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Alright Sup Forums, post 'em
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is ANYONE above 77?
I was a fucking idiot. I played my placements when I was still tweaking my keybindings and mouse sensitivity, and wound up playing terribly and going 4/6. My rank is currently 36. Wish me luck on the climb, anons. I hope next season's placements go better.
around 50 just like 2/3 of the people in comp
bell curves are funny like that
If you don't get this non-jap shit out of my face
56 right now. I've been stuck from 52 - 59 since ranked came out
>Was 51 two days ago
>Now only 44
I had a big lose streak because of legit retarded teams, like they would walk of edges retarded
Started at 44 went up to 54 now back to 50 i hate solo queuing so much
>like they would walk of edges retarded
Oh sure, they were the retards
Wouldn't it be funny if this whole placement mechanism is simply a random number generator between 35-65 plus-minus value equal to the number of matches you won out of the 10?
I'm 60, playing solo, losing 50/50, main D.Va, people always give me the shit when losing even though I end up with all the gold medals every single game
Any tips for D.Va senpai i need to git gud at a tank thats not Roadhog
>be 40
>win 3 games
>shitty exp, still 40
>lose one single game
thanks, blizzard
I was placed a 54 after the placement am I doing so far? I have no idea if that's good.
Any good players wanna queue up?
I play Zarya.
57 right now, was 58 initially.
Started at 49, got up to 51, now back at 49. The match that dropped me back to 49 was a soul-crushing KOTH game where we were up 2-0 and proceeded to lose the next 3 rounds, so I think I'll be taking a break from comp for a little while.
Are they re-doing placements at the beginning of each season?
Placed 40 now 39
If I'm bad I'd like to know the math behind the numbers because there's no fucking reason I should lose a full rank when I went three golds in a game that had two torbjorns do nothing on my team in Nepal.
I hate being just because even before the game starts I have the whole team screaming at me to change characters even though I end up with 2+ golds and 4 medals EVERY SINGLE GAME.
I'm not even the guy you replied to, but someone started this meme where is Zenyatta-tier and now everybody believes it. In fact, most people think is worse than Zenyatta. I hate this. I've stopped maining her just because I'm tired of arguing with some retard on my team the whole game.
They don't go by individual metrics, only wins and losses.
I think I got 54 or 57 but I had the same amount of wins and losses, guess it is affected by game play too not just wins and losses.
No it's not. They specifically fucking said it has nothing to do with gameplay since those metrics can be "gamed". Did you even read the fucking patch notes?
Actually your individual performance dictates how much points you get per win or loss.
I played out of my mind for 10 games in a row, getting 4 golds every match. Every match I won I ranked up one whole level.
I lost one game in which I also did really well and only lost very few points.
Then I lost a game where I played like shit and I lost a lot more points.
Individual performance matters.
I've been seeing zenyatta like fucking crazy lately.
Of course.
No there weren't any when I got it on ps4, so there is your reason. I got 7wins and 3 losses and I'm lower than 60 on rank
No it doesn't.
Wait, what exactly does Leaving do to both sides mechanically?
He's saying something about 'full credit', you get less MMR if people on the enemy team leave?
What happens to your MMR if someone on your team leaves?
He just needs a bit more survivability for ranked, but god damn is he fun and rewarding.
Then why do you explain people who play support and get very few kills get very little points per win, while people who play heroes that get many kills and deal a lot of damage get a lot of points.
I've been playing with my friend who plays support, I won and got 1 full level, he got like 1/4th of a level. It happened 4 times.
This is golden. Someone should use this as a case study for confirmation bias. It's apparently possible to convince yourself of game functions that don't exist.
In ranked they are awesome, because people are actually teaming up and watching eachothers back.
Zenyatta being a support for attack and healing comes in handy, more on the attack than healing, but this forces other players to play safe instead up barging in like retards in QP.
So how does it determine your rank?
I'm confused as fuck.
I went 2/8 yet I'm rank 63. I honestly thought I would be lower considering I see people with a bigger winstreak than me.
Don't, or I'll talk shit about you if you're in my team
D. Va is just a slow, oversized tracer that lets enemies charge their ults for free
>tfw above average
I'm not wasting my and everyone else's time shitting up the mode with my so-so skills. Also because it doesn't sound like a very pleasant scene and for Overwatch that's saying something.
How does ranked even work?
I do my placement matches, win 7, lose 3, had a ton of gold medals and carried a few times, but I end up at 56? What gives?
above average is rank 50 if you use the 80000 sample size on masteroverwatch
Top 25%.
Started at 51, went up to 52, fell to 50, now I'm back at 51.
If someone one your team leaves, you don't lose much, but the winning team doesn't win much either. Leavers not only punish their team by leaving them 5v6, they also penalize the other team by almost negating their win (which is usually the cause for leavers).
I've been winning more than 2/3 of my matches but I'm barely making progress with all the leavers because while I lose big when I lose, I rarely ever win much. My W/L is 22/10 and it only got me from 55 to 59.
You won 7 and lost 3.
I was a 57 or something when I first got placed, got to 60, hovered around 57-59 because of bad teamwork as all I did was soloqueue.
Started raging because I gave so much of a fuck. I decided, fuck it, I'll just be in this for the winning points, fuck my rank, I'll just have fun and try to win but not get so butthurt when I lose. Dropped to a 52. Having a lot more fun now.
If I would have won all 10, would I have been 100? Is that how this shit works? Just winning?
>tfw top 4% with 80% winrate
Feels good man
>everyone on Sup Forums has to play solo
im not at all surprised
No one knows, I had 6/4 and ranked 55, did placements matches for a friend, he got 8/2 and was 59, another got 5/5 and was 58.
>Also because it doesn't sound like a very pleasant scene
I keep bouncing between 50 to 52, so far it's been fine. People get a little whiny but nobody's league of legends tier 'OMFG SHIT TEAM', at least not so far
>that one guy on VOIP who is clearly STONED AS SHIT and whiny as fuck
I know people who won the 10 games and got placed sub 50, I know of a guy that lost 9 placement matches and got placed at 62.
There's more to it than wins and losses.
Better to be in solo at 50+ than to group with sub 50s ;0) is good af but cant main tank in most situations. i hate selecting her and seeing everyone else assume they can choose whatever because lol 1 tank
Does anyone know what that is yet? Because I broke my back carrying teams, switching champs, earning gold medals, etc, only to placed at 56 feels like an insult desu. I'd just like to know what else I should be doing.
Hey now man I carried my team every single time in my placements getting 3-4 gold medals every game, and I also calibrated at 56, however I managed to climb all the way up to 62, and I'm having no issues climbing further.
Don't despair.
I'm the same, but 56 is fine, I just don't understand how people can place above 60 from the start, it's already like 10 won matches worth of ranking exp above my starting rank and I did pretty well during my placements.
best I had was 69, then I picked up a shitty friend of a friend and he sandbagged me all the way down to 65. straight up told them I'm not playing ranked with his shitty friends and he apologized profusely
like, shit man, if I have to play fragger for you instead of offtank because you're terrible, that's one thing. when I end up with 80+% kill participation (even had one where I was 118% because I killed so many revives) doing YOUR job for you...
>you're THAT friend
Enjoy your life of solitude and rage brah.
I'm at 41, started at 43. I keep novering between 40 and 43.
I kinda had some terrible placement matches and now that I'm here, I can't get out.
Soloqueuing is hell.
I mean, I'm not a great player, but I'm not that terrible. I just have horrible luck with teammates. Even my win-rate in quick-play is 48%. I can't even hit 50%.
This, up from 50 to 61 in like 9 hours, and still top player most of the time
It's doable, but then again I got fucked over at calibs so has been easy
Did you play support a lot? From what I hear that fucks your calibration because you get less points or less gold medals or something.
Just play Quickplay with him instead of ranked you colossal faggot.
>calibrated at 52
>made it to 55 after like 50 fucking matches
>now down to 54
I know I'm not THAT good, I can't easily just carry teams to victory, but jesus fuck there are a lot of idiots at this range. I really feel like I deserve to be around 62, if I can climb my way up there I'll be happy but it's gonna be a struggle.
Got placed at fucking 46 because my first 5 placement games my team mate left before the first round even ended. No clue what luck I deserved, but ended up 3-7 in placements somehow.
I climbed to 56 in like 2 hours after that but then realized how badly designed this game's ranking system is and stopped playing again.
Also started at 43 calib 3/7 now I'm at 49 23/13 but it's so fucking slow with all the rage quitting holy shit this game is a test of patience more than anything btw all I did to start winning was spam 76 his overall game impact is insane
>I really feel like I deserve to be around 62
That's why you're 52.
>comp comes out
>figure I can fuck around more in quick play
>double up on hanzo
>"What the fuck are you doing? You think double Hanzo is a good idea?"
>Yeah, actually.
>Get reported for being a "troll"
What the fuck is wrong with these guys?
>Started at 52
>Within the first 24 hours fell to 48
>A couple nights ago talk with some randoms in voice chat since it's solo queue
>We win, party up
>Find another 3 people the next game for full 6
>Win 5 in a row and bring me back to 52
>I solo queue the next day to get myself up to 56
felt so good
Maybe I'll try that too. I've just been stuck playing healer for so many matches because even in ranked, people are still whiners about playing healers and tanks and just refuse to do it.
And fuck quitters up the ass with a rake.
Hit 51, pretty butthurt that support players get less rating than offensive players. After playing support in 7 of my qualifiers.
Punished again because nobody fucking plays supports.
Ranked sucks dick in this game though, no real point in trying.
You don't get it man. There are so many Hanzo mains at this range. So many frontline Tracers, people who refuse to change when our setup is clearly not working, people who don't want to focus on high priority targets on the other team. It's a mess and I don't deserve this. Anyone with a functioning brain doesn't.
it wasn't my friend, it was a friend of a friend. my friend actually agreed with me and didn't want to play with him either. we were both lamented that doesn't have a "show as offline" option
we ended up just playing quick play the rest of the night so we wouldn't exclude anyone. carried the shit out of that, too. shit gets boring, man. when I solo queue'd last night I was getting nothing but streamers, pros and apparently Surefour on an alt account. shit was insanely hard but it was still way more rewarding as practice than trying to do everything to everyone on the enemy team
>Offensive Bastion
>Genji mains who've literally set their bnet name to 'seagull'
>People picking Zenyatta as the only healer
I spent two days in the shitter bracket when queuing with friends who got placed at 43. Never again
nah, he's right. the idiots that hold you back in this game really are frustrating, and if you get placed sub-60 you're going to have a hell of a time in solo queue digging yourself out unless you're a downright amazing player.
>btw all I did to start winning was spam 76 his overall game impact is insane
YAAAAP. no one else carries a game as hard as 76 aside from a top-tier tracer.
I played versus STAR_ the other day, good shit.
Honestly, I don't know what to tell you about the trench in this game.
If you're really good you'll play a high impact hero and carry your team to victory, like Zarya, Soldier 76 or Roadhog.
You need to accept that you're not perfect too though, and that you're still part of the reason you lost.
Even if you have 4 or 5 gold medals, the MM doesn't put you up with people who have a much higher level than you, so you're clearly not getting shafted by matchmaking.
My suggestion is to instead of solo queue go dual queue with a good player. I don't play solo queue anymore because people are trash and have horrible attitudes, but when queued up with one or two more players the game is massively better.
>implying rank means jack fucking shit if you solo queue
>I played versus STAR_ the other day, good shit
I usually end up playing at different times so I haven't managed to queue into him in competitive yet. now that I've gotten my rank shit on so hard this weekend I'm not sure I'll even be in range anymore either
Yeah, I play with my brother and his friends and when it's just like 3 of us (the best 3) we win games like nobody else
I've also potentially played against reynad before. pretty sure it was him because he only picked mccree and would target me exclusively when I shittalked him
What rank are you at right now?
64, since even my friends who aren't bad are high 50s I get half a level at most from wins and lose an entire level if I can't carry.
McCree is actually pretty good on defence
i crushed my first 4 matches then came home wasted as hell and lost each of the remaining six. placed 49.
He's amazing in defense when he's paired with a Symmetra. That extra 25 Shields helps so much, plus his Ult counters Zarya's. I've never been able to make it work on attack, you're much better off picking Mercy or going Lucio if someone's already a Mercy.
He *can* be, but that implies anyone in that bracket can shoot without the crutch that is fan-the-hammer
I'm at 62 about to get up to 63 right now.
Wanna queue up?
I'm looking for good players to play with.
I made it to 54 but then I got put in the special education teams and now its 51 and I don't want to talk about it.
Can someone please explain to me why it's considered so hard to climb as a solo player and how you NEED a premade to go anywhere?
As far as I've seen if there's a premade on the other team you'll also have one on yours so it's still balanced. If it was lopsided with teams full of solo players could go up against premades I'd understand but I've never seen that.
I got a bunch of Zenyatta randoms in quick play after I got fed up today and between that and my buddy damage boosting me it was downright hilarious how fast everyone was dying. Nothing like shooting a rocket at a tank and killing them from almost half HP.
nah I'm tired as fuck, gonna go sleep for like a day. this game wears you out so much when you're tryharding to infinity and beyond. I'm also a little hesitant to post my battletag on Sup Forums of all places
Played with my brother, got 43, expected to grind up a bit. But I've played dota so I know how it can be with a bit of bad luck.
Sure enough, did a 4 man queue with him and another friend and friend's gf. Tanked so hard. Our friend is "decent" but rages the fuck out and goes instant passive aggressive at the first sign of trouble. Gets hung up on abstract meta game stuff like D.Va being bad (which I'm OK with and wouldn't play her for a whole competitive match) yet picks Zenyatta and McCree. Can't resist to argue with the randoms in the game. So I tanked straight down to fucking 34 that night then the next day had 5 leavers in 5 games.
Tried the 4 man queue again tonight, same shit. Gonna slowly grind it back up with my brother and hope for no leavers.
>enemy team leaves
>no xp
>our team leaves
>gg no re
Honestly I'd never give you shit about it but I would definitely feel like you're gonna be dead weight at the beginning of the match.
I didn't mean now, I meant later today or tomorrow.
I myself have stayed up all night playing ranked and right now I'm worn out as hell, I couldn't play well even if I wanted to.
If you don't want to post your bnet, I can just post my steam, you add me on it and then we trade bnets. Though that seems like a bit of a bother.
I just don't know where to find good players anymore, everyone I know is sub 60, and I'm lucky if they're above 50.
I play with three friends, I'm guessing the game pairs us up with solo players since finding another group of friends sounds like a hassle.
One guy might not do much but three? We usually pick healer, tank and DPS and we're on fire 90% of the time.
Same here, went 7/3 and got ranked 54