How do guns work?

How do guns work?

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very carefully


Correction: Black magic.

Very carefully crafted mechanical magic.

Powered by American pride

like this

Explosions that throw shrapnel down a predetermined path.

Dey just werk, grot.


Correction: Kraut magic

Pew pew

>be german
>want to build gun
>accidentally cuckoo clock the mechanics
>release gun anyway

>we are still using mid 20th-century primitive weapon technology

>haven't even created a magnetic force field for personal defense so you don't have to wear bulky Armour that is 50/50 you won't die from internal bleeding.

>Lazer weapons are banned against humans unless you are attacking optical sights or missile defence

when aliens come here we won't stand a chance.

who knows?

We'll just beat the crap out of them with stun rods and reverse engineer their weapons.

>>release gun anyway

If they got the technology to reach us from practically anywhere outside the solar system, we probably don't stand a chance anyway.

>Bringing a melee weapon to a gun fight

so much moving parts

that thing is just asking to get jammed

>magnetic force field for personal defense
If you like carrying around an MRI you're free to do so, but if you're strong enough to net be bothered by it you probably won't even feel the bullets

Why was this allowed?

How do guns work?

Mass effect fields

guys how do i shot

Why is Mass Effect the only game to actually give us cool futuristic guns that aren't lasers?

How do I gun

But how does a spring work?

Looks like a pipe gun with a SPAS stock attached to it, and a magazine just floating under it. What the fuck?

That's a Carl Gustav M/45

I'm actually curious myself
Do they ever stop working? Surely physics would say so

thats what I call a semi automatic

A gun properly blessed by a techpriest will never fail.

Isn't that an RPG?

> Techpriests
> Not relying on pure science, physics and technology
You Gue'La never cease to disappoint me.

You're too insignificant and brainwashed to have any concerns about the spread of the warp or heresy and if the imperium wished, you'd be wiped out such that the only remains would be locked away in some scribe's tome.

Unfortunately, that would require just enough effort to turn our focus from more existential threats.

some like it, i find it hopelessly outdated and weird

yeah she farts

That thing just screams "clunky but powerful".

gas piston reloads the shells?

hey, don't forget the high explosives

Oh hey, someone saved my stupid Payday 2 abominations

The best gun in the universe wont help if your opponent is bashing your brains outwith a rock.
Baring railguns we've taken hand held projectiles as far as we can. That and whats the point in thowing bolts of plasma or whatever when a .50 or rpg will make just as much of a mess?.

no, that would be the m/48.
The m/45 is a SMG more commonly known as the K-Pist or Swedish K. They were both designed in the Bofors Carl Gustaf Armory

It has a set resting state that it wishes to return to due to the way it is formed.

Interesting, It looks cobbled together like a motherfucker though.

Easy for you to say. Your gun wont sprout tentacles and rape you if you fuck it up.
Anyone got the copypasta as to just how completly fucked up Mars is?

flamethrower with a dash of lead

Well the real one looked like this, it was heavily favored by Navy Seals in Vietnam, the open bolt allowed them to fire quickly after leaving emerging from water. They loved them so much that when Sweden put an arms embargo on them they made a replica, the S&W M76. Last I heard it was still in use by harbor patrols in NYPD

Looks like a cheap submachine gun designed in the 40's


Was this designed in Garry's Mod?

daily reminder gun users are insecure coward who can't fight like a man.

It manages to look ugly and beautiful at the same time.

only if your framerate tanks everytime you fire it

>Tractor tank
Fuck yeah new zealand

That's dredd as fuck.
Does payday 2 have extreme customisation now or something?

>That and whats the point in thowing bolts of plasma or whatever when a .50 or rpg will make just as much of a mess?.

It'll probably come down to cost or weight efficiency. If you can carry more ammo for fancy plasma guns than regular gunpowder firearms, or if somehow plasma guns were cheaper for the same damage, you can bet they'll switch to plasma guns (eventually).

With scripts it does.
The modded guns are ridiculous enough as is though

Google NATO mod for Payday 2

Why aren't there more laser or plasma shotguns in video games?

Caseless weapons don't jam, boyo

Probably because they're hard to get right, a traditional shotgun feels a lot more satisfying.

Advanced Warfare had one that was sort of a mixture, but it never felt satisfying. Mass Effect 3 had a cool Geth shotgun that could be charged and fire three projectiles, but they had travel time.

Fallout 3/3/NV had tri-beam and scattered laser rifles that were fun, but there was no reason to use them in Fallout 4.

How would a non-traditional shotgun work?

Ork magic!

You pull trigger and they go PEW PEW PEW!

This video is surprisingly good

UT's flak gun.

The very first kill dozer.

>The best gun in the universe wont help if your opponent is bashing your brains outwith a rock
Only a retard would allow enemies to come that close

>that pic
Clerics and Monks on suicide watch

Well a shotgun is generally considered to be any gun that fires several projectiles in one blast, with the projectiles spreading into a cone of fire. So I guess the prime example of a non-traditional shotgun would be the Tri-Beam Laser Rifle from Fallout 3.

What makes traditional shotguns feel satisfying is how powerful they sound and feel, lasers and energy sounds just don't offer the same oomph as a nice buckshot snap with bass. The most satisfying shotgun I have ever used was the Mass Effect 3 Claymore. That thing sounded like god slamming a car door. Meanwhile the Geth shotgun just didn't hold a candle to it, despite having far more range and versatility.

Reminds me of this.

This. I just can't appreciate a gun that doesn't have sound and visual design to complement its damage.
Take the depezador from EYE. That fucker is overpowered: realistic narrow buckshot spread in a 32 round drum that visually makes literal mincemeat of everything armoured (so almost everything in the game). But it sounds like a generic stapler and looks like a tacticooled benelli.
It's generally agreed that it's one of the best weapons in the game but people only appreciate it for its killpower and bear no true admiration the design.

>of everything unarmoured*

>not the Gnasher from GoW1
Agreed though

simple as fuck, that's Swedish engineering for ya

Nothing beats the double barreled shotgun from the serious sam series

I think 2 and 3's DB Shotguns were better, but they're all great.

I was so disappointed in Fallout 4's double barrel.

what happens to my cheeky?

Looks like a giant pain in the ass to put the magazine in.

>having to insert the magazine under your arm


The magazine is slightly off kilter, looks to be AUG based.

post brrrrrt

Fair enough.

Is there a case where a laser or energy projectile is better than a bullet?

That magazine doesn't look like it can actually move.

I guess theoretically a rechargeable ammo source is more efficient space wise, ideally a laser would have no travel time, and pinpoint accuracy, but then why not amp up the power and make it a long range weapon?

He should be glad it missed, otherwise all those rookies would have been vaporized alongside the ayylien.

So essentially a railgun?

and hello.


Yep, bringing me back to my original response to this thread.

Mass Effect just made all guns railguns. Which is fucking awesome.

>videogame shotgun
>tickles anything more than a few meters away

>real life shotgun
>turns shit that's 30 meters away into hamburger

The darker grey part on the bottom of the magazine is part of the magazine. It still moves.

>half mag sks reload animation

pr and squad have the best weapon animations

but this bit doesn't look like it moves. The magwell also makes it look like the magazine needs to be inserted straight in, rather than rocked in from an angle AK style.

I really should replay that sometime, the gun and armor design was top notch.

whats the problem here?

And it held up despite being reused for the next two games. I appreciated that, both Dragon Age and Mass Effect kept their armour between games, and added more to it.

But Mass Effect had a different cover armor for each series. They had similar elements, but were all distinct.