
Leave that Reddit shit there.

Praise Lord Gaben!! :D

is this the new kind of shilling? mental propaganda? we had this thread 3 times today

The empire will never die.

Sorry I didn't know. But it's still something worth discussing.

no its not

sage and report

>please stop accusing us for our shady business you goy!

>>>>He's running it
>not two youtubers taking advantage of young kids

Not surprising.

Valve has been cultivating gambling behaviour by their operations in CS:GO.

It was only a matter of time before this blew up.

So how much did you piss away in a virtual casino, user?

>constantly say steam is shit and filled with kikes after all the bullshit they pull in the past
>suddenly this whole thing
Don't bother, OP. People will continue to suck that fat fucks cock.
This is what happens you almost have a monopoly on online vidya and retailing

Stop posting your shitty video you nigger.

>social justicing
not even clicking. kill yourself kike.

>you can sell them for money on steam itself

Stopped watching there. You get money for your Steamwallet. You can't take the money out of the system.

>steam wallet credits isn't money

5x actually.

You can't take money from steam but you can still sell the skins outside of it and make actual money.

Value is Value, m8.

Real life currency aswell as digital currency is still value.

That has nothing to do with Valve at that point.

you are being conned out of your money by 18 year old dude bros. if you cant see that these sites are a scam from a mile away then i dont know what to tell you

Valve has nothing to do with it other than making the random crate system which has been a thing forever and isn't even the problem. Its just two scam artists (theres probably more out there) conning dumb kids out of money online nothing new here really.

you can sell your dirty drawers if someone is willing to buy them, Valve can't control outside markets

Wait, why the fuck is this a problem now?
Didn't TF2 do this years ago?

Steam sucks, CS:GO sucks, and faggot youtube e-celebs suck. Go kill yourself you reddit cuckold.

>Sup Forums
>edgy kid that unironically calls reddit leddit
>doesn't even fucking understand what's going on

>MMOs have a bunch of RNG shit some which allow you to pay real money to lessen the RNG
>You can sell your gear or account for real money on third party sites

Sounds like CSGO crates. Will MMO RNGtrash die as well?

Damn so why doesn't blizzard get a class action lawsuit during the d2 days for selling items on the black market? Oh...because it wasn't as popular and the parents of those kids who give them credit cards want to blame their shitty parenting on a multi billion dollar corporation for their college kiddies funds!

>Steam is running an illegal gambling ring!, My kike youtuber Ethan told me! a-a-and Crowbat!!!!!!! MUH DRAMA

Seriously fuck off kid.

I love Valve I want to kiss Gaben's asshole!!! Reddit is for losers and faggots I don't care what they have to say Gabe can do no wrong!

You'd expect from a jew that he'd understand that the money gotten from skins can't actually be converted to real money.

>Valve has nothing to do with it other than making the random crate system which has been a thing forever and isn't even the problem.

...Other than allowing to link steam accounts to these sites.

And cultivating an online betting culture, which has transcended closely into gambling territory.

They've enabled this behavour and community to grow.

Where's are the video games

>gamblng industry is shady
No shit sherlock. You think casinos are run by philanthropists? helll no

Who cares? You idiot.
The lotto faggots are cancer and are lying 24/7. They are scamming left and right. Everyone with brain should do something against it.

it fucking isn't. You can't transfer the funds over into a real bank account and use them on any other site other than steam.

>youtube channels you've never heard of in your life
>10 million subs

jesus I'm out of the loop. I didn't even know about h3h3 until a couple months ago

Let's sue Microsoft, because they developed Windows, which enables you to run Steam and buy skins and google for making chrome, which lets you access those sites. They are all in on it!

Casinos have a history with the Jewish Mafia, no joke.

He is allowing it and profiting from it he is as much responsible as anyone.

yes infinite reduction really helps your case

Your case is shit, too. Fuck your retarded shit.

>muh kikes
Casinos have a history with every fucking mafia ever, is the most common way to launder money you dumb Sup Forumsfag

This isn't how it works. You huge retard.

>Valve will settle for 10-ish million and maybe try to shut down the third party sites
>these two guys will get off easy because they're loaded

end of story

>records himself watching other people's youtube videos
>makes a million views of views per video
>consistently uploads on two channels since watching youtube videos doesn't take long
>still begs for money on patreon
>gullible fans give him 6k a month
>gets phillyd (aka human incarnate of clickbait) to asks people to give him even more money

Says who?

>Valve will then prohibit and ban everyone in the skin gambling business

Just you wait, you can't win with these fuckers.

What really bothers me about "events" like this is that redditors make posts condemning the bad behavior that most other people agree is bad. But why bother? What's the point in making the same little "fuck X" comment that tons of other people are making?

It's to signal how virtuous they are, and in the process they can get upvotes/approval from the community. Holy fucking shit I fucking hate that site with a passion.

I played 1.6 for a long time, CS:S for a while too but not as much. As soon as I got CS:GO and saw the gambling system, it just gave me a bad feeling. I knew kids were going to be gambling and getting manipulated into doing so.

Anytime I play a game now and I see that it has a gambling system, it actually makes me want to stop playing. This isn't what video games are supposed to be.

It's fucking ridiculous how they blew up over the past 2 years. I remember them being posted here a couple years back and they had sub 100k subs, now they're one of the biggest channels going. Meme magic.

>Valve will settle for 10-ish million

I think you're underestimating the amount for potential damages.

>it just gave me a bad feeling. I knew kids were going to be gambling and getting manipulated into doing so.
why does that give you a bad feeling

why do you give a fuck if some kids are wasting their or their parents money

people here do the same thing, just without a bullshit filter on the wrong opinions

look how many hivemind opinions are circulated on every board

how hilarious would it be if Half Life 3 turns out to be a digital pachinko machine that requires you to buy digital pachinko balls every time you want to play?

>Let's sue Microsoft, because they developed Windows


>say valve is causing all the gambling
>all do they is a f2p business model while youtube shit stains promote the gambling while all gaben is shit back and look at his knife collection

>It's to signal how virtuous they are, and in the process they can get upvotes/approval from the community
Just like the nu-left that crippled any actual social policy advancement in favour of being offended over petty shit. You can see the ironic facial hair behind every post.

Yep, but it's way more pronounced on reddit. And reddit has a built-in system that allows the circlejerk to hide unpopular opinions.

>it just gave me a bad feeling. I knew kids were going to be gambling and getting manipulated into doing so.

RPGs have been doing this shit for decades before CSGO.

How much insight to do you have into the judicial system?

>Sup Forums hate machine can't care about anything meme
whatever bro

I'm almost 100% certain the the people filing the suit haven't had their kids lose more than that, and as much as they rack up "emotional damages" and shit it really comes down to haggling and they'll all settle for a couple hundred grand each.

Of course it really depends on the number of plaintiffs but it doesn't seem like it's that huge

>Let me answer your question with another question

The lawsuit against Valve is quite bullshit.
Don't get me wrong, I hate valve for shoehorning cosmetics/MTs into their latest titles and setting the trend for F2P as much as anyone here does, but it's just another case of parents being retarded.

You exchange money for fake money.
Ethan says it's "real money".
It's not though, that's where his argument is wrong.
It might be a 1:1 exchange-rate, but that doesn't mean you can exchange steam wallet funds for real cash.

If someone chooses to trade paypal cash for steam inventory items, that goes against valve's policy, and just goes to show how ignorant these types of people are who get scammed/sucked in.

Admittedly, the rest of the video about the gambling site being completely unethical and doing shady things/outright illegal actions to promote their business /is/ actually bad.

As for the lawsuit against valve, it's parents being bad parents looking for a cop-out to not be responsible for their kids' actions. FUCK.

>an illegal gambling platform
No it's not.
You can't knock Valve's hustle, dude.
Valve creates jobs for people.

i guess i have to be part of a hate machine to question your feelings toward a kid gambling.

why are 4channerians such assholes for no reason?

>people actually defending a company that stopped making real games because they realised they could make more money scamming kids

the profit he gets is from the popularity of skins. at it's best.

Inaction isn't evil.

you don't need to defend that, it's the natural cycle for a corporation

Where's the scam?

It goes beyond that. Wall Street Journal recently reported that this potentially illegal gambling scene profits an estimate above 2 billion $.

Hehe and that horse bewildered at her own existence are filthy Jews, so why would I watch that Jewtube video?

>valve creates an ingame gambling system
>you can't withdraw your money from steam wallet so no real money involved (you can't win real money)
>fishy websites create blackmarket where you can trade your shit with real money
>this is somehow valve's fault

Fuck off, I don't even have steam but if you want to rant about this then blame the websites and users instead, valve just doesn't give a shit because its bringing them more profit and they would be stupid to make it stop

The only money they could earn is from ads.

Where's the scam.

yeah but it's probably impossible to link valve and those profits directly, the gambling sites are completely third party. The suit is about Valve "allowing" it, whatever that means

The plantiffs would have to prove that damages were actually done and that any sort of RMT was done. If its virtual currency (the skins) being gambled and traded, thats not illegal.

People compare and surmount this money to real life money even though the contents are always non-liquid

Sure theres a market place where they can be sold but the market themselves is not a gambling based market. Any funds profitted there cannot be liquidated and are strictly for steam and steam alone

You talking actual employees or the dudes who run the sites? Because they employ like so few people compared to other multibillion dollar companies they employ like nothing.

>why are 4channerians such assholes for no reason?
The ancient formula at work.

>>Implying limited or minimal knowledge of the judicial system.


>implying you don't want to fuck Hila while Ethan watches
Don't lie you faggot.

Unfunny leddit tier jews or not they put out a shitload of content that at least tries to be entertaining. They work harder than most of the other retarded ecelebs that sit on their ass and let the money roll in.

I assume the most they can do is whine about Valve allowing their kids to waste thousands on virtual skins, the same way that Google was in trouble for those freemium kids games.

This seems more about CSGOlotto than valve.

The freemium game did tricks to hide the fact your spending money.

On steam you get a screen on what you're spending before you actually purchase, fuck it even includes the tax for the purchase so the kid knows he is buying shit with cash.

Well he and his gf/wife are genuine Israeli Jews

>yeah but it's probably impossible to link valve and those profits directly

If you connect the chain of events Valve may be held responsible for promoting, cultivating, allowing and enabling this to escalate.

There exists a plethora of these sites, already.

The root leads back to their business practices.

How can valve be held responsible for the actions of others that act on third party websites?