Stephen King is tasked in rewriting the story for the last game you've played

Stephen King is tasked in rewriting the story for the last game you've played.

How is it Sup Forums?

If Odin Sphere fucking ends with everyone jumping up and yelling "YEAH!" in some forced feel good ending I'm throwing this shit out the window.

So how did this man become so incredibly popular? Everything he writes gets made into a movie, in fact I'm pretty sure his "fans" don't even read his books.

I don't know if he's a good writer or not because I haven't read any of his works but it bothers me that this one man is more famous than all other writers combined. The only one that comes close is JK Rowling but she's a one trick pony.

Alan wake..

Sniper Elite 3.

A story literally not worth telling unless it's a game. Worst book of the century.

It's the same but it is now set in Maine

Huniecam Studio

Anything interesting lads?

user, I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you one reads any more

>So how did this man become so incredibly popular
>I haven't read any of his works

>in fact I'm pretty sure his "fans" don't even read his books.

where'd this statement come from?

I've read him. I wouldn't recommend him.

Jauffre turns out to be mehrunes dagon

his books are a decent read, and he has a shit ton of books to pick from

>Renowned Explorers
Oh it's simple. They are searching for their lost childhood in rural Maine and the enemies are themed around technocratic moguls representing The Man.

>Never read any book of a given author
>Wonders how he can be so popular
How about you go to library and check for yourself?

Precisely why I'm asking. I want some one to tell me if his shit is as good as his popularity would imply

His horror/short stories are incredibly on point. The kind of shit he cooks up that doesn't make it to the film versions is disturbing to the point that one would assume he is haunted by urges of sexual violence on a daily basis.

Ok I'll tell you. Some of his early stuff is pretty good like Carrie or The Shining. The movies are better in every case.

You should read someone older.

Too many books and videogames, not enough time to read and play them all.

Metal gear solid 5. Well that's ok.

Simply read it by yourself and make your own opinion, you stupid shit. Different Seasons is probably the best shot to start with King, followed by Cycle of the Werewolf and Dead Zone. Because not counting Dead Zone, they are incredibly short and simple, while having all the trademarks of King's prose.

Also, Running Man under his pen-name.

Seriously, the sheer amount of stuff this guy wrote should ring you a bell instead of being little shit asking stupid questions, but never even bothering to check for yourself.

Considering he shat out 55 novels and over 200 short stories, yes, there's something for everyone.

I recommend Night Shift to normies/casual readers. People that are more fantasy-inclined or heavy readers, the Dark Tower.

>The movies are better in every case

>Be a NEET on Sup Forums
>Complain about lacking time

Dark Tower is his magnum opus, that's for sure, but I wouldn't recommend it as first read. Not to mention normies. Not to mention idiots on Sup Forums who ask stupid questions.

I recommend making an effort and acquire some fucking tase

>Implying I'm a NEET
I study full time, I'm on vacations now and can't find a job so for the meantime I spend my time reading, and playing videogames because I'm too broke to go out with my friends.

modern Stephen King?

he'd rewrite every character to be a """person of color"""

EU4... So I guess he's allowed to rewrite human history from 1444-1821. Good luck world.

Newsflash - nobody gives a fuck. And you have plenty of time to read.

>Risk of Rain

Uh... Could be ok, I guess?

Sup Forums called. They want you back

Nah, fuck world, he would write a story about Maine colonisation and entire saga following generations of people living there and experiencing weird shit

might as well be NEET

It's true. He's pretty forgettable as a writer outside of a few choice books and in both examples I gave the films cut out all the bad parts and turned them into masterpieces.

To anyone thinking of reading SK. He is overrated as fuck. Go read literally any other famous writer from his time or (preferably) before his time.

You are not even trying
