Do you support your local gaming store Sup Forums?

Do you support your local gaming store Sup Forums?

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Its run by pakis and I dont buy from brownskins

What reason is there even to use brick and mortar game stores when they just take their prices by rounding up the average eBay going rate anyway?

once in awhile. they started selling repros that i'm quite interested in (phantasia for snes) so i might pick that up sometime soon.

I stopped buying and playing localized games a long time ago and any western games I play are through digital platforms so no, I haven't been to Destiny Games in a long time.

What store?

All the mom and pop owned vidya stores went the way of the doo-doo.

I don't know any independent stores in PHX and the last time I went to Gamestop I spent $25 on Pokemon Black and White.

The prices aren't great but at least they can (usually) be trusted to have release day copies of more niche games that GameStop doesn't give a fuck about. Been going there since I was a kid

I'm in Phoenix too.

We should hang out and dock.

Yes, but I only buy used.

You telling me you don't have a cheeky kebab now and then?

I would if there were any near me, user

the only video game store is a town over and its a gamestop

my local game store recently set up a mobile app for ordering video games. bought bravely second a few days ago and it arrived yesterday. it's great, but even if there wasn't that app, the nearest branch is about a ten minute walk away anyway.

Hardly. They are usually more expensive than the franchise stores.
That being said they do have some niche titles and worthwhile secondhand copies from time to time.

I don;t have one within 45 minutes of me and the one 45 minutes away is full of nu-male faggots who like buying shitty 16-bit shovelware at a 200% markup

I buy almost all of my games off of Japanese auction sites

>TFW your local game store has playable arcade games.

mine has a regular shop and then right next to it is a barcade.

There are no local game stores near me. It's gamestop or order online

I swing by the closest local place maybe once a month and shelf scan for any games I want on older systems. Their used prices on modern systems GameStop and shit stock are usually gouging, and new games same price, so why bother.

Oh shit I bought Brawl from there.
Is it still around?

the indian gas station owners near me are bro as fuck and sell the cheapest snacks/drinks
fuck you retard

Of course OP because they still got for me DS games brand fucking new.

Also I receive my Odyn Sphere leifdrassir story edition from them.

Vintage Stock is as local as we have around here. And no. They can eat a bag of dicks, I rather just buy online then buy that overpriced shit.

>Do you support your local gaming store Sup Forums?

No because they don't give me 20% discounts like Bestbuy and Amazon.

Was about to post this exact thing, the only redeeming thing about them is that comics have free bags and boards.

yes, 10 years strong
but that mario statue was stolen a year ago

No, they went to shit and don't carry anything worth purchasing anymore. Few years ago all the good retro games were in stock.

There's three Fallout Games (described above), and at least one other I've heard of.

sometimes, I got the collectors edition of ffxiv for 10€ as "the game is being shut down, but you probably already know this" after I played the 2.0 beta

I supported my local game store for around 15 years even worked few summers there as a teen. I dropped them last year they openly supported refugees welcome happening and that is a deal breaker for me. Aint going to pay more for my games to support refugees.

Ah that's a shame. Glad they're still around though.
They broke street date on Brawl 3 days early, those magnificent bastards.

as example, they sell lords of the fallen still for 72,99€

we have only 3-4 dedicaded game shops in my 1.5 million city.
They all stock same most popular shit there is, anything niche is rare occurrence. I think I bought everything I ever could've and now only importing games from same region from elsewhere.
shit sucks. browsing thru store is more fun.

I have never seen a video game store that isnt a big franchise

No they're a bunch of rude scumbags and charge up the ass

Not him but, Pakis != Indians

Indians are some of the nicest people on the planet. Pakis are scum

All I really buy is old unpopular games and I can get most of those on ebay for

if you care

i'm going to NYC next week for the first time and i plan on going there.

just gonna head down to eb games and pay $90 for a game yep sounds good

I have a corker of game traders near but they focus on shit like swords and pop vinyls these days. The local cash converters has a great selection but the prices are insane

he said brownskins, most indians are brown

My local gaming store is composed by unsufferable cunts.
It's down in the street, very near to my apartment. But nobody can go inside it to check the games. You have to go to their site, check what they have in store, call them and say what you are interested in and then go to retire your order. And if you go there without telling them, they will get angry.
Really, fuck them. It was my dream since I was a kid to have a vidya store near my house and now that happened I can't go there. FUCK.

>pop vinyls
>friend has large collection of 'rare' pop vinyls boxed and all
>makes fun of my single anime figure i got because it was a nice thing, literally the only collectable item I own of that kind

giv story user pls

>moved to lisbon
>supposed to be the biggest city in Europe
>not a single video game store
>my third world original city had two


There was one in a local mall that sold things for usually 20% more than ebay prices and sold new games for $65. They closed down in October lol fuck them.

>biggest city in Europe

That sounds fucking retarded and a good way to go out of business.

I know, right? But those fuckers make money by going to comic conventions very often anyway. Their store is a joke.

i support only my own ship YAAAHAHAHARRRRRRRRRR

I really really want to, but Amazon Prime and Best Buy GCU all get me games way cheaper. (plus the random lucky auction win from E-Bay) The guys that run this place are really fucking chill, and super huge FGC fags, but their prices are really high (especially on "retro" stuff like PS2 and Gamecube games. Don't get me started on their overpriced Sega and NES collection)

i do if they break street date

The closest is crap; has little stock and bad prices. I have no idea how it's survived for so long.

let me think

theres one at a mall like 30 minutes away (have two gamestops within 15, not that i go there) that has all consoles including a japanese ds section and they do or used to do modding

theres another about 30ish away thats retro only except they get so many applicants that everyone who works there is an insufferable cunt and everything they have is roughly amazon + 30%

so no, i just use amazon and best buy

I miss Hollywood video they had video games

I did when they existed. Funcoland killed most of them, then Gamestop killed Funcoland.

Just as well, there was a few left before Gamestop finally finished destroying the market and they all started matching their prices to the high end of ebay listings. It was at that point "ma & pa" stores became unsalvageable. I imagine any that still exist in other areas also do this now, so there is no point to go there now that they all know the insane prices people will pay today. Might as well get your games on ebay/amazon since there is no difference.

>You have to go to their site, check what they have in store, call them and say what you are interested in and then go to retire your order

For what purpose? Have you ever asked why they have this retarded business strategy?

I do everytime I'm home from uni.
I go to the card game nights, don't mind spending a few extra bucks to buy there, talk to them about retro game recommendations and stuff. Even got a Christmas card from them once, it's great.

>live in Poland
>no gaming chain stores at all, only some hobbyists running a small stand at a local supermarket
>they imported a physical copy of Steins;Gate from the USA

Do you have any idea how insanely hard it is to find such things here?
Those magnificent bastards have some craziest shit sometimes, of course I support them.

>always want to try that kind of thing
>older hobby/card shop is like 40+ minutes away
>newer close one is the neckbeardiest of neckbeard locations and even though its usually fairly empty the entire place smells like ass sweat and ham
whenever i got packs of cards there (years ago) they would always hand me the box and let me pick the pack, i never decided if that was neat or cringy like they felt like they were obligated to do that because of autists

>Local chain started off about 5 years ago
>They started it with their own personal collection
>A bunch of people hit it hard during the "retro collecting" craze a few years back
>All that's left is shovelware, they've been forced to turn into an anime goods import store where resellers haven't fucked up the entire market to the point where trade-in's are dead at brick and mortar stores

It feels so bad

It's that anime card game Weiss Schwarz instead of MTG, which actually solves the problem because Weeaboo's are more socially awkward but less neckbeardy

Nope. There is like one store that's miles and miles away and it's never cheaper than just getting a game from Amazon or something. Nearly 100% of my games are bought digitally.

No because they either don't carry stuff I want or are selling overpriced retro games.

>visiting NY from fucking Finland
>see this store
>it's trashy as fuck on the outside
>just go back to the one on 6th ave even if the gooks there are the most jewish gooks I've ever experienced

Every time I visit my local independent games store, the most insufferable employee is on duty. He knows very little about retro games despite it being a predominantly retro gaming store but still acts like a smug asshole whenever I ask him anything. That guy and the Ebay-level pricing on most games make it not worth entering.
The nearby generic second-hand entertainment store doesn't stock anything pre-PS2 but it has far better service and doesn't charge a lot for shit-tier games.

The pricing can't really be helped though thanks to the cancer that is the modern video game market (and the internet in general).

Everyone thinks the trade-in store wants to screw them price-wise because they've looked them up on ebay beforehand, so they have to take a little bit of a loss just to get people to give them games in the first place. And then they have to mark them up to above-ebay/amazon because they have to actually make enough to stay open and make a living and also to be able to buy more games so they can actually increase their stock and grow as a store.


outdated business models should die

I'm not saying you have to shop there or that it's good for the customers. I'm just explaining it not justifying it

They said they are afraid of thieves or some shit.

All the faggot local stores I've ever been to just look up Amazon/eBay prices and raise it by 5 dollars. If they're going to do that, I have no reason to support them over Gamestop.

Yeah, my local place is some cool guys. Always break street date, always got some vintage stuff. They even sold me a Crimson Echoes cartridge once