>You grew up around literal neckbeards, answer your hidden destiny to become possibly a God >Have a bubbly sister >In a fantasy world that fulfills every trope of D&D. >Magic system goes full fucking Ham and is all about how much wacky effects you can pile on >Good voice acting >Writing is actually decent >Decent villain >Good music score >Hand drawn 2d art for maps >Ton's of npc's with fun personalities >Romance is just for fun and not shoved down your throat. >Has a bajillion special magic items with their own wacky effects >Power progression is actually fucking great, you start out barely being able to get through fucking kobold mines till you can challenge demigods.
>Game is so easily moddable that there are a bajillion mods for your fetishes [quote]Imoen Romance mod specifically[/quote]
Every single modern BG style game has been utterly shit and failed spectacularly.
How is it this game did it right in so many ways?
Ethan Wright
Because people used to put passion into making games
Michael Cruz
Does anyone else here prefer BG1? I've always liked being really weak in the beginning of vidya and in BG2 you already have some of the better spells in the beginning. In BG1 a single wolf let alone a bear can fuck you up Also you have to be more conservative with items and money
Joseph Miller
>Every single modern BG style game has been utterly shit and failed spectacularly. Because they're the same shit but without your nostalgia. You're experiencing what a newcomer would be seeing in BG.
Jason Kelly
i also do like bg1, there was more way to fuck up at start if you didn't knew how to play the game correctly, while bg2 start to become a magic fest and just cast shit tons of spell before starting a fight and the goal was way more straight forward than bg1, having less exploration on the map.
both games still complement each other nicely, it's still my all time favorite rpg, i think i started playing bother game around 2011, so it's nostalgia-free
Ryder Kelly
Played BG again two weeks ago.
Way better then anything released today.
Christian Wilson
I literally played BG last year for the first time (not EE, BGT build made by my friend who is a fan of BG) and I agree with OP, neither bioware nor obsidian ever managed to reach BG. Witcher is too different, DivOS is pretty good but not as good.
Samuel Kelly
Mate, I played BG1 for the first time a couple years ago and it blew my mind. I agree with OP completely, and it has nothing to do with nostalgia.
Landon Brown
I also prefer BG1, if only because it actually managed to pull off a coherent story instead of the clusterfuck that was BG2. And also Durlag's Tower > everything else.
Kayden Roberts
I prefer BG1 as well.
Easton Roberts
This! ToB feels more like a sequel to 1 than 2 does. Too bad ToB is shit.
BG-trilogy almost seem like ME-trilogy in that regard: the first game is a overall 'nice' game, the second is an inconsequential loop in story, while the third game is a huge disappointment.
Oliver Jones
i mostly hated the crazy amount of magic users in ToB
Ian Turner
I'm interested in playing this game, is there any mods I need to get in order to play? I've looked around for awhile and seen something called tutu. I'm kinda lost and would appreciate some help.
Chase Ramirez
Get Baldur's Gate Trilogy, BG2 Fixpack, Unfinished Business for both BG1 and BG2, maybe BGT and BG2 tweaks, end with widescreen patch, in that order.
Henry Sullivan
The first Baldur's Gate is dogshit and has aged like liquid diarrhea. It has literally zero meaningful C&C or multi-solution quests that can be solved in different ways based on your character build and only became popular because of the meme-tier characters like Minsc and Imoen.
It was a shitty RPG even at launch that had nothing on such RPG masterpieces as Fallout that was released earlier or PST that was released no more than 1 year later, yet it will be always sperged over by meme-spouting children, who know nothing about the genre and possibly haven't even played it.
The only good thing about the entire Baldur's Gate franchise is the Tactics and Ascension mods for BG2. THESE are the things that made it an all time classic and literally THE most difficult and tactical RPG ever devised by man, the vanilla Bioware game was dogshit with, again, almost no meaningful C&C or properly implemented multi-solution quests apart from strongholds.
Now, please, continue to circle-jerk about a shitty game that has become a living meme.
Adam Williams
>ascension >good
William Foster
Dominic Morgan
Is G3 and SHS kill? Mirrors when?
Jack Morales
They have been down for at least a week. No mirrors so far since they refuse to tell what's going on.
Mason Powell
Ascension turns ToB into THE most difficult RPG bossfight gauntlet ever. It's inarguable.
Elijah Davis
It does it in the worst way possible.
Brody Morgan
No, it does it in the best way possible. It gives bosses unique abilities that allow them to flatten any unprepared party and even dumps the entirety of The Five on your ass in the final battle for the authentic anal rape experience. It forces you to prepare counter strategies for survival through the use of items, magic and different abilities of different classes.
TL;DR: Ascension forces you to be familiar with the entirety of the class, item and magic system or die a horrible, horrible death in seconds.
Colton Brown
In 2015 they said they mirror each others files, but have one hosting provider. Also they don't want mirrors because it's "too hard to update each one." Fucking retards.
Isaiah Powell
If it was the best way possible, it would increase difficulty based on the classes represented in the party and giving the players challenges that fit those classes and not through increased number of enemies and HLAs. It purely favors fighter and mage heavy parties.
Robert Rodriguez
>it would increase difficulty based on the classes represented in the party That's literally impossible, because not all classes are balanced equally and the difficulty would have to adaptive, which is something no wRPG has ever done.
>It purely favors fighter and mage heavy parties. It favors smart party composition and smart use of class abilities to their fullest. Fighter and Mage classes aren't that powerful, compared to Druids and Cleric/Mage multiclasses. In fact, fighter classes are shit in Ascension and are usable only in conjunction with caster classes, which, again, is something Ascension forces you to find out through many horrible deaths until you figure out good party combos.
TL;DR: Ascension separates the true veterans of the genre, who truly know the system in its entirety from wannabe " hardcore" kiddies, who get stumped once their regular cheese "strategies" no longer work.
More games should take the difficulty to this extreme level as a final test of understanding the nuances of the game's systems, but, alas, the casuals would shit themselves with frustration if anything even remotely close to Ascension level difficulty would be present in any mainstream games.
David Gutierrez
NWN was better
Blake Powell
BG1 is fully open world and doesn't handhold you, tons of shit to explore in the remote edges of the map, the story isn't over-the-top "you're god now".
BG2 was already full of corridor levels and self-contained locations. There was more NPC interaction that's why a lot of people liked it more, but there are a lot of mods now with fanwritten dialogues for BG1 that are sometimes better than Bioware writing, sometimes fanfic tier.
That's why BG1 is the better game now.
Hunter Parker
>C&C >muh C&C >why does BG have no C&C I want my flavor text
What the dick is wrong with you? C&C can be fun, but it is by no means a necessary thing for an RPG, nor should an RPG's quality be judged on it.