Gentlemen, how do we save Team Fortress 2?
Gentlemen, how do we save Team Fortress 2?
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Cute girls.
Let it rest in peace.
port it to source 2 with male and female characters.
It's fine the way it is
Teach Valve how to balance a video game properly.
we'd have to teach valve how to develop a video game before we do that
Someone should make a tf2 mod where all the characters are anime girls.
Wait about a week?
By the way OP is a fag
Find a decent server and ignore the cancer
I sincerely hope this update does something substantial. Even if it doesn't I'll still love the game, but it's gotten stagnant lately.
Easier said than done, user.
Go back in time and prevent Overwatch from happening.
Release TF3
Seriously, how's the comp mode?
There is a touhou mod.
If it's another fucking retarded video of the characters and a shitty comic book..
I'd be pretty happy but ffs we need actual gameplay updates. Fuck competitive. It's too late and dead.
valve can't even deliver the comic properly
when they first announced it, it was supposed to be 7 issues total, released on a bi-monthly basis
this was something like two (coming up on 3, i think?) years ago, and we're still waiting for the 6th
Last I heard Valve isn't as far along on the updat as one would think knowing all the hype around it.
More QTF/TFC weapons.
Give me the TFC v TF2 update already.
No matter how hard I try, I really just can't find any enjoyment in TF2 anymore.
It's far too late, the damage has been done.
Turn it into a moba
More MVM or are they done with that shit already?
>Trying to cure cancer with weebshit cancer.
You know, I think every class except Scout has a beard item that isn't all-class.
Your basic comp in a nutshell..
A player has left.
A player has left
A player has left
I had ten matches like that, same people kept leaving and you earn no points from it.
>mfw barely anybody plays this piece of shit anymore and fedora tipping neck beards are enraged about it
That's a shame. I'm not reinstalling for that. Thanks user.
We could add more classes. Maybe we could make the matches shorter too.
Nah, that shit would never sell.
By not trying to release a competitive mode to the public 10 years after release.
TF2 is a husbando game, not a waifu game.
But overwatch already mercy killed TF2
This corporation sits on billions of dollars in cash and they hire the cream of the crop. Wanna know why? So they can sit on their asses, pay themselves stupid amounts of money (millions of dollars each, it's the Goldman Sachs of Vidya Gaming) and they do absolutely nothing. Think of the sorts of games you would make if you had even fifty million dollars at your disposal, and look at the sort of games that Valve has been making for the last 9 years. It's a fucking joke.
>mfw no Spy in Overwatch
So many players fixated on one thing at the time would be perfect for some Spy action.
By taking away hats, adding females, improving graphics and adding a tiered competitive mode. Oh wait
Maybe we'll get a Spy in a future update/DLC.
>wanting that faggot
Ruiner of fun
>I sincerely hope this update does something substantial
We know for sure there's four taunts being released, we know from b4nny that there's "something both for competitive and casual players", we know that competitive is obviously coming out, and both Slin and B4nny are quite happy with the update.
>If it's another fucking retarded video of the characters and a shitty comic book
Actually, the SFMs and the comics have been very popular. One thing I see constantly in TF2 threads is people asking "comic update when?"
That said, I agree gameplay updates would be better. I want Pyro and Spy to be given skillful ways to be useful in comp, and I want cancer unlocks like Crit-a-Cola nerfed, and a new Medic, Spy, Engineer, Heavy or Pyro unlock would be nice too. Also gameplay optimization, and maybe minor map balance changes (like the viaduct_pro tunnel being added to Viaduct).
I have hope for this update. The hype behind the literal trainwreck that was EoTL was driven by community speculation, but the hype behind this update was specifically driven by Valve themselves, as well as two different competitive players and one trader, so this time I expect a lot more substance.
The game is dead, but seriously, what happened to the comics? There are supposed to be 2 more issues.
>tfw the last "Meet the X" video came out 4 years ago
>tfw Meet the Spy came out 7 years ago
>tfw TF2 is nearly a decade old
>tfw Valve hasn't released a new game in 3 years
I just want my fun company to come back, everything feels so soulless these days.
>Expiration Date came out 2 years ago
I really like this and Overwatch, I wish there were a crossover or something. Soldier 76 or Reinhardt would be pretty fucking nice in TF2
Valve has already ruined it by being lazy jewish cunts that take almost a decade before even considering adding a game mode that should've been at launch
>The game is dead
quit this meme
i play in australia and all through the day and all through the night to 5AM, there will be a minimum of two fully populated Valve servers, and a maximum of 40, and that's not even counting all of the community servers which also stay well-populated.
This game isn't dead. Third most played game on Steam is not dead. What SHOULD die, though, is this shitty meme.
>tfw the last "Meet the X" video came out 4 years ago
You're right about them not making new games though, it fucking sucks.
Nah man, Blizz and Valve are in a blood feud ever since Valve nicked the concept of Dota 2 out from under their noses. They even had a lawsuit over it.
I want blizzard shills to leave.
Please don't delete this thread too.
Why are you replying
>fixing a game that has past its golden age
not possible.
It's kind of interesting that they still haven't made a video showing the administrator despite her model being available, I'm guessing they're waiting for a finale to the series.
There was also that video recently showing Valve is working on Saxton Hale renders.
only if they're as violent and dumb as their male counterparts
That's a good point. I've seen an interesting theory that Pauling is Administrator's clone, maybe they'll both have a Meet the Video together.
We do have a Meet the Director comic, at any rate, which gives us a little insight into Administrator.
Any chance they might be making their own Saxton Hale maps?
I honestly only go on TF2 these days just to play variants of Saxton Hale.
also just noticed there's no lewds of the chicken lady from Expiration Date
It's time for a TF3, we can do better than this.
Too bad Valve can't into 3s.
If TF3 ever comes out it will be a good decade after everyone's stopped playing TF2.
I've been putting off reading the TF2 comic series for the longest time, I think I might get into it soon.
Should I just start from the very beginning?
Make a tutorial for using the server browser.
>tfw no TF2 animated series on adult swim
That would probably be for the best. Let the TF2 community die to the point where it's no longer profitable to keep updating the game. Then start developing a sequel and (being Valve) take ten years on it and let the release ride on the coat tails of hyped nostalgia for TF2. It'd be a hit.
Go ahead, man. There's a lot to read and some of it is quite good.
>Should I just start from the very beginning?
You might want to look at the update comics, which were released before the story ones, first, so that everything makes sense.
Start in the "update comics" section and work your way from the bottom to the top, then once you've read those ones, go to the "TF comics" section and work your way down.
And how many of those people are just sitting around on trade servers, trying to jew a few dollars out from each other?
How the fuck is time moving so fast?
I'm actually in a trade server right now, and nobody is even doing any trading, they're fighting each other. Most trading is done on third-party sites or the Steam Community Market now.
forgot to add: start with this comic mate
I want to get into this.
Any advice?
every time
>final comp stress test
>still no weapon whitelisting
>no penalty for leaving
i beat a team following the meta by running 6 gunslinger engis
valve doesn't give a fuck about tf2
I'd imagine it would play exactly like spy but with no invis and you shut down ults instead of turrents
You have to be 18 to browser Sup Forums.
>TF2fags still shitposting
When will they learn.
The only populated servers now are 2fort, trade_minecraft, and MARIO_KART.
TF2 died due to community content yet they still parade that Overwatch sucks without it
What about Soldier's new gf/Heavy's sister? What would she use if she got in the game somehow?
>I haven't played the game in years but still shitpost about it.
>valve doesn't give a fuck about tf2
lol remember how the dude who made the Hazmat Headcase updated it, and also made it equipable by the sniper as a joke? He though VALVe would tell him off, instead the lazy fucks just added it anyway.
They spent the last 10 years nerfing everything to be boring and "balanced"
Blizzard just released a game that made every class overpowered and fun.
I'd rather have completely new characters than try to shoehorn in ones from the comics. I already find Miss Pauling annoying. Besides it wouldn't make sense, the comics are currently set after MVM.
I just open up TF2 two days ago
You're a fucking liar, user
>tfw almost got an unusual one of those in a trade
Into what, Team Fortress 2? Okay, here are some tips:
Don't buy weapons from the Valve Store, they're overpriced. You can get pretty much everything you need by buying a single key from the Store for 1 dollar, which will also upgrade you to premium and give you a free hat. Then you can trade that key for every single weapon in the game. Or, you can just wait for weapons to drop for you, and getting enough achievements also gives you weapons. Stock will do you fine for most things, weapon unlocks mostly aren't vital.
If you're good at twitchy aiming and dodging, I recommend playing Scout.
If you're good at predicting where straight projectiles will go, play Soldier.
If you don't want to aim much but you have good timing and gamesense, play Pyro.
If you are great with predicting where arcing projectiles will go, play Demo.
If you are good at following a target in motion with your mouse as it moves around quickly, play Heavy.
If you like strategy and you're strong at managing lots of things at once, try Engineer.
Play Medic if you like healing, you're good at dodging,
Sniper is obvious- play him if you have precise aim, full stop.
Play Spy if you are good at dodging, timing, and psyching out people.
Don't wear the Ghastly Gibus or Pyrovision Goggles if you can help it, they make you look like a Brazilian HUEHUE.
Go into advanced options and turn on autoreloading, make your HUD "minimal", and turn your FOV (field of view) from 75 to 90. These things will give you an edge over other players who don't have them.
Let her die.
kek m8
>valve servers almost always full
>shit ton of full orange servers
>everyone is playing, friendlies are insta-killed
>get kicked for afk for the time it take to write a post.
go back to shilling your shit-tier chetoos meme character designs
Not him, but you're wrong about the only populated servers being "2fort, trade_minecraft, and MARIO_KART"
this is a screenshot I took just now from my server browser.
Funnily enough, Mario_kart servers are actually the dead ones.
>orange servers
Forgot image.
Just because a game is past its golden age doesn't mean it's dead. TF2 is still a good game, and it's still fun as a comfy shooter to pop into for a bit.
I've played 2000 hours of TF2 and I still want more. The gameplay and graphics are still totally serviceable, the game still works, video games aren't cartons of milk.
Counter-Strike's core gameplay has been going since the 1990s and you don't see people saying it's "too old".
>2 new reskins, a taunt and new robo hats
TF2 at this point is like a 1980's Toyota. Yeah it's a great car, but it's still fucking old and anything you do to it (outside of replacing stuff) is just polishing out-dated technology. Even Counter-Strike has had numerous iterations because of how dated the older games are on numerous levels.
TF2 really just needs a port to Source 2 that imitates the original while fundamentally revamping it. It also needs a hook now that every game and their brother has cosmetics or microtransactions.
>a taunt
4 taunts, we know that much.
There are 4 "private" videos on that channel, the same thing happened before Gun Mettle was released.
>valve servers almost always full
10 year old ADHD fucks who don't know how to play. They've been a joke in the community for years
>shit ton of full orange servers
Kill yourself
>everyone is playing, friendlies are insta-killed
What a fucking joke
End your life, you dumb shitposter
>Valve server
Again, fuck off