tracer is the hottest bitch in vidya right now
if you don't want to smash that brit puss you have problems
tracer is the hottest bitch in vidya right now
if you don't want to smash that brit puss you have problems
She's alright
She's pretty cute and hot but widow surpasses her, most women in ow surpass tracer on a "hottest bitch in vidya right now" scale.
Literally the most annoying voice in vidya right now.
She sounds like a posh girl trying to do an impression of an east end accent.
>no ass
No thanks, love.
I think its charming, a cartoony version of the accent for a cartoony game about charming stereotypical characters.
Ireland shoo
You've got your meme the wrong way round, mate.
Tracker is better
That's an odd way to spell Juri, user.
Activislaves really have the worst excuse to waste their money.
Let e guess, your gamer CV is basically Wow since you were 12, the heartstone and minecraft.
She can't be hot when they gutted her entire move list for generic trash made for stupid people who can't into anything difficult in fighting games
She is one of the hottest looking girls though. and widowmaker are hotter. Tracer is Mei-tier.
Unf, mommy is so sexy
Tracer isn't even the hottest girl in her own game
>Wanting to fuck a british dyke with no ass and the most annoying fucking voice in the worl
No thanks, I'm straight.
Her legs are to long.
I'd much rather work her backdoor.
That isn't Mercy.
Mei is just a fat chinese girl who smells of rabbit farts user, just realize it.
You didnt even include
so you're gay
she looks like a boy
i wanna smash it with a sledgehammer
>tfw you will never torture tracer by breaking her arms and legs and have her rewind just to do it again over and over
>literally the worst girl even just in her own game
Nah, bad smelling fat brit asses, nobody wants that shit if you ever been there.
Nobody does in game either.
I'd cum in her and do a Brexit if you know what I mean.
>le spunky speedster
She has no ass, you dickhead
>Wanting to fuck tumblrette more than pharah or mercy
What are you, gay?
>not wanting to fuck a women
I am gay and tracer does nothing for me.
Korra isn't video game related senpai
>>Sup Forums
Why is she wearing crocs tho
came here to post this exact sentence with an image of this exact character
Ok, I'd still fuck her.
But I'd not actively try to get in her pants.
I find it funny how the mascot character is one of the hardest to play tbdesu
>learning how to play Tracer
>hard to play
You must be a below 60 mmr shitter.
t. hurt feelings prole
Every girl in SFV diasagrees
>know the map
>run through backdoor passages
>come from behind and burst kill everything one at a time
>dash around and recall to not be killed
What's hard about that?
There exists two Korra games though.
>zooms right past you
>sticks you from behind
>"heh, nuthin' personnel, luv"
She looks great in stills, but in motion, she looks and feels like fucking Bugs Bunny. There's just something very cartoonish about the way she moves. I mean you wouldn't fuck Bugs Bunny, would you?
The part where you need to dash around to avoid being killed because 150 hp and aim headshots on fastmoving targets to do acceptable dps where almost every character can 1 shot you.
High skill cap but definite carry potential.
Here's your (You)
>wanting to fuck puss and not qt3.14 pure traps
Literally doesn't even sound british, sounds like an american pretending to be british pretending to be american pretending to be british.
You're all about that Dad 76, aren't ya?
whats the point of having an unzipped bodysuit if she's just going to be wearing spandex underneath
Did anything happen on Father's Day?
Are we talking about Bugs Bunny, or Bugs Bunny in drag? Not that I would
Mercy, Pharah, and widow are the best for porn.
Especially SFM.
>not finding Bugs Bunny attractive whenever he put on a dress and pretended to be a girl bunny
You some kind of poofter or something, user?
If I hear "Don't worry love, cavalry's here" one more time, I'm going to throw a temper tantrum
No, its a generic dude in a plastic mask
The men in overwatch are all dogshit with the exception of roadhog/junkrat, even they are only good because of their comedic value.
I like plenty of the girls over tracer though, she is shit.
>not doing combat in skin-tight latex
cheehs luv
da cavalrys ere innit m8
Watch some of her emotes and don't tell me she doesn't remind of you Bugs Bunny, or at least, some kind of cartoon.
>she can't be hot when they took out the things that made her braindead
Fuck off Garth
That's it.... I'm done....
Closer to this really
>that mercy sfm where it's her riding and her wings go up and she licks the camera when you cum in her
>also has audio
Huh, it does, actually.
>amputee korra
>SFM porn
Neo-Sup Forums really is real.
Most good OW porn is sfm, I'd love drawn 2d but it just isn't as common/quality.
>disliking the biggest surge of quality 3D porn we've seen in history just to be contrarian
yes, neo/v/ does seem real thanks to you
That would be Mei.
if it was just the latex then id have no problem with it
but you have the suit unzipped in a presumed attempt at sex appeal and then proceed to cover of the cleavage
doesn't jive with me senpai
>Cheers luv cavalrys here
Who is she responding to?
You've got that mixed up m8.
I'm sorry but that's just wrong. SFM porn is trash.
>tfw your own ass is bigger than Tracer's ass
Reminder that "someone" was offended by Tracer's ass and not Widowmaker's everything.
link me to a decent amount/source of quality 2d, most of the SFM is trash but the good stuff is really, really good.
kys you disgusting fucking shitlord
i know this is bait though but have a you user ;)
>I'm sorry but that's just wrong. SFM porn is trash.
Compared to what children?
just because you don't like it, doesnt mean there is better
You just want to fit in and hate vehemently.
juri has gigantic horrible feet tho
Widows butt has been horribly nerfed, so...
I like how everyone waifu'd the other girls more after the beta and release.
>some dyke who doesn't even want dick is the hottest bitch
Yeah sure, you can have her and get cucked by other pussy while I fap to real straight women.
Tracer is extremely ugly and her voice is grating, I honestly cannot see how anyone likes her. I wish I could remove her ugly mug from my Battlenet main menu.
that's because it is an american trying to do a brit accent
why they didn't just get an actual brit idk, I guess blizz are just lazy as always
You can just run the game from the exe if you want but you'll have to sign in each time.
Virtua Fighter did this. If you actually did master the poster boy, you end up fucking other players up though.
no butt
wears clogs ew
She is british you tard
She's just Kim with no combos now.
Top layer isn't a bodysuit, it's biker leathers.
No I dont know why she isn't wearing gloves or boots
Souless sex doll from Japan is better?