>No Breath of the Wild threads

You had one job, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


>still no webm of Bill's project exists

>Starting a thread with reddit OC
Die nigger

Bill's project?

As much as I love everything I've seen so far, I really don't want to keep talking about this game. It's no use getting hyped when the game is so far off, and there hasn't been any new news yet.

All I really want is Nintendo to confirm what the hell the NX even is, but wishes don't get granted easily.


He's trying to make Isabelle real

You people are way too focused on where content originated from,

I'm neither black nor a user of reddit, you judge too quickly friend

Cool. Now coupling with a downward aerial attack is necessary.

>Open world game that actually has verticality and physics you can exploit to make yourself airborne.

This shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is.

There's nothing to talk about.

We haven't heard anything about it since E3 and probably won't for a long time.

>You had one job, Sup Forums
more like
>You had one game, Nintendo

No, the press in the UK got hands on with the game recently.


holy shit

Looks fun but the visuals really are awful.

to be fair, they did show other games on day 2 of e3, but no one really cares about them.

They aren't.

Nigga there's nothing left to talk about.
And I'm speaking as someone who checks for any new info on this game every freaking day.

We've all seen the webms, we've all speculated on everything there was to speculate on.
Only thing left to do now is wait for the next major release of new info. Probably at Ninty's next Direct.

we havent seen if you can shield bomb jump or build momentum on a boulder and ride said boulder


You don't ever speak for me. I don't research this shit everyday and I don't browse Sup Forums 24/7. If you're tired of seeing the same stuff, then fuck off. No one is keeping you here.

Explosive Barrels + Fire

I feel like there's significance of the fact that "Link" is right-handed and doesn't wear any green

>Discussing a game that you're 100% certain to buy

No wonder I've been seeing a lot of "why aren't games fun anymore" threads lately.

New info when?

Link is actually Zelda disguised as Shiek using the manga's canon that Shiek is a boy hypnotized to thing she is the Hero of Legend. Link is actually the Old Man.

we haven't talked enough about what waifus there's going to be


>wake up in what looks like a cloning chamber
>no green outfit
>right handed despite no motion controls
>Hyrule is in a desolate state practically under rule by "Calamity Ganon"

Calling it now, it's going to take place before the flood of Wind Waker, and the twist will be that you're not the real hero of legend, but just a creation by the Sheikah made to pass as one since the actual hero incarnation kinda got wiped from the timeline.

This could also potentially answer one question that's been on everyone minds. In a game where weapons have durability, how will the Master Sword work? The answer: You will find the Master Sword, but you can't remove it from its pedestal ever, as you're not the true master.

I hope we get another fishing waifu

It's not like there are any confirmed girls in the game. All we've have is a voice that's feminine.

The waifu age may well be over, look at the compromises waifufags had to made with Skyward Sword.

>A sword robot who's hot but has autism
>A shop girl who is ugly but infatuated with you
>A country bumpkin who is cute and friendly but has two lines in the whole game

Cool theory but I have a couple issues

1) Link in WW is not descended from the hero, nor was he chosen by gods, the whole game is about him EARNING the right to be the hero through his actions, so why wouldn't BotW Link be able to do the same?

2) I don't think it's ever been established that only certain people can draw the Master Sword from its pedestal. Generally the reason the Master Sword isn't being used is because no one can FIND it.

>what is zelda

I disagree, this is going to be set in the downfall timeline starring the NES Link, and will take place after Zelda 2. The right handed Link paired with his hairstyle are giveaways to me, as NES link can use both right and left hand swings in Zelda 2 (due to sprite limitations) and the BotW Link has the same sideburn thing as the art for the AoL version.

Not to mention how the master sword is rusted in the sacred grove.

To be fair, Just Cause 3 has pretty impressive verticality that you can use shit to pogo stick high into the air, but this shit feels like the devs understood it could be done.

Next nintendo direct, I'd imagine, when the NX is shown off.

Speaking of, the Master Sword is always left in shitty forests for hundreds of years and comes out fine, just how long must it have been for it to actually rust?

Long enough to have been ignored in Zelda 1 and 2. Keep in mind that NES Link beat Ganon without even touching the master sword, so that would be an entire "cycle" with the sword lying dormant.

>no mention of QT loftwing girl from the plaza

Shame on you.

literally who
Hell, all those other students at that knight academy in SS were literally who tier

>to have been ignored in games where the Master Sword hadn't even been conceived of yet

You timeline dweebs really do drive yourselves crazy over this shit.

Though the White Sword in Zelda 1 does bear some similar characteristics to what the Master Sword came to look like in the later games.

Where's the even more power powerful sword with a red and gold hilt, Nintendo?


There's a fucking mandatory quest about you having to bring mushroom spores to her loftwing when she's stranded on one of the islands

Speaking of, FUN FACT if you hit one of the giant mushrooms in the forest with your sword and swing a bottle, you catch the spores. But considering that quest lets you retrieve spores from an NPC, doing so accomplishes literally fucking nothing

Why does the final game look so washed out?

Yeah, I know I'm talking in relation to games where the master sword wasn't even an idea. I mean, the timeline in general is working backwards and making plot points out of unexplained stuff in the older games.

2016 press shot looks about right. It's just missing the video compression and desaturated colors of all the footage we got out of E3.
Top one was probably a mockup. it was pretty early in development.

Granted the game looks much worse than the initial reveal but

>comparing a clear day shot with a dim overcast shot

At least apply yourself dude.

>making plot points out of

lol like when? All they did was publish a book of crap to make the weirdos shut up, none of the actual games pay any acknowledgement to that shit

>"Hey, remember how we said ganon used to be a guy or some shit?"
>"Let's make that dude the villain in the next game"
Stuff like that.

it's a meme, people have been intentionally fading out screenshots

I hope you know the last two come togheter in the press kit.

Wow that's some pretty lame counter-viraling


It's just Sup Forums trying to fuck about. I've seen a version where the in-game screenshot was also shrunken to 230p then rescaled back up, and the top image had its contrast amped up. People like to fuck around.

It was the only in-game shot I could find that was at the same quality as the others while having a detailed setting.

The rest of the images suffer youtube compression

>top image had its contrast amped up
i saw this. i'm used to shitposters but this really baffles me for some reason

I guess

It's really fucking weird though

Like some of these people are so vehement over console wars it's like if a video game manufacturer decided to hire a PMC they'd fucking enlist


>believing in a screenshot from a Sony cuck


I didn't fade out the screenshot.

straight from google images, polygon

Now tell us what's wrong with it

I like the animations when link gets rekt

The background. Detail is severely lost in comparison to the others imo.

Both the screenshots and webms, either on Sup Forums or offsite are all washed out.

I just need Nintendo to give us NEW INFO, wtf is the NX going to be? Will it be worth buying this game for the NX? Is there going to be a gimmik for the console please no.

I also want new info on the game, no direct spoilers like whats going to happen in the story spoilers but info like how many dungeons, various zones in the games, maybe some more gameplay with different weapons.

Having LoD is bad?

Fucking thanks man.

that actually still looks really good to me

>AM 10:50
is that in game time? never seen a day/night cycle actually give you that

Those are ragdolls
It's a fucking wii u, don't expect amazing graphics. I hate the console and i'm still excited for the game


All I'm suggesting is that Nintendo did a standard bullshot. Middle image may also be bullshotted to an extent, given they are originally 4k. They might have thrown in an extra tree or two to render out, more grass, idk.

>You will find the Master Sword, but you can't remove it from its pedestal ever, as you're not the true master.
Fuck, that would be the sickest shit.

Nintendo would never pull a bait-and-switch though.

The world is a better place for no one taking your suggestions, you whiny retard

Did I say I was whining? I just wanted to point it out.



>you´re a robo-link that was awaken because the real hero failed.
>The real Link is trapped with Zelda and Calamity in Hyrule castle.
>The Master Sword won´t be restored until you give it back to the real hero.
>mfw the final boss battle is a three-way figh, Zelda, the real Link and you against the monstruosity that is Calamity Ganon

didn't even notice the top one was a photo at first

Do people actually believe the 2014 thing was anything but a normal tech demo?


Because it is a heavily photoshopped photo.

>not posting the video

or it ends on just the reveal that you were not-link the whole time, and only after a repeat of the first mission
oh wait

I hope we get another item check waifu, especially for all the stuff we can forage in the overworld.

>Most enemies will have ether, total defense, maneuver speed/good dodge at a distance, or range attack advantage
>Still can't get inside temples without a key or going through the doorway

So far we shouldn't be worried about it

I don't see the need to enter a dungeon other than from it's actual front door as long as I can run through them without caring for an order

It may be time to get off Sup Forums for awhile user..

just set the picture mode to vivid.

What is it with BotW threads that so many faggs come and say "There´s nothing more to talk about", do you lurk 24/7 on Sup Forums"?

I know but the way link curls around himself makes it look pretty good

What key items do you most want to come back?

The Beetle for me.

If you could have pitched an item idea to Aonuma after knowing what he know about the game now, what would it be?

I would have immediately thought of a hanging tent pod/ball that you could remotely target at a rock cliff with a slingshot/Beetle which would then latch on to the side and POOF into place to provide you a rest area for stamina/hearts where there are no ledges and left you cook inside it.

Did anyone else notice how much the shrine entrances look like the dungeon entrances from the first game? This really struck me

>What key items do you most want to come back.

I think I would love the comeback of thw boomerang, it fits so well with the game's atmosphere and it was fun to use, especially in OoT.

>If you could have pitched an item idea to Aonuma after knowing what he know about the game now, what would it be?

I don't know about an specific item but I would begged him to bring masks back. Imagine having a grat arsenal of masks that let you do several things in the world. Maybe interact differently with npc towns or enemies.

nobody figured out the damage formula yet with armor

git on it autists

Lots of parallels between BoTW and LoZ

>Maybe interact differently with npc towns or enemies.
That would be nice..

I kinda wish they had implemented a consolized version of the Stamp Book in ST. I know the Sheikah Tablet along with the Shrines operate in much the same manner, but I meant for eclectic overworld spots/monuments like that Mount Peak shown that has a hole in it or the Temple of Time ruins. Maybe an autograph/traveler's book for key NPCs to sign so they can send mail and packages to Link and vice versa.

Holy shit somebody webm this part
Direct feed catapult launching while shooting midair arrows

>I would have immediately thought of a hanging tent pod/ball that you could remotely target at a rock cliff with a slingshot/Beetle which would then latch on to the side and POOF into place to provide you a rest area for stamina/hearts where there are no ledges and left you cook inside it.
would be the comfiest game of all time if you could hang it from a cliff overlooking water and fish from it