muv-Luv requires a third party patch for its smut...

Because Muv-Luv is more explicit. Neither Gahkthun nor Kindred Spirits actually show ponos or vagoo.

>Is this better?
A smidge.

Just like the Witcher, I guess.

>thusting barely off camera is fine
>woman gasping in ecstacy is fine
>but showing vagoo or benis is too much :DDD now go bang as many hookers are you want Geralt.