How accurate is this?

how accurate is this?

Delete FNAF (Even 16 year olds think it's shit) and I say it's not too far off.

Half accurate. The only things that are true would be the fps games and flavor of the month meme games that their favorite youtuber played.


videogames are for children

Would Dota 2 make more sense than LoL?

add Sup Forums and it would 100% accurate.

somehow accurate

remove link and replace it with modern warfare

not accurate at all, its more like

"im a normie and a "gamer" starter pack"

Remove Link and it'd be 100% accurate

Zelda shouldn't be there.

16 year olds and mustards hate Japanese games though

man, why is zelda there?

modern dorks shouldn't like any of them, theoretically

16 year olds hate nintendo tho

16 year olds hate Pokemon, Earthbound, Undertale, Japan, Half-Life and Portal though

>6 Japanese games, 1 of which most casual idiots think is a western game and 4 of which everybody over the age of 18 is familiar with

16 year olds hate Pokemon, Japan, Half-Life and Portal though
*fixed it for you

Good start but bit too normie and most 16yos dislike Japanese games to look cool with a few exceptions.
>Half-Life and Portal though
16 year olds beat off to Valve shit.

>official "things the creator of this image doesn't like so he claims they're for 16 year olds" starter pack

A lot of this wasn't around when I was 16, but if it was I would have probably like it.

>They think that 16 year olds know or care about Half-Life or Portal
It's not 2010 anymore

>16 year olds beat off to Valve shit.

i suspected this would be a bait thread

More or less.

>Zelda and Skyrim instead of The Witcher
>FNAF at all
>Soulsborne instead of Ninja Gaiden
>Sonic instead of Mario
>Bioshock instead of System Shock
>Goldeneye instead of Timesplitters
>meme simulators at all

>16 yo
I dont get this.
I would also get rid of sonic and zelda from it, most likely japan as well and change pc master race to some laptop and you have it pretty much right.

>someone was upset enough to make this image

Implying FNAF caters towards anyone besides furries or youtubers who get easy views.

To think I would ever wish that it was 2010 again

dumb grafix poster. Vidya is better very recently than most of 7th gen.

7th gen sucked massive cock.
8th tries hard to choke on even bigger one.