The PS3 emulator is working

>The PS3 emulator is working
>Runs a few games

>The Wii U emulator is working
>Runs a lot of games at pretty good quality

>Still no working 360 emulator

Isn't the 360 basically a closed PC ? What gives ?
They're able to emulate the convoluted as fuck cell architecture but they can't emulate a really low end PC ?

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I just want to play wwe smackdown vs raw with my friend but pcxs2 don't have net play

360 is a weird custom PowerPC chip retards


Someone has to want to make the emulator, user. Making emulators is actual, real work, that takes a non-trivial amount of time and effort. Yes, even for something like the 360.

Research this shit before you post about it, you look like a retard.

But there is a 360 emulator and people are working on it. It just doesn't work.

Just buy a PS2

the 360 emulator is better than the ps2 emulator

In what way ?

>Still no original Xbox emulator

Can RPCS3 play "The Guided Fate Paradox"?

Probably not. It can only run a few games so far

>still no working NES emulator :(


tfw no OG xbox emulator for playing JSRF

>nonexistent face

Oh, I get it.

Fuck off faggots. Xenia is shit

There's no Xbox emulator either, simply there's not a big enough audience for microsoft products to spend time on a emulator, same goes for 360 since people are just gonna focus on the PS3 one.

So is RPCS3, your point?

>Implying it's any better than the fucked up Cell architecture that the PS3 uses

PowerPC was supported until very recently on OSX and the Xbone is based on Windows 10 code. There's no damn reason not to.

>Isn't the 360 basically a closed PC ? What gives ?

I vaguely remember reading something written by someone working on an xbox emulator and he said neither xbox is "basically a closed PC" and that they are a hell of a lot more difficult to emulate than you might expect.

>They're able to emulate the convoluted as fuck cell architecture but they can't emulate a really low end PC ?

The CPU in the 360 is a hybrid of a Cell and a more traditional PowerPC chip. It's nothing like you would find in a "really low end PC".

He said tfw not yfw, moron

360 runs on a custom made PowerPC 64bit processor.

The Cell is basically a heavily modified PowerPC chip, the 360 is using a slightly modified PowerPC chip.

Contrary to popular belief the Cell is not secret proprietary Sony technology, IBM did most of the development work on it and IBM are also the people who provided the CPU for the 360.

I have feeling we will never get a good. Working ps3, 360 emu.

The PS3 emulator is already working user. People said it would take 10 more years and we're already getting there.

who wants that?

People who care about video games ?

We will but it'll take ages because it's a legitimately challenging and work intensive exercise in reverse engineering virtual architecture. Nobody with the skill to perform this task is actually working on it because we're talking about an emulator for a PS3.

The only fanbase that's still got enough autistic drive for such massive undertakings anymore is Nintendo and they've got a leg up because of how the gamecube -> Wii -> Wii U thing ended up working out.

>PCucks have been saying that they're only a few months away from 7th gen console emulation for like 10 years now
Lol, you people are fucking embarrassments. Have fun playing PS3 games at 45fps with no sound in 2036

>Lol, you people are fucking embarrassments. Have fun playing PS3 games at 45fps with no sound in 2036
Already 15 frames more than any PS3 game

That's still more fps than on the PS3

what's on 360?

And we're all really impressed. I'd gladly wait 30 years for 15 more frames per second, it'll really be the definitive experience. lol.

user. out of all the PS3 nogames to choose, you choose that 1, pretty esotoric tastes you got !

Maybe by that time console will actually do 1080p 60FPS

Just kidding lol

Can you imagine being so poor and pathetic you'd spend a decade praying for emulation as opposed to just buying the fucking system for $75?

Why should I pay money for a flawed system?

Emulation isn't about "getting da exclusives", you autistic sperglord sonygger. It's about archival and customization.

>DirectX 12
Looks like I'm gonna have to eventually "upgrade".

Hurry user! The free upgrade only lasts til the 29th of THIS MONTH!

and you still can't run snes like the original
why live when you're a pc cuck?

>he hasn't tried higan


I can't believe it, people are making ps3 emulator for FREE

I think there are a lot of documentation on cell out there, which lakes it easier to work on

What the fuck will you emulate on a 360 emulator anyway? Shit's just an americuck PS3 with less games.

>was gonna buy a Wii U
>find out about CEMU


Higan/Bsnes is a cycle accurate emulator

Well you're still giving money to nintendo because there are no Wii U roms yet.

Not 1 vs 100, the only good thing I remember about it other than the OG dashboard

why are you just throwing in random words to your sentence?

why are you trying to be a memer, when you have literally no idea the words you're saying?
go back to fucking reddit you retard

>Buy a WiiU
>Only ever use it for smash and bayonetta
>Never got to play Splatoon
>Hear last splatfest is on the horizon

I regret buying the console so much.

the only thing worth on 360 are shumps anyway
its like the first xbox . who wanna make a emulator for a single game

splatoon was massively overhyped, there was literally nothing about it that was special or unique

>hey look at me i'm such a contrarian oh my gosh

>I don't have an argument: the post

all reviews of splatoon make mention of its art style as if it were unique, they make mention of the fact that it's strange for nintendo to enter the FPS genre, etc.

None of this has anything to do with the game itself, the art style has been seen before and cartoony shooters are nothing new, whether or not its nintendo's first entry into the genre is irrelevant to the product.


Very few maps
No alternate modes
Small teams
Restrictive communication with team

all detract from it as a game to be played for any extended period of time

Splatoon was merely a fine shooter, it worked (most of the time (after some updates)) and that's about it. If it wasn't a Nintendo Wii U exclusive riding on """""shock value""""" nobody would have played it.

Is there an original XBOX simulator yet?

Yes, but nothing worth bothering with. The interest/demand just isn't there.

Emulation is an incredibly important thing, but you're mistaken in thinking it's about playing exclusives people didn't have access to. That's just what some Mustards will tell you as a bragging point of PC in your dumb platform wars.

The actual real strength of emulation is in the future-proofing and archival it gives. I have no doubt we won't have a proper PS4 emulator starting until at least 10 years from now, so if I want to go play PS4 games, I will obviously go buy a PS4 and not wait until then. Still, it's very good that your old ass will get to play these games in the future without having to hope for re-releases or having to go dig up an old machine.

I still feel like it's a huge gaping hole. It's a fairly important system and it would be a shame if it were passed by in favor of all the newer ones.

It's been picking up a bit in recent times, but there have been a LOT of stumbling blocks other than interest, including Microsoft themselves.

>Very few maps
>Small teams
like every damn game sadly
not disagreeing

Holy shit I thought cemu was like running games at 1fps with glitches. When the fuck did it get this advanced?

What are the best games to emulate on an Android

The Cell processor is just a weak PowerPC with PS2-like vector processors attached.

tl;dr good job being a contrarian on Sup Forums you retard

360 emulator exists. Its in the Xbox one

>a contrarian on Sup Forums
So he's not a contrarian at all. Really, watching you retards projecting your contrarianism about that run of the mill TPS is hilarious.

if you got a controller attachment then super metroid

stop this

For everyone asking "Isn't X just a closed PC, shouldn't that make it easy to emulate?"

>no xbox emulator

Just buy and mod one f a m

Why is my cemu 1.5 running like ass?
Is my 8350 a bottleneck? Cause i can further OC it if it'll make a difference.

It could be that it's still very early in development?

What game are you playing?


so now you're spouting words you don't know the meaning of?
top tier post

Dropped on account of you have no clue what you are talking about.

Yeah but other people have MK8 running full speed.


And here comes denial, which you'll also deny. Pottery.

what denial?
you spouted nonsense and started copying the words that were used against you, while pulling another random word out of your ass and hitting the post buttons, without even understanding the very words you typed

>still no working 3DS emulator

citra is lookoing promising tho

Fuck off, autist.


Shut the fuck up

there are no wii U games anymore
the servers are closing down for their multiplayer shit

u mad bro??