>Enemy just stands there and face tanks Zeldas attacks >Other enemies alerted so they just stand there and jump up and down on the spot >There are only 3 attack animations across every weapon type in the entire game >There is literally no point sneaking up on enemies because they will just turn around and face tank anyway, and even if you sneak up on enemies and alert their friends, they still just stand there and jump up and down instead of fighting you >Hard mode where enemies actually attack you is locked behind Amiibo DLC
Don't get me started on the fact that is barely passes as a '''''''game'''''' when in reality it's an open world sandbox tech demo with no cohesive story or meaningful level design or progression path.
>open world sandbox tech demo with no cohesive story or meaningful level design or progression path >demo
well duh
Parker Jackson
Soo it's exactly like every other Zelda game?
Parker Rodriguez
Nintendo fans will defend this.
Mason Lee
>game has 9 months of development before release >"duh demo not gud!! wahhh!!"
Why are underaged posters so fucking stupid?
Jordan Rodriguez
What do you think a fucking demo is? are you retarded?
Jacob Kelly
Juan Morales
>The demo with almost all story content removed as to not spoil anything is bad because it doesn't have any story.
Gabriel Hall
>that pic
Kevin Evans
What's funny is that it's traced over with memes, the real picture is out there somewhere.
Anthony Gonzalez
>Hard mode where enemies actually attack you is locked behind Amiibo DLC
What? Seriously?
Gavin Green
It's almost like the first zone of a game is easier compared to the more difficult zones you'll find later in the game.
Jose Bennett
that's because man-childs playing this game (aka 75% rest are kids and woman) would get killed if more than one enemy would attack them
Evan Johnson
It barely passes for a game because it doesn't have constant cutscenes and linear "level design"? (only applies to modern games, old linear games were actually great)
Alexander Price
Knowing Zelda, the increase in difficulty will be negligible. Skyward Sword's toughest enemies by the end of the game were more aggressive, sure, but you could still thrash them like the punching bags they were. If you had a full two rows of hearts and a strong shield, you were unstoppable.
The only way to play Zelda is to avoid all defensive upgrades.
Connor Young
you people have an excuse for everything
William Evans
Robert Foster
I'm intrigued and disgusted
Jace Edwards
Zelda having piss easy braindead combat is nothing new newfag
Nicholas Nelson
link pls
Thomas Evans
Jose Parker
Dylan Hill
To be fair, the E3 build is probably a good 3 months old, and was probably play tested inhouse to make sure it was stable.
Landon Rogers
Jose Thompson
>Posting the same false shitposts 3 different times in under 10 minutes
Cameron Stewart
You forgot to mention enemies have retarded, cartoonish overeactions when they see you instead of a more realistic one
Andrew Hill
no, OP is talking out his ass.
Noah Peterson
>Daki from Love Lab >Hotline Miami >all those detailed backs of anime/game figures
The guy who draws these has some really far-reaching weeb and nerd knowledge.
Juan Cruz
>tech demo >cohesive story or meaningful level design or progression path Pick one
Carter Cox
>still upset because nintendo won E3 with one game
pretty sad famalam
Lincoln Harris
What are these suppose to mean
Thomas Flores
the mario kart 7 shell cup trophy from club nintendo is what really impressed me.
Leo Wright
>>Hard mode where enemies actually attack you is locked behind Amiibo DLC
you just got this out of your ass didnt you
Luis Sanders
you people have a complaint for everything
Lucas Murphy
show me all of the shitposting threads about sony games, famalamadingdong
oh wait
there's no games on the PS4, so there's no threads on Sup Forums
Jace Davis
what did he mean by this
Ryan Richardson
>Zelda >Not casual
Since fucking when?
Cameron Jones
>Cartoon game has cartoon animations
Colour me shocked
Oliver Perez
>Zeldas attacks
Dylan Carter
>Cannon fodder is easy to beat Not to mention in a Zelda game.
Wyatt Morales
>Enemy just stands there and face tanks Zeldas attacks >Zeldas attacks Oh boy here we go Every bokoblin in every Zelda game does this but hey, let's talk shit without having played the demo! Also, check this to see how "enemy just stands and face tanks hits"
>Other enemies alerted so they just stand there and jump up and down on the spot
You can barely see their reaction in that webm why are you making up stuff?
>There are only 3 attack animations across every weapon type in the entire game multiple hit combos, stong attacks, charged attacks, jump attacks, flurry rush, stealth strikes and we don't know if there's secret techniques just like in TP because the game isn't out yet. >There is literally no point sneaking up on enemies because they will just turn around He got to close and made sound at the last step. Either way, yeah there's no point on going stealthy in an enemy camp unless they're all sleeping.
>Hard mode where enemies actually attack you is locked behind Amiibo DLC Now i know your entire post was bait.
James Flores
As much as I love LoZ games, this. They're always been casual and easy to play games. That's the fucking point. I wish the AI was more aggressive on hero modes though.
Adrian Robinson
>you need amiibo to unlock cool shit like unlock wolf link
and dropped
Ethan Bailey
>>Cannon fodder is easy to beat
Confirmed for never played cannon fodder
Zachary Bell
why are nintendrones literally the worst fanbase? the company hates you, treats you like shit and gives you no games and amiibo instead
Brandon Ross
nigger what do you think a demo is? there was hours of streaming across a large swath of map. of course its representative of the game. Fucking aonuma pretty much confirmed the game has extremely little narrative and is comprised mostly of wandering around playing in the sandbox, and the rest is the dungeons.
Liam Gonzalez
more like have retinas not smeared in miyamotos cum
Cooper Butler
I don't think many have, you smartass.
Christian Richardson
kinda annoys me too. its the same moblins with the same animations from fucking windwaker. mix it up already for christs sake.
Brayden Lopez
dude they all just stand there for like 4 seconds without even approaching link or raising their weapons. thats simply not fun to play. why not just populate the world with training dummies at that rate?
Grayson King
David Smith
They stick out their tongues when drawing their bow. And their actions are much more comical this time, I think Try to disprove any of his points by finding a Nintendo game released that looks better in a trailer
Caleb Stewart
the point of zelda games is that theyre so easy its not fun? i didnt realize that. i remember link to the past offering plenty of challenge compared to the 3d ones
Connor Watson
Weakest enemy, yada yada
They already confirmed different enemies will have different attacking patterns
Mason Harris
I'm so sick of people being optimistic about this. can you just fuck off to /vg/ where they actually like/talk about games? this is the board for shitting on things and being cynical. you know why? because it's cathartic. it's fun to tear apart everything. even things you like. putting everything on a pedestal is miserable.
When enemies are too strong or game punishes you for a smallest mistake it its just making the game artificiality hard... It's not like its hard to kill this enemy its just that it punishes you too easily.
Carter Jenkins
hey nice idiotic strawman
Eli Wood
I can't wait to walk through empty fields from point A to point B to get small doses of mediocre gameplay. Open world is truly the best genre.
Julian Ortiz
Fuck is that some Dragons Dogma online? Goddamn I wish I could speak Moon Runes, I want this game so bad
Samuel Murphy
>tfw you realize Zelda is actually mediocre and was never that great
John Ortiz
Strawman? He literary said "This enemy you thought it was easy" "Boom one shot" How is that strawman you retard.
Brayden Hall
name one nintendo game that looked better in bullshots than the final product
>in b4 Spaceworld 2000
Christopher Scott
>hurrdurr he died 1 hit le artificial difficulty
That wasn't the point you retard.
Jaxson Powell
Agreed. Japcom needs to get over themselves and start selling to NA and EU. With how well DD:DA sold on the PC re-release, they cannot say it won't be profitable.
Nolan Brown
in b4 Monster Hunter should be on home consoles
Jackson Price
Petition Nintendo to build the game with a difficulty option. I want this game to be Dark Souls hard.
Juan Allen
Charles Green
i dont even know what the fuck youre talking about. OPs complaint is that enemies stand around getting fucking destroyed and hardly fight back. thats true in every zelda, theyre all so easy they arent fun.
Cooper Perez
>Cancerous Souls fanbase >le difficuty meme
end yourself, you're almost as bad as FNAF kids with your essentially off-topic bullshit
Hudson Campbell
if they do that the only difference will be enemy hitpoints
Logan Davis
Nigger you're the one who focused on the descriptor I used
I just want the fucking game to be difficult
David Green
Damn man did you even play Windwaker? All of the enemies stare at you when you 1v another enemy.
Grayson Morales
It's Nintendo so if you want "Souls difficulty" (kek) it's time for you to move on. Go back to your pretend-hard game series.
Mason Price
>guy says a thing >MEMES MEMES MEMES
Jesus, why do I even come to this board?
Jace Foster
Maybe you should think about what you write instead of making retard-tier memes about "i want dis game to be hard like da souls series"
Make the game more like Souls is such an overused, tired armchair developer statement that you deserve to be shit on. You won't be missed, faggot.
Aiden Jenkins
The only way to make 3D Zelda games more difficult is that the enemies deal a fuckton damage because Link has a lot of mobility.
This wasn't a "problem" in 2D Zelda games where you literally move on a wheelchair. So the difficulty in those games is based around your limitations and what you can't do.
Austin Reed
Alright, I won't be descriptive next time. I'll just say "make the game hard" with no real substance.
Evan Williams
>i dont even know what the fuck youre talking about. Then you shouldn't come here if you can't understand basic english
How the fuck was that strawman if this was literary what the guy in the video said? >This enemy you thought it was easy >Boom one shot He was literary inplying that this enemy was hard and i said that he wasn't just because he kills you in 1 hit does not mean he is hard.
Now fuck off
Samuel Roberts
So, now the dust has settled, can we all agree that Nintendo winning E3 with ONE game, just ONE game is a terrible meme and Sony won again, as usual?
Xavier Bailey
Like hyrule warriors then. Minus the long combos.
Ian Martin
Nintendo showed 3 games
Liam Robinson
OP says that enemies face tank hits on head, the point of that video is not that they are easy nor difficult, is that they just don't tank hits forever till they die.
Gabriel Sanchez
I'm not saying Nintendo won, but what the fuck did Sony show that was better than Zelda? Fucking God of War? They could have won by a landslide if they showed P5 though.
Dominic Anderson
>They could have won by a landslide if they showed P5 though. And if they showed a release this year, not fucking February next year.
Noah Garcia
This must be bait. It looks as retarded as enemies were in wind waker, this is not casualized, it's the same. Maybe combat isn't as """"intricate"""" as it was in skyward sword, but you go ahead back to playing that if you're bored already looking at BOTW
Hudson Foster
No. Nintendo won with just one game.
Lucas Sanchez
Nice arguments, if you are so smart, why didn't you buy PS4?
Angel Robinson
Find a person who wasn't interested in nintendo on e3 that can name those other games. I didn't give a shit about any of it but i can name most of the showed games that i either just heard of from someone or looked up myself. I have no idea what other games nintendo showed.
Thomas Campbell
I didn't even watch E3 this year, I simply was not interested.
Cameron Reyes
Monster Hunter should be on consoles that are used primarily within the household, PC too
Mason Morris
Hey I love playing Zelda games I didnt say they're not fun. They present enough challenge to be entertaining but not too much where it becomes a task to play the game instead of just having fun.
Liam Flores
>Enemy just stands there and face tanks Zeldas attacks >Zeldas
You got this past everyone else but not me you faggot. Can't call it casual when you're a bait droppin' casual yourself.