Will he finally win EVO this year?

Will he finally win EVO this year?

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Woolie is a scam and everyone knows it

What's the best he's done?

He's not going to make it out of pools

hold his own against Daigo,
almost got it if it wasn't for his wife being in being in labour.

That's actually cool.

>hold his own against Daigo
Japanese players are infamous for giving up rounds to test opponent's tendencies and with Blanka being a heavy mixup character it makes sense Daigo wasn't trying very hard to win that first round. Someone even later asked Daigo if he even remembered the match and he had no idea who Woolie was. And the fact that Woolie completely shat the bed and ate like 6 SRKs in a row. No he did not hold his own, he got blown the fuck up.

>Playing Necalli
He doesn't even have Blanka's gimmicks to carry him, drowning in pools confirmed

is liam good at fighting games?

feel like he's better than pat even though pat is famous second guy in SBF for all things fighting games.

Liam is pretty shit at them actually, even Matt is better when it's a game he cares about. But to be fair Liam never had anyone to play fighting games with, it's possible the potential is there for him to be better than all of them but he's busy going through the entire Vita catalog.

Liam is better than all of them at Smash if you count that, otherwise no.

why does liam like the vita so much?

Because it's the best handheld right now. It's not that great but at the same time it's great, it's hard to explain unless it hits your sweet spot of vidya.

The better question is, why do Liam like mediocre games so much?

He just has a different taste than you, there's nothing wrong with that

yeah but why is his taste so bad compared to mine?

anyone can beat daigo nowadays

>those casual mentions by the others about Woolie being BTFO'D



because your a perfect human being and he isn't

no. just no. daigo is still the god of sf, if you played him in tournament you would understand.

How is Plague even a real person

He looks just the way he draws himself its creepy

>tfw Woolie can't distinguish between left and right because of development issues

Yes there is

Isolated farmboy with internet access becomes psuedo-famous for terrible animations of LPs and some of the most vanilla fetishes known to man.

What's so absurd about it?

>It's a, "they fucked up the audio again" episode

idk but when I grow up I want to be just like him
>Started a Let's Plague of I Have No Mouth at the same time as Pat and Woolie
>Pat wanted to stop it to not feel like he was stealing with Plague
>Plague told him to fuck off and keep doing the LP

I feel like he draws himself older

I grew up with a friend who had this problem, literally the most infuriating thing on the planet

>terrible animations of LPs and some of the most vanilla fetishes known to man.

Let me see your animations then?

why is no one fucking calling out on anons bullshit

Woolie isn't married and his GF isn't pregnant either.

Isn't he legit like one of the better Necalli's in Montreal or some bullshit?

>Someone even later asked Daigo if he even remembered the match and he had no idea who Woolie was
Is that really weird given how many players Daigo must face on a year?

Let me see your animations then?

I am not an animator only an artist.
I'm not retarded I won't post my shit here with a bunch of fanboy assholes.

Because he's a devils advocate and a 4chin hipster who has to dislike anything popular or nonjapanese

He's literally garbage tier if it wasn't for pat being the exact opposite.

Fuck EVO, when's Demon's?

>Sir, this food is cold.
>Let me see you make a 5-star meal then.
Really, nigger?

Daily reminder that SBF have a bunch of great artist friends but decided it was a good idea to go with literally the worst of the worst artist they could find.

>Let me see your animations then?
Let me see your dick.

literally anyone else but Plague


Are they still good? Haven't watched them since a year, because I got a social life and got better at my studies suddenly.

Right now my life is shit again so I need my pretend-friends, did they get stale or are they still as comfy as they used to be?

>wife being in labour

I still watch them, they're alright avoid any lp without pat like the plague

That was true a year ago, I remember the Woolie-Matt combo was also bearable.

>that reboot lp where woolie has that one dude on it

Why did he think it was a good idea to bring that fucker in?

I feel they're more miss than hit nowadays Matt needs to realize he doesn't need to be in EVERYTHING. Plus there's too many long lp's going on simultaneously. Thank god for the Nier lp though.

Isn't that just woolie?


He has a guest commentator Mike0dude or some shit.

>they spend three videos on one boss fight


Just listen to the podcast.
You'll get your fill of updates on the stuff they like and know about, without having to see them FORCE themselves to play some shit they barely know anything/care about.
Goofy fun stuff is ok in heavily edited bursts, or when it was fresh.

Now the comedy is dead (of natural causes: the long time) so just use them for the information and analysis they can give. And the podcast is the best vehicle.

I only watch a few minutes if they play unknown garbage that might be interesting for me to try and I know nothing about.

i got into sfb around 3 months ago now I think

I don't understand how people can watch a game while it's still ongoing. The phasing feels so off especially when they make jokes that go across episodes. Now I'm rewatching beyond two souls while waiting for Nier lp to finish and it suuucks.

Christ, fucking glad I had no interest in this lp, I couldn't care about that guest but 3 episodes on one boss is fucking insufferable, why didn't they just cut it

the podcast right now feels so slow and dead, like they hate doing it.

I don't really have anything else to listen to while commuting expect for GB and Beastcast so I'm relistening to older episodes and holy christ they seem so excited for anything. like babys that grow up to be edgy teens.

At first the LP was going fine but Woolie had to bring the other dude in.

That video is right when the Mike0dude was added into the lp. If it was just Woolie he probably would have used cheats like he did in the level that would make the game crash.

You'd think he might remember the one black guy who looked like a murdered peacock.

The point of the LP is making both the player and the viewer suffer
Woolie said and has stuck by it that he will not cut footage (besides like 10 minutes out of the 2-30 hour record time)

Does he even play SFV actively? Does he even have any CPT points?

Is the Nier playthrough worth watching? I'm guessing no.

A liam playthrough?
Never worth it.

>intellectual powerhouses Matt and Woolie playing Catherine

You can hear the gears turning in Matt's head whenever he has to read or think.

Catherine is my favorite game and i know they will fuck the lp up and i don't know if I'm ready to hate them.