ITT we are Fallout 4 developers

>How about we make the protagonist the director of the institute, but still let her underlings boss her around?

By telling them that another settlement needs their help and marking it on their map.

how about we have a giant gaping plothole in the fact that the players son has aged 60 years and his kidnapper has aged 0, and only keave an explanation hidden away on a terminal the pkayers likely to never check, that wont ruin any players immersion right?

>at the start Kellogg takes your wife, you and your son to the Institute
>you live your life happily as a member of it while your wife does some shit and your wife's son grows up
>eventually you're sent into the wasteland that's way more destroyed than it is normally in F4
>you do errands for them but eventually get approached by some other faction
>obviously you were oblivious about the whole synth replacing people thing
>then you can decide if you keep on doing shit for the Institute eventually leading them or destroying them from the inside


Yes, user, there's actually two playable characters in this game. You can choose the mother or the father.

How about we make an RPG then have lots of exposition about the protagonist's life and backstory right at the beginning that then guides the course of the game?

Also give them a voice.

>How about we make the main character incapable of realizing that time passes when you are frozen and spend half the game derping around the countryside looking for an infant.

But, like you said, Kellogg didn't age so it's not the most unreasonable thing, but still pretty awful.

How about we make 90% of the game about shooting people in a dungeon?
> wanna free a settlement? Do a dungeon
> wanna mod your weapons? You are out of scraps, better go to a dungeon to scavenge for junk.
> wanna build a settlement? Same as above.
> wanna progress in the main quest? Go do a dungeon.
> wanna do a sidequest? It's probably gonna involve a dungeon.
At least we are gonna make aqch dungeon unique, right?
No. We are gonna make a million of them and each one will feel like it's randomly generated, except the Corvega Assembly Station, because that one is in our E3 demo.

GUYS GUYS GUYS, Todd said that we need to make a new DLC for Fallout 4. Should we go for the Kids Room Expansion which has 5 new items and cost 19.99$ or a new building with has generic enemies that is 9.99$?

Uh, you do realise it was clearly explained in that Kellogg memory mission, right?

>doesn't pay attention to the plot
>claims there's a plothole

How about we take the rpg elements this game has, and move it elsewhere?

10 hours long introductory sequence. That would beat even FO3's record

Still not as long as TP's intro though

I think the game could benefit from having a black male as the protagonist.

>shaun is now an old man
That was the most predictable shit, too. I called it when watching the intro after my friends installed it. "Baby is going to be an old man or maybe even dead for 100 years."

>How about we name an area Salem, inevitably making people think this area will be spooky and filled with interesting things
>Yeah and then just put a death claw and some crabs in it
>Great idea

>Let's cram everything so close together you can't even use the map because icons overlap.

>Hmm maybe we should change the FoV in the PC version for it to be at least higher than 80h
>nah just keep it, someone will mod it

Kellog is an augmented mercenary. One that "Father" is quite proud of and thinks the other Instiute head guys are jelouse of. He's 100+ years old.

The game was shit but atleast know what you're fucking on about.

Then why did the townsfolk remember him having just passed through with a little boy recently? Why was his house recently vacated?

Seems odd anyone would remember some guy travelling with a kid 50 years ago when asked recently. Also, this would have happened when the residents of diamond city where in diapers or not even born.



Are you stupid?
The story made be fucking bad, but at least pay atttention. Jesus christ.

Wasn't this Shaun the synth one ? In the memory of Kellogs' house in Diamond City Shaun mentions Father.