Have you finished your pc yet user?

Have you finished your pc yet user?

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Nope still using this piece of shit anniversary pentium and waiting for Zen. Just how did intel manage to fuck up esata this hard?

Yeah, and my graphics card's been shitting its pants lately. I guess I was due for an upgrade a while ago, but I don't really feel like throwing out any more money after blowing a lot of it towards a cpu and motherboard

Nope, not yet.

If nothing goes wrong, It will be done by Fall.

Why the fuck would I build a PC when I can just buy a console?


nah because I ain't no fucken nerd

no, because i'm not going to spend ~$1000 to be one more fool who was meme'd on by the PC purists

Yeah, five years ago

Finally got my hands on pic related beauty last week and finished my build. Its good to be back among master race ranks.

Why do you own so many multiplats? You're not using a console the way it's meant to be: Close-sourced, proprietary, and anti-consumer


give it back jamal

Whats wrong with your hand?


I did
its good when you ignore the fact that I accidentally got it with a 100 GB hard drive someone please kill me

>tfw have an OCd fx8350
>tfw have a gtx770
>tfw have no SSD
>tfw have 8Gb of RAM

I literally have no idea what to upgrade first.

not much better tbqh


just buy another one and shove it in there nigger, it's a pc

I'm saving up for the parts. Not there yet, but will be soon.

You PC virgin race faggots might have the high end but you'll never have the quality of exclusives that us PS4 gamers have. yous think yous are the master race yet yous have no decent exclusives whatsoever

>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played.
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up and everyone has to sit really close together cause of wired controllers
>try to set up my PC to my TV for larger screen but my PC is large and won't fit properfully close to my TV and have to put in weird angle
>it won't support wireless controller so have to be wired 2 feet away from TV and have to sit on the uncomfortable floor and not my couch
>start playing less and less and go on Sup Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

Well if you don't buy a 700-1k pc you have to suffer shittier graphics, low frames, no unrestricted mods, no wii emulator, limited multiplatform, have to buy remasters instead of getting it free and paid online

Away with you peasant, I cant stand your foul smell

>tfw you fell for the pc gaming meme
>tfw no good exclusives other than fps and mmos
>tfw already bored of overwatch and no good games to play

Bring the games back you stole tyrone

how's that backwards compatability treating you kiddo?

No, my brother-in-law's working on it.

>put disc in
>wait 90 hours for download

Bought everything to upgrade my PC so it would survive the next two generations.
700 bucks.

Motherboard was Dead on Arrival.
Sent in for a replacement. 2 weeks later, I get another one dead on arrival.
Sent in for another one. Dead. Sent it back for a refund.
Lost my drive right there. My CPU, RAM, and GPU are sitting back in their boxes, while I decide if I want to even start this again before traveling at the end of July.


it went really well actually

MARIO IS A ______

>Bethesda game on console

So a consolefag's problems are almost entirely stemming from the fact he's a consolefag?

You retards are beyond insanity.

Rest is still workable.

Maybe get some better Internet there, fucknut

>no good exclusives
That's how we know you're a retard.

What brand?

Not quite, just waiting to have enough dosh for a 1070.

>put disc in
Why bother waiting? A fuckwit like yourself might as well punch out early and do the rest of the world a favor desu.

the fuck are you talking about

you have a million good games to play you fucking nigger

Mount and Blade
Unreal Tournament
Grim Dawn
Star Citizen
Anno 2205
Age of Decadence
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Heroes of the Storm
Pillars of Eternity
Cities: Skylines
Endless Legend
Path of Exile
Europa Universalis
Papers, Please
Dota 2
League of Legends
Total War
Tribes: Ascend
The Binding of Isaac
Kerbal Space Program
World of Warcraft
Endless Space
Simulators (Euro Truck, Farming, etc)
Counter Strike
Dwarf Fortress
Heroes of Might and Magic
Red Orchestra
Age of Empires

and a thousand more

what brand of what dawg

I'm waiting for my 1080.
Then I'll start thinking about what screen to pick.

>What brand?
What did he mean by this?

should've gotten another 8gb but you can always just grab more down the road. ram is pretty cheap

Motherboard. ASUS/GB/MSI/...
Or rather what model exactly.

MSI Z170-A PRO (MS-7971)

says it right there in the speccy bud

Wow, the 750 is a piece of shit isnt it
Anyway I think Broforce has frame drops on purpose, like its emulating a SNES when they dropped, it was awesome for the time, because it was like slowdown when cool shit happened

Nope, waiting till aftermarket 480s or the 1060 come to save me.

Don't you know? A PC is never done.

Get an ultrawide senpai.
Its like a whole new experience.

Oh I'm really sorry anons, it was meant for I dun fucked up.

the cooler is too big so I actually can't do 4x4 on this motherboard, but I'll upgrade to 2x8 eventually


But why? I don't really get the incredible benefit of vidya loadscreens lasting for 2 secods instead of 8.

Those 2 gigs of VRAM on the 770 are really showing with latest releases. Wouldn't it be wise to dump a 1070 in my shit and just call it a day? I don't really care about reduces loadscreen time but those extra fps when actually playing are going to make a huge difference.

I wish I had an excuse to upgrade my 2500k+7970ghz desktop but nothing is coming out that really pushes the envelope.

Shit, I can play half the stuff that comes out these days at 2160p if I turns a few options down.

>Misinformation: The Post

Nice bait

the SSD is for you OS, wingnut

Bow down peasants

I know. How does a faster loading OS benefit vidya? This is fucking Sup Forums you fag.

2500k is OP, still rocking mine as well. I did have a 7850 OC'd to 7870 speeds, but I was able to pick up an R9 290X OC for $80 recently.

It benefits day to day use of your computer you fucking faggot if all you care about is videogames the nbuy a console

And don't call me a wingnut, you fucking weeaboo hobo

it benefits your fucking sanity and overall quality of life you god damned doofus we have a finite amount of time on this planet and every second you're needlessly waiting for your OS to boot is a second lost to time that you'll never get back, you'll be an old fucking wrinkly man on your deathbed begging and pleading for extra minutes that you don't have because you installed your OS on a HDD and not an SSD

Yeah about 5 years ago.

This image should literally be banned.

Do you like getting fleeced?

The reason you use an SSD for your OS and not your games is because SSDs can die without warning, like, BAM, DEAD.

And with an HDD, at least you hear a clicking sound or you start getting bluescreens.

>no OC on the i7
>spending $200 on a mobo for ONE (1) graphics card
>3TB HDD, but only a 250GB SSD

Again, why do I need this?

I'd much rather spend 400 bucks on something that would actually improve performance in the most hardware intensive stuff I do, which is vidya.

Why do I need to spend 150 bucks just to speed up my day to day use which is already fast enough for me?

>970 meme card owners BTFO by 390
>BTFO again by 480


I want to build a mini-ITX lancube but I'm running ATX in a mid tower right now. Don't wanna buy a new motherboard so I'll probably wait another few years to do it.

the 480 isn't competing with the 970, it's competing with the 1060

>no OC on the i7
How would you know? Speccy doesn't list the actual clock in the summary window.

>3TB HDD, but only a 250GB SSD
It's the BX200, one of the shittiest SSD's money can buy.

At least it's not a Kingston. Garbage memory controllers.

You think it's fast enough for you but the day you buy an SSD you will realize your computer was a snail

>It's the BX200, one of the shittiest SSD's money can buy.

Yeah I had a BX100 and it was good so I got BX200 without reading any tests now Im too lazy to change it. Maybe later I will get an M2 ssd.

That's racism.

>AMDkeks had to wait either a year (and by a reactor) or two years (and keep buying motherboards on a weekly basis) to get comparable performance
>still have to resort to posting doctored 'average' benchmarks to not cry at the terrible performance

This is the dumbest post of the week

I think you meant to say

>download game
>play game
>mod as you please

As well it should be.

Thats it? Where are the rest of your games?

what games are these bench marks for? I play almost any game on ultra with at least 60fps on my rig

My fucking GPU just shat itself, meaning this will have to be the 3rd one I get within 2 years.

If this next one breaks within the year I give up on PC gaming.

image deleted

They always bump everything to max, even when it makes no noticeable difference while the game is in motion, like max AA and larger textures, even when the card's VRAM can't handle it.

pls don't be Nvidia

I really don't understand this "anuddah second lost" bullshit.

Do you have a ledger with all your time from this very moment until you reach the age of 80? Do you update it on a daily basis, noting the 12 sec gain you made when you wiped your ass 1 time instead of 3 after taking a dump? Do you run anywhere just so that you don't waste time walking? Do you use any of your time for something so incredibly productive or vital for the survival or progress of mankind that you couldn't spare a literal few seconds a day?

What the hell is this bullshit and why is it so popular? I bet you god damn moron lose at least 2-3 hours a day on fucking Sup Forums.

Thinking about all the time you've lost is like thinking about all the money you've wasted. If there is an ultimate truth about life, it is that waste of money and time is what life itself is all about. Why are millennial faggots so fixed on being incredibly time efficient despte that all they're doing is literally pointless and absolutely meaningless?

AMD, then Nvidia, soon to be another Nvidia

>tfw my brother-in-law went through 9 Xbox 360's within a couple of years
Unfortunately all electronics have a failure rate. It sucks when you are the unlucky one though.

replaced the gpu, everything else is ~4 years old
if i came into some extra cash i'd probably buy a bigger ssd because i can really only fit 1 or 2 games on it atm

why is my cpu so hot when i'm not doing anything?

>why is my cpu so hot when i'm not doing anything?

Bad thermal paste
Bad cooler

Replace the cooling paste, get a better cooler get more case fans, improve airflow

Maybe your cpu cooler has gone to shit? If you can confirm it is running, then maybe buy an aftermarket.

High temps on idle could mean one of several things:
> badly applied thermal paste - too much, too little, none at all, unevenly distributed
> bad contact between chip and cooler surfaces
> bad airflow/pressure inside case
> way too high room temp
> bad chip
> CPU cooler not good enough for it, for example doing OC on stock cooling
> bad or weak VRM module on your mobo with not enough power to handle OC'd CPU typically would only heat up the VRM itself, but sometimes it could indirectly make the CPU hotter

>improve airflow
any downsides to just leaving a panel off

Increased dust amount. If you don't clean it regularly the dust will cause you problems, and more dust means cleaning it more often. If you want to go that route, it would be best to find a way to still filter out some dust. Some home remedies have been shit like using pantyhose.

Also, don't forget that removing parts of your case also means increased noise, and reduced protection.

No, it's my first build and I bought a motherboard too big for my case and I'm worried the RX 480 is going to ruin the rest of my parts because of all the issues. Just..

>buying a reference card
But for wha purpose

>I bought a motherboard too big for my case