>vita loses another exclusive
Ahahahahaha suck it vita fags PC master race always wins
Vita loses another exclusive
>Vita is the premier deluxe delivery platform of games to Japan, the golden standard is mobile.
>Japanese games take generally a year at its fastest to be translated and sold overseas
>PC superiority for 2nd hand experience of games generally ported 4-5 years later??
At this stage games getting a boost of sales helps these companies, it's like the A to C genre of games, and PC grants superior backup so it doesn't go obsolete.
PC master race also doesn't need to gloat since there's such things as emulation.
The only time PC master race should gloat is when they haul in an entire platform, such as Microsoft exclusive library. Now that is something to snicker about creating a no game console.
Why did they bother when it's not the enhanced version.
Pssht, you'll make the mustard uncomfortable when there's a better version of the game out there than the one he gets.
Another day another platform war thread.
Peecee is the master race...
Peecee is the master race...
Peecee is the master race...
Peecee is the master race...
It's been too fucking tame
Barely any shitpost threads these days
Idk if mods are cleaning shop of if the usual sony shitposters got tired but man is it boring
Don't worry sonygger we'll get the enhanced edition too
>Implying I care about some trash weeb games
Get out peasants before I get violent with you.
Question, this has something to do with Faxanadu? I know Faxanadu is actually an spin-off of the Xanadu series but I know nothing about the series.
Thanks in advance
>PCucks are so fucking desperate for games they'll BRAG about getting a direct port of 5 year old Vita scraps that will need to be modded to be playable
Holy shit, you people are hilarious.
But the PS4 version with extra crap was announced ages ago
>Cant see obvious falseflagging
As expected from a peasant halfwit
Man, I pity Vita owners that have to pretend they love their handheld while being killed inside by buyer's remorse.
Funny that's what I think about pc fats
oh FUCK you
>tfw console owners will never play Dark Souls 3 at more than 24fps
>Sonycucks still get this mad at getting cucked
The tears never stop
I own a PS4 and played Dark Souls 3 on this. Where's your god now?
It's shit.
I'd post details again, but there was this one creepy Vita owner that would suicide if he heard them again so whatevs.