Late Night Subnautica

Let's go boys. Post bases, do what you gotta do.

But remember, you will never escape the terrors of the deep.

Waiting for it to come out on ps4

Tfw a 16 hour save got corrupted. Had a lot of blueprints and a nice base.
I had to reinstall the game. I know cheating isn't condoned. But I've spawned myself materials to get blueprints I had back and materials for the basic base I had. After this I'll continue looting as normal.

>Yet another Hugh Jeremy shilling thread

Why does this game run so fucking bad? I have a 970 and 6700k. It needs to be optimized better, no pop in, and needs 144hz if he's serious about VR. Otherwise this game is dope

No clue. I thought it might just be me but yeah, seems like it runs like shit for some reason.

I mean I understand it, it's a goddamn ocean, but it shouldn't be dipping below 20 at seemingly complete random while I stare at sand.

It isn't optimized at all, but if you drop your graphics lower than the highest you should get almost zero FPS drops.


I happen to have a 550 GTX ti
How well would this run?

i played this game and got eaten haha

I keep going to play this game and then thinking whats the point they're just gonna keep adding shit, might as well wait till its done.

Don't fucking talk if you don't know.
The devs are gonna remove terraforming so the game will run better for everyone.

Bitch I run a fucking 460GTX and it runs fine.
Shut the fuck up and just play the fucking game, bitch boy.

I mean they were just pointing out things/giving suggestions to help. More than you desu

Yeah and I gave the ultimate answer.
So fuck off.

Literally have 30 hours in the game and bought it when it launched you retard. The game is not optimized at all and never has been. Maybe when they do that if it actually improves the chugging it will be optimized but until then the game has zero optimization. Sorry you got triggered for no reason when we said an unoptimized game was unoptimized.

I wonder what it's like to be eaten

Just wondering, nothing sexually haha

Don't fucking talk if you don't know.
The devs are gonna remove terraforming so the game will run better for everyone.

But I do know, the game is unoptimized. I don't know what your autistic rage is about. You keep saying they are removing terraforming so the game will run better, but the game right now is unoptimized as fuck and chugs along on experimental graphics there literally is no denying that.

Are there creatures bigger than that white thing with 4 manipulators in it's head?
After you get the cyclops or some defences for the seamoth it's a bit hard to get terrified.
I want to feel the nope I felt when a sandshark popped out of the sand with me barehanded again.

> consider buying game.
> game is horribly optimised.
> if I wait they'll iron out the bugs and it'll be cheaper.


Just refund if it it doesn't work out for you now.

I got solid enjoyable 11 hours out of it and I didn't even get to the big submarine

Waiting for the full release now before spoiling everything for myself

Sandy Hook was not real.

It's real I was shot but I respawned the next day.

>buy game
>play game
>close game

>open game the next day
>no save

Turns out there is no autosave, eh? Didn't even get a warning or anything.

>Not saving before quitting anyways

holy shit what a scrub

That's the biggest for now, but there's a few bigger creatures in development.

>he doesn't save his games


is there a blueprint for a new fire extinguishier? do i need one for the aurora wrack

I mean I always make a manual save before quiting any game, there is no reason not to. Also the game never gave you the annoying "THIS GAME HAS AUTO SAVE WHEN YOU SEE THIS SPINNING OR FLASHING THINGY" so why would you think it would have auto saves?

current base in progress, need to get more materials to finish it up.

planning on having this as my go-to base with all storage and roaming deep with cyclops and seamoth shortly


I really like that glass connector observatory substitute. Gonna do that as well, thanks for the tipp user.

Also try windows on the connectors at the moonpool.

looks neat. how did you make your moonpool be so far "up"?

I really want to make a better base.
Yours is an inspiration.

Haha cheers user, symmetry is a side-effect of what I assume to be mild OCD.

Connected it directly to the corridors or whatever you call them up the top, like had my mouse over the side of the highest corridors rather than in the air. It's a bit hard to work but worth it.

Yeah I have no more glass left but that was next on the agenda, cheers.

Aye, cheers.

Nice base user. I had to make a new one since my 16 hour save got corrupted. Currently my base starts on the small patch of land on the safe Plains above the water and then it goes below water to another base near the kelp /green forest or whatever it's called. Do wish elevators or stairs were in the game. I'm likely gonna build several ayy lmao tanks. One for random eatable fish. One for each of the ayy lmao species

Sounds pretty comfy. When I finish this base, or mostly anyway, I'm going to make a base in the shallows with an above-the-water observation room and office-style thing, but haven't done that yet I was too keen to move deeper and get more shit.

There's a giant electric eel bro next to the base in my pic, I'll play in a sec and try and get a pic of him relative to the base.

He scared the absolute shit out of me first time I saw him

Got a shitty picture of him, he's pretty close but he often swims a bit closer.

Neat. Yeah that huge eel was not a bro and tried to kill me. Here is a pic of my base from below water. Keep in mind i did use cheats to spawn some of the materials, and i will do so til i have a moonpool and two fishing tanks. As it is what my old base had, my old save got corrupted unfortunately.
It's not finished yet.
Pic related is from below. This is why i wish there was "stairs" or an elevator since a long closed ladder don't look so good.

Pic related is from above. Perhaps i'll add a moonpool above as well. I'm not sure.

> game is horribly optimised.
build a not shit pc

Yeah that looks great I love the long corridors and all the glass above the water. That's what I'm going to aim for.
Cheating doesn't matter in singleplayer games user, especially after losing a save, I would have done the same thing.

Thanks user. Yeah, i suppose cheating is OK but i do like having to find stuff instead of spawning everything.