Super Mario 64

Will there ever be a video game like Super Mario 64 again? Something that moves the entire medium forward, into a direction that was previously unknown to gamers?

Does VR even have the potential for this? Or do we not even need technical gimmicks to achieve this?

No. Videogames peaked years ago.

I never understood how is Super Mario 64 supposed to be ground breaking, I mean it's just a basic 3D platformer, there's nothing special about it.


Because it got 3D right. The free moving camera was groundbreaking for the time and it transitioned the Mario series perfectly. It did to 3D platformers what DOOM did to FPS

It was the first big 3D platformer with real free movement and a free camera. The ideas it used had been put into practice before, but not really all together in a way that worked as well as they do in SM64, and certainly not with anywhere near the popularity, helped by it being an already popular series. It was a great transition from 2D to 3D, and set the standard for loads of games that came after it.

THPS VR when

Well have to wait for vr to peak again, someone will come up with a functional interface that IS what everyone is trying to be, just like Marios 3d camera WAS what everyone was trying to do.


Underage b&

probably because it came out before you were born

Pretty sure that's what edgy kids were saying before 96. It's what every short sighted little bitch like yourself says about everything in every medium until something comes along to prove you wrong.

>there are people who were conceived after Mario 64 was released who can now legally vote

I-is this za baito...?

its been one fucking ride of a day goddamn user



Prime example right here

>it transitioned the Mario series perfectly.

No. 3D World did.

HTC Vive seems like the closest so far. I'd say in another five years or so, someone will refine it enough and the price of parts will have dropped enough that it'll be accessible and usable enough to last.

Still hoping for a 3DS release of SM64. Analog control was the only thing really missing from 64DS, although I could do without the forced Wario sections. Would've been perfect for the SM64 20th anniversary.

>Who Needs Stairs?

Bait desu ne


Damn that was a good thread.

@343742690 (You)

you can't do half a button press, either you press the button or you don't



I didn't play it, my parents actually loved me and bought me a Playstation.