Which of you pussies had to get this version of DMC3 because the original version was too difficult for you?

Which of you pussies had to get this version of DMC3 because the original version was too difficult for you?

that's not going to work OP

The original difficulty was Japanese Hard mode it was way too fucking hard

I never even found out about the "Normal mode is actually hard mode" thing until years after I'd beaten it.

Installing DMC4 SE right now. I've been dying to get my CRAZY on, even though I'm absolute shite at combos.

I beat it on DMD.

That was the first game that made me quit because it was too much work and stopped being fun to play.

It's extremely rewarding once you get a solid grip on the mechanics though.
Christ, back when I first played it I had the hardest time with the mini-boss on the second stage. I won't even mention how long I struggled with Cerberus.

But it's so fucking satisfying to blaze through the game once you've obtained skill.

You can mash your way through almost every difficulty in the series...

Fuck you. It was the only version of the game I could find in stores.

>tfw beat the original one

Feels good

I got the PC version because my PS2 and 360 are both dead.

What's with all the hate for this game? I just started it after having finished 1 last night, and it's really fun

>Have to replay a level if you die to a boss

Whose stupid idea was this? Vjoe does this shit too and it's idiotic for these types of games because the levels themselves offer no challenge at all.

It's not that bad if you tone down using the crazy OP guns.

Got DMC 4 SE during the sale, it's pretty fun. I really like Lady though her bayonet has literally 3-4 moves, that's it, her gunplay is great fun. Haven't gotten to Trish yet but as always looking forward to Dante and Virgil (who I haven't touched yet) but dreading Nero because he's FUCKING BORING

I mostly just wanted SE because of the extra content.

Wait, I thought the special edition was harder?

Why was the original hard? I beat it on every difficulty up until the one where you die in one hit.

>DMC2-In-A-Nutshell.webm (2.86 MB, 666x666)
>is clearly 16:9
What the spoop?


Original release's normal mode in US/EU/AU was actually the Japanese hard mode. Critics and other casuals had a sook, so they lowered the difficulty on the re-release a year later.

Capcom is going to be at TGS this year, right?

So the special edition didn't have some extra fast mode for the highest difficulty or something? I had the original but I was told I was getting an inferior experience.

you know what I love? fighting helicopters and tanks!

Doesn't the original have a difficulty selection?

I got the special edition because Vergil is objectively a cooler choice than a harder difficulty mode.

>still hoping

It's over. It was over after DMC4, DMC4:SE is a cruel joke now. Just stop it user. Enough.


What's wrong with special edition of DMC4?

It filled some with hope that with DMC4:SE we might get DMC5 after all. Didn't happen. Won't ever happen. Game Over.

W-we got DmC though, h-heh.

nah dude, nero is pretty fun, crazy damage potential if you have godlike precision with the exceed system

are you retarded? The special edition has a difficulty setting that the "original version" didnt have (very hard) because the original mislabeled hard as normal and very hard as hard, only leaving DMD in its normal state