Still no mods on PS4.
No fucking word.
What is happening ?
Still no mods on PS4.
No fucking word.
What is happening ?
Fallout 4 sucks who gives a shit you spamming autist
>20 million copies
>Who gives a shit
Lots of people do. Even you. Why so mad boogerboy?
Pick up a dictionary, it'll be more productive for you than making the same stupid fucking thread multiple times a day.
It hasn't even been a week since they announced that you raging lunatic
op has aids.
>delayed = canceled
i recognize that artist. both of those girls have penises, don't they?
No. Only one of those girls has a penis.The other is a boy.
>this thread again
do you PCucks don't have games to play
>playing videogames
Check out this loser.
F4 was best game of last year so fuck off and go back to your weeaboo shit
>F4 was best game of last year
That ain't sayin' much
>20 millions sold
>people with ending achievements:
Sony apparently is too jewish to offer file storage for the mods which is the cause of the delay.
>Modding a PS4 consoles
Is this the new age for consoles?
>OP says cancelled
>image says delayed
Not that anyone cares about Fallout 4 anymore but nice shitposting OP
To be fair. I've played like 50+ hours and never finished the main quest because it was even more boring than the rest of the game.
>delayed indefinitely
W-we didn't want them a-anyway
>fallout 4
are there mods to make it good game yet?
I bet PS4 would have similar horseshit since they're both toasters. You're an idiot if you choose the console ports and that applies to every Fallout.