Dex vs int

>dex vs int

Isidro isn't really as much dex as much as he's just a child with an unusual fighting style.
Serpico is dex/agi if anything.

Also before you even bring it up, yes it's his biggest stat - but Guts isn't pure str. Guy's got immense reflexes and wits.

What's with all the loli witches

Is there a new chapter out?

>I haven't read Berserk since they got on the boat

I should really take the time to catch up some time. Or maybe even do a complete reread.

I still can't believe they finally made it to Elfheim and it wasn't already burned to the ground.
I was sure Miura would make it all for nothing. Glad he didn't.

>you poured my love potion into the archmages' tea

I dosen't take that much time to reread the whole boat arc. It's like 40 chapters or something like that.

Would you say he has Wisdom?

Guts? Definitely. I'm not saying wis is his dump stat, all I'm saying his Guts is more varied than people assume.

Someone got raped.

What the fuck happened to Berserk? Now the whole manga feels like a shitty jrpg story for kids where nothing even remotely disturbing happens.


Giving Guts allies was a mistake

>What the fuck happened to Berserk?

As if Schierke wasn't cancer enough now we have entire loli island. This panel doesn't even look like Berserk if someone didn't read this chapter and you told him it's from some moeshit they would believe.

If Guts was all alone he would go completly insane the whole point of him is that he tries to be lone edgelord but ultimately it would just harm him as he needs human contact just like everyone else.

Giving him kid allies was a mistake however.

>he reads berserk because it's edgy
cute slav btw

>mfw I like both berserk and moeshit

It can only be redeemed if they're all killed. But we've already seen a load of dead kids so that wouldn't be new huh...
>reads horror story for horror



Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

There is nothing edgy about preferring an experienced mercenary killing apostles all over the land that was based on realism over a group of kids defeating magic pumpkins and playing around in a fucking village of magical girls.

>horror story

so you are underage after all

IDOLM@STER was a mistake
- Kentaro Miura

Did you only read the last 3 chapters or what?


high res scans are out?

[hawr-er, hor-]
an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear:
to shrink back from a mutilated corpse in horror.
anything that causes such a feeling:
killing, looting, and other horrors of war.

I guess Saving Private Rayan is a horror movie then.

The creator really likes Idolmaster and only brought it back so that he can draw a bunch of loli witches to make his own idolmaster

not even that user but you can say Saving Private Ryan is a movie about the horrors of war.

Berserk being edgy as fuck was part of the appeal though.

>love potion
what was she going to use it for...

cute witch yuri

It's dark fantasy, it has horror elements but it's not horror

>ever since the year 2000 Japan started to become ultra emasculate to the point where men lost interest in women, more anime with little girls started coming out because a lot of Japanese men were checking out of male roles and becoming neets.

basically japan is full of low test betas that can't handle real women so they idolize little girls because they are easy and innocent.

They are basically just shooting themselves in the foot and polluting the anime/manga scene

Pallet cleanser, user. It becomes exceedingly difficult to find a story engaging if it's a prolonged slog of suffering, rage, troll-gut prostitute gods and horse rape.

Not to mention, it's going to take more than angst for Guts to stand a chance against Griffith. He needs allies, and perhaps more importantly, friends to keep him stable. It'll be strangely cathartic to see Guts start getting his spirits up. Even if it means they get dashed even harder later on.

>island full of witch kids
>Casca might be cured

It feels way too innocent it won't surprise me if something goes wrong soon and Berserk will come back to grimdark mode.

Or maybe not, maybe Miura legit fucking hates his fans.

Miura would never say this

t-thanks im@s

Griffith is going to have his demon army pillage the fuck out of this place, considering he sent his top men to kill 1 (one) old as hell, albeit powerful witch.

Stories shouldn't go on this long. Just finish it and be done with it.

Even the longest books were all released as one thing.

Miura is a fucking hack.

There'll be plenty of edge when Guts finally uses his behelit to fight GURRIFISU

>Guts has Wisdom
>I'm not saying it's his Dump Stat
No shit.

t. someone, who doesnt read berserk

Can sacrifices even use the behelit?

>Guts finally uses his behelit
>not Puck's

The cop-out is going to be that sacrifices can use it without the staggering downsides.

i've only started to really get into reading Berserk and i thought this was some sort of loli witch manga

i have faith that miura is setting guts up for another fall

If he will use it, he will make a resonant dragonslayer the same way skull knight did with his sword.

izzat boizoik man-gah? it ended, innit

We can only hope.

Miura has calmed down over the years. At this rate Guts will have his happy ending.

at this rate miura will fucking die of old age before guts gets back to the mainland

>What the fuck happened to Berserk? Now the whole manga feels like a shitty jrpg story for kids where nothing even remotely disturbing happens.

It's a mirror to the Golden Age arc.

Everyone is going to die horribly again.


fuck off

It turned into a generic shounen, Guts only wins battles now becaue of "muh frens"

Not any surprise the modern anime is shit when the source material is too.

>Edgy Black Swordsman

How to spot a retard

>guts' face when caska get her memory back and she doesn't want to be with him anymore...

Then he says ''Griffith did nothing wrong'' rapes her and joins him.