>fight Alduin the first time
>wow that was exactly like the other dragon fights
>fight him in sovengarde
>expect him to be a challenge
>exactly like all the other dragon fights except with three different companions that weren't needed
How did this game go so horribly wrong
Fight Alduin the first time
Other urls found in this thread:
>expecting Bethesda to do anything decent
The nature and physics of elder scrolls games makes it literally impossible to have a meaningful battle.
So this was really supposed to be one of the dragon gods that created the entire world and wrote the Elder Scroll?
It's how elder scrolls is
>insanely powerful necromancer
He summons one skeleton and dies instantly
>thousands year old vampire
lel, ded
>literal Daedric God
Scripted episode of "Martin vs. Wild"
Literally every fight in every elder scrolls is underdone because of the way they handle combat
After fighting Grigori in Dragon's Dogma every other dragon fight is boring.
If you don't get this non-jap shit out of my face
>watching cartoons
>not using Deadly Dragons
>I played it on easy
>he likes skyrim combat
get out normie
>fight a dragon
>wow, he's like all the other dragons
No shit, dipshit
>implying Elder Scrolls is ever difficult
>implying I should play at max when the only difference is absolutely fucking retarded health bars
M8, moving the difficult at all is retarded and just fucks any balance that was there to begin with
>it's a Bethesda somehow makes a good boss fight episode
>he didn't play dragons dogma
Fallout 4 has no final boss what the fuck is this world
This coming from the same people that had that general guy or whatever from 3 being a final boss I guess we should have seen this coming.
I think that some people were expecting some form of boss fight where Alduin fought in a way that would somehow differentiate him from the other dragons.
Guess they forgot that Bethesda doesn't do boss fights that aren't just a normal enemy with more health and damage.
>After fighting Grigori in Dragon's Dogma every other dragon fight is boring.
Can you imagine this fight if it was on the moon like it was originally gonna be? I can't believe we didn't get to fight a dragon so hard the moon exploded.
>game crashed 7 times before I beat him
Aside from that it was ok, could have been better sure but at least it's better than vanilla.
gotta support our boy trainwiz
Nice excuse. Even fucking King's Field had a couple of proper boss fights.
Him and a few others are the only redeeming thing that comes out of those /vg/ threads, the rest is waifu faggotry.
Jyggalag was good for just how fucking strange it was. Snowy was a great scrub wrecker. Most of the Telvanni mages were tough to knock over if you were at or below their level.
I'm a gamer. You get out, hater.
power fantasy rpg
you can become so powerful in the game you can literally one shot every single enemy
It's not really a game about player skill but knowledge of the game
I just defended Skyrim on Sup Forums it's been a while
>power fantasy
Why couldn't they have kept it like the older elder scrolls where you can only level up if you level certain skills
Is this bait?
that wouldn't have been a problem if dragons weren't the most predictable enemies in the game. i have more trouble fighting a pack of cave bears than i do fighting dragons. dragons only seem to exist for grinding your combat skills.
>play skyrim
>fight dragons, do any quest that isnt the main one
>ok time to shit on alduin
>fight alduin for the first time
>unbeatable piece of shit
>do literally no damage
>lose everytime
>reduce difficulty
>still be bulky as fuck
Your mama is bait.
Don't forget the 30 seconds of sitting there yelling into the sky.
But's that's a wyvern.
>fight alduin for the first time
>unbeatable piece of shit
>do literally no damage
>lose everytime
I can see a lot of people new to the series having this problem.
If you rush the main quest and don't take your time to build the character/acquire some decent gear the first fight with Alduin can be extremely unbalanced.
>Get so hyped for this DLC
>None of the main quest line quest flags work
>Mirak doesn't spawn
>Manually setting the quest progress doesn't unfuck it
>Manually spawning him just has him be a generic enemy with no dialog
>Go earlier and earlier into my save files to try and fix it
>Nothing works
Serves me right for getting excited for Bethesda stuff
No, what i meant was get like 80 levels, legendary dragon armor and weapons, and still do no damage to the fucking dragon
Play on a console, it always works then
I'm using it right now and can tell you the meteor strike out of no where with no indication or way to dodge is bullshit.
And King's Field isn't made by Bethesda on the Gamebryo engine.
Yes but it plays very similarly, which is kind of embarrassing.
The engine is what matters though. The limitations of an engine are limitations on the game itself.
The only boss that was really hard in this game was Crosys or whatever when I first stumbled on him.
That shit was intense. Mostly because underleveled. But intense.
>haha wow, you're a legendary guy whose power to speak like dragons matters
>here's 10 other guys who can do it, though
>nobody cares that you can do that, by the way
>you will never be better at speaking like dragons because why would we give you perks or a skill tree so that you can specialize in this power that you and this small cadre of other guys and their uncles are so famous for?
>it doesn't take three guys to do this ritual, IT TAKES FOUR HAHA
Fuck this.
except morrowind, where fighting dagoth ur isn't even the goal.
Skyrim and Fallout 4 both feel like games made with a drag and drop toolset. Nothing seems to have weight to them, combat is usually ass, shit constantly breaking.
Bethesda hasn't developed an interesting game in years.
Fuck off, that was how you beat the game and you know it, morroshitter
To be fair, modders can make better boss fights in skyrim. The problem is bethesda don't work like they do.
Good one