Buy fallout 3 on steam sale

>buy fallout 3 on steam sale
>Open the game
>"This game doesn't run on windows 10"
>Tfw lost $5

TTW it.


Fallout 3 is the worst fallout video game program.

But I've literally played it on windows 10 without any mods user. Did you not buy the game of the year edition or something?

That's what you get for buying Fallout 3, get fucked m8

Nah I think 4 is worse.

>"This game doesn't run on windows 10"

What the fuck? I thought it was supposed to run just like 8?

Literally what refunding is for

that being said, game's a glitchy mess, I'm not surprised

What about new vegas? Is it bad too?

glitchy but good, both are good in their own little world when the game actually works

It is kind of buggy too but it has better writing and is an actual RPG.

Good game but it got rushed by bethesda so its pretty buggy without the patches

New Vegas' version of Gamebryo was modified to work on multi-core processors. 3's is so old that even looking at a multi-core processor causes it to shit the bed.

Honestly you'd have more fun shitting in your hands and clapping than trying to get Fallout 3 to work on a modern computer.

Was buggy on release but it's been patched up since then so it shouldn't be too bad. Problem with Fallout 3 was that Bethesda were too lazy to ever patch it, so it stayed broken.

Also in terms of the actual games themselves, yes New Vegas is far better than 3. Especially if you're a Fallout fan prior to 3 and NV, you'll really appreciate NV.

3 is worse, Fallout 4 is next in line.

New Vegas is the best Fallout game after Fallout 2. It shits on 3 and 4, Bethesda got butthurt by it, and did all in their power to not reference it in Fallout 4, because based Obisidian showed them how it's done. Too bad they won't let them make another Fallout, I wonder what new masterpiece would Obisidian make.

Refund, get New Vegas GOTY, add Tales of Two Wastelands.

I actually played through 3 though. On console at that.

Bro W10 is perfect haven't you heard?

Who the fuck doesn't have an SSD big enough nowadays to partition and boot from 7 or 10?

Then you should have realized that the only dif between 3 and 4 is that one has a voiced character and the other does not; both force you into a role, 3's being way more annoying than no choice in 4.