Does Sup Forums like Fallout 2 as much as it likes New Vegas?
Does Sup Forums like Fallout 2 as much as it likes New Vegas?
I like it FAR more than NV, or any of the 3D games.
I like it more. NV is a close second though
Fallout 2 is near perfect.
2 is unplayable
>Does Sup Forums like Fallout 2 as much as it likes New Vegas?
No.NV is garbage and even F3 is better than it.
why? nostalgia? combat isn't any better.
Aside from some of its reckless memery, I love it.
funny. I played it before.
I prefer NV and 1. The writing was terrible in that game.
Fuck off Todd.
>caring about combat in an RPG
I liked the concept of being a wasteland native rather than an outsider to the culture from a vault so NV and 2 were right up my alley. I don't wanna be some clueless schmuck.
I prefer Fallout 1 but 2 is also pretty good.
i'm getting mixed messages here
Where's the brown filter?
I thought this was supposed to be a Fallout game.
what should I be caring about? the generic "roll your own" story that goes nowhere? the ugly dated (even for the time) graphics? the forgettable "music"? (or lack thereof)
2 > 1 > NV > power gap > 4 > 3
>dated (even for the time) graphics
1 is way better
Also what are some good games similar to old fallout that also perhaps have active time battle combat like the FF games?
underrail? underrail.
>as much as it likes New Vegas
You mean, the same 10 retards who circlejerk about it all the time?
i used to prefer fallout 2 because you could just run down and get power armor and screw around endlessly and cheese most of the game. fallout 1 has better pacing and a better story. it was pretty intense for me counting down the days.
>every thread has around 90 IP almost every time
>only 10 retards
it was pretty great
No it ruined the franchise, 1 was brilliant then avellone came in with his borderlands memes and superficial political droning.
they were.
how is one better?
why would you want that? ATB is horrendous.
Worst tutorial ever
Should have just said they're shit instead of "dated for the time" and you might have gotten some replies.
1 > NV > 2 >>>>>>> 3
haven't played 4 yet and never cared much for the spinoffs
how are they not? thief looks better than this.
tactics is my favorite.
Anything else is neo-v crap where they started the series at NV.
>3 higher than anything
You're in no position to judge anything with that terrible taste buddy.
>Get addicted to Jet after one hit like it's Reefer Madness
>Constantly suffering from Withdrawal, literally murder a doctor to get more Jet
>Look up if there's a cure
>There is if you do a quest line in San Fran
>I'm only Level 8
Looks shit and I heard it's SJW. Not playing it.
Two bugged on me really bad and I couldn't finish it even though I got to the end more a less. I also just was liking 1 more pretty much for awhile while playing 2. 2 seemed to get overly obnoxious with the dialogue. Also the combat for these games is nothing special user. I felt it could have benefited a lot from being ATB or even having a complete overhaul. There's potential in the combat system as is but it needs a ton of work because it's shit desu.
series started with 3
>Looks shit and I heard it's SJW
You're wrong, and a gullible moron. If you enjoy exploration it's the game for you.
I did the same thing, and turned to the slavers guild hoping to make some caps. Jet, not even once.
No it looks too shit. I don't need to play a game to know it doesn't appeal to me. I want something that looks better like Shadowrun which has a legit licensing behind it.
But you are a clueless schmuck in fallout 2.
Hell, the elder even tells you what money is at the start of the game.
No you didnt you faggot, caps are dead easy to come by, as is jet, the withdrawal penalty isnt even that severe. You were just trying to 'make a story' like the pathetic loner you are.
Play the fucking game dont meme characters.
>Fallout 2
Do us a favor and pull your helmet straps so tight you can't see the keyboard anymore
Who the fuck cares how it looks if it plays alright? The old Fallouts are an eyesore and I replay them every two years.
Wow didn't know bethesda made prequels to Fallout 3!
Are they as good?
Which was weird because, and it's been a while since I've played so I don't remember it that much, doesn't your character basically get a handle on things super quickly?
Unless you're less than 3 INT your character turns into a sarcastic quip machine by the time you leave Klamath
It didn't really work because your village was just as secluded from the rest of the world as Vault was.
You were still an alien at the beginning.
No the graphics are bad and it doesn't even play like Call of Duty.
There's a cure in Vault City too. Just get access to the vault, smuggle jet to the doctor and get your cure.
Aren't they caps though? Just flattened unlike FO1's plain caps.
it's just paper money
Minted coins backed up by gold. Paper bills was only introduced by Tactics for BoS.
I think New Vegas is best in franchise, but still it doesn't have that unique atmosphere of classical Fallout's. I miss their interactivity (for example, ability to use skills on every object, use explosives to blow up doors etc).
Also,I really like color pallette of first two games.
Fallout 2 was awesome.
Fallout 1 however, whilst good, is also kinda shit.
Well they're still called caps, but in 2 thats just short for capital bills.
> how to spot a redditor
NCR later introduced paper bills after the BoS blew up their gold caches.
It's fucking great man.
I wish it was more balanced, but its' definitely a fucking riot.
Dude, Fallout 1 was like 4 hours long and had bugs out the ass.
As I say it was good, but it's not exactly the best part of the franchise.
>played through the entirety of 1 without knowing how to use VATS or reload without entering the menu
Don't be me Sup Forums
Fallout 2 might be "90's pop culture references : The Game" but it was still fun as shit.
Never managed to do a complete run, always got game ruining glitches that scraped my savefiles.
>reload without entering the menu
It blew my mind how much easier it makes the game in 2015
Fuck off nigger, I doubt you remember the times when Fallout 1 was released and you had to go to local library and get updates on fucking floppies , at that time it was a buggy mess. But it really went a long way in terms of getting fixed.
Hell yeah I love Fallout 2.
I've started a new game recently for the first time in like 5 years and just got up to Vault 13 again.
Got Sulik, MY GODDAMN WIFE! and Cassidy in my party.
Pretty fun shit. Playing with the content renewal patch or whatever. Only thing I don't like is Cassidy's talking head - specifically his voice it's pretty bad.
Anyone else doing a playthrough right now?
What the hell you on about buddy?
The Master is the best villain hands down in the series. 1 ain't 'kinda shit' at all
2 was about 6 hours long considering heading south to san Francisco happens in 2 hours to most players of open world games who head to the far side of the map straight away like i did.
But then it also lost all the atmosphere of the first in exchange for memes.
I don't because when Fallout 1 actually came out I wasn't even born.
>But it really went a long way in terms of getting fixed.
Lad, it's been almost 20 years and there's still random quests that go nowhere either because of bugs or they just never got finished.
no. it goes
I agree.
But, you can't deny there's a lot of shitty parts in the game.
Point stands, its in playable state now for sure. A few loose quests don't really matter.
>HD remake of Fallout 1 & 2
>isometric remake of Fallout: New Vegas
would you dl?
The next game should be set in China. Walking through an untouched Forbidden City, katana in hand, hacking apart super mutants and ghouls in VATS, imagine. You could even get cool weapons from the other side of the war, considering outside of Fallout 3 we only see basic assault rifles and pistols.
Aye. I've decided to force myself to play something that doesn't start with small guns for once and am doing an unarmed playthrough. Already starting to regret that though as it gets a little dull not being able to use different weapons. Might switch to big guns when I can but my 2 perception might fuck me.
Sulik has just died after my assault on Metzger. Might keep him dead instead of reloading.
1>2>NV>Tactics>BoS>4>FOnline>Russian modifications of FOnline>>pile of stinking shit>"fallout" 3
Setting Fallout outside of the west coast was a mistake.
Only vocal minority here loves Vegas and they love to shit all over everything that is made by Bethesda.
The combat IS better you fucking retard. NV's combat requires absolutely 0 thought, even 1-2's braindead AP management is above and beyond the garbage brainless trash that's NV's combat. The games also don't waste your fucking time with one of the most poorly put together open worlds I have ever witnessed in an RPG.
>super mutants
fuck off.
>vocal minority
I agree with this man
But 3&4 are objective shit.
dude that sounds EPIC! FOR THE WIN
Any word about Obsidian making their own game?
>implying fallout combat requires thought and doesn't devolve into targeting eyes over and over
OP here, I'm actually on my first (blind) playthrough
Just to be sure, what is the order I should be visiting towns in? I just went Arroyo -> Klamath -> Den -> Vault City/Gecko -> Den again (to get the car) and now I'm in Redding on my way to Vault 13. Did I miss anything? The travel time from one location to another is so long it leaves little room for error if you want to go exploring
no, japan.
There is no time limit. Travel as much as you want.
>4 and 6 hours long
Did we play the same games?
to be fair, 4 is a very enjoyable game, you just have to take it for granted that even bethesda know now that their fallout thing is largely unrelated to the classic games or NV. its like a reboot or a side story
3 was a cluster fuck, but i feel like after getting BTFO by NV, besthesda have realised where their own strengths are, and where theyre too weak to compete intellectually with better RPG writers
its a fun action game with a good setting and a fair amount of content
Go to New Reno. You should've been given the location by now. You wanna do some of New Reno before you get to Vault 13
believing you're in a rush to save the village/get water for the vault would make it a lot more tense and I wish I thought that when playing
you need a nap.
>the generic "roll your own" story that goes nowhere?
>the ugly dated (even for the time) graphics?
>the forgettable "music"? (or lack thereof)
Fuck off todd i'm not buying your shitty fallout 4.
When is everyone going to realise that Fallout has always been a mediocre series?
did you get less time? I'll never understand you speedrunners.
name a better one in a similar vein.
>Tfw people who say "dated even for its time" were almost certainly not alive and playing video games during "its time"
Literally every pc game looked like this back then.