Finish the first story

>finish the first story
>start with a new character
>want to get up and make a "WHY DOES _______ CHARACTER SUCK?" thread
>character actually turns out to be fucking awesome
This fucking game. If it weren't for the bosses being recycled so fucking much I'd say it's better than Muramasa but I just barely got to Velvet's story so I guess I have an entire second part to play through if I'm not mistaken.

I know it's been out for a few weeks so how'd you niggas fare with this masterpiece? Vanillaware appreciation thread.

Bumping with mushroom tits

Literally built for sex

worst character to play as though

Thanks for the bump

you can't skip her?

Only played two hours so far but shit rocks. Now I'm just hoping they release Muramasa on PS4. Never got a chance to play that game.

Yeah there are some recycled bosses but every character has unique bosses anyway :)

I'd say it's much better than Muramasa, characters just have so many more unique moves and you can personalize the ones you like the most.

>Yeah there are some recycled bosses but every character has unique bosses anyway :)
Yeah, I noticed. I was just hoping it'd be more like Muramasa where each character had unique bosses (even though I played through all 6 Muramasa campaigns and beat every single boss with each character).

Not sure if you can really skip anyone. When I reach the final chapter for each character a new book opens up.

I made a weebum

Very cute, user. Combo should have gone on longer.

GUYS GUYS GUYS I have a question:

Is Cornelius a reference to LttP when link turned into a bunny?

isn't this just where you're put into a level that just keeps going around, until you clear everything out? is there much exploring? thought this was like castlevania but it looks more like some arena type deal.

>Combo should have gone on longer.
I know, I'm fucking awful. But the combo potential for Cornelius is ridiculous

>Is Cornelius a reference to LttP when link turned into a bunny?
Never even crossed my mind but I can see how it could be.

Muramasa is has more exploration. Dragon's Crown even more so but that one's a more traditional beat-em-up.

Odin's Sphere is pretty barebones outside of just fighting tons of baddies/boss monsters.

It's fun as fuck and all the characters feel really unique and are super fun to experiment with.

>isn't this just where you're put into a level that just keeps going around
It's just different areas with repeating backgrounds. Vanillaware has a big problem with padding out their games like that but I guess their heart is in the right place.

Odin Sphere has similar level design, but there are certain areas that do "loop" a bit but they still have designated exits and entrances. just pulled the file out of google, don't give me shit about the watermark pls

>that watermark
What the FUCK, boy?

Made another weebum. I'd like to see some stuff from other (better) players though

>Vanillaware appreciation thread.
I got you senpai

One more bump

She's amazing, though. Round Flare, Sling Whip, Spiral Drive. Get them.