Do you guys ever experience real-life fears (spiders, snakes, rats, heights, competition etc.) in video games?

Do you guys ever experience real-life fears (spiders, snakes, rats, heights, competition etc.) in video games?

How do you deal with them?

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I don't play them

No, because the video game equivalents are often nothing like their real life counterparts besides appearance.
Spiders are always a great example of this poor translation. What makes spiders spooky in real life is the fact that they're almost always completely motionless, and then suddenly burst at high speed. Video game spiders are almost always too big to hide anywhere, and move in a slow, organic, and ultimately predictable fashion.
There's also the fact that your character is usually armed to the teeth, and pests like snakes or spiders realistically pose no threat.

I'm really scared of heights, and sometimes a long fall will scare me a bit, but besides that, no.

no, i evade dating sims, and games that force you to experience social interaction.

the only thing im scared of is the ocean so i usually mute the volume and look away when playing subnautica

I don't experience real life fears.

I can't handle flying insects in games, fuck that noise. Bugs in general, but fuck bees/wasps/hornets.

>those beehives in crash bandicoot that instagib you if you get too close. Also you had to run some of those levels backwards so they pop up on your screen instead of you running toward them in the background
>hidden stars you could only get from destroying beehives in mario sunshine
>maggot lair in d2
>everything silithus in vanilla wow
>arboretum in FFXIV (still havent done that dungeon, havent even unlocked it)

If you're a game developer and put bees in your game fuck you

>spiders are almost always too big to hide anywhere, and move in a slow, organic, and ultimately predictable fashion.

binding of isaac rebirth's spiders are terrible and made me feel the real life spider tingle before I got used to them
>little moving closer
>little moving away
>fucking diagonal 10 yard dash into your face

Games with underwater creatures always make me a bit nervous. I just avoid them.

>hating bees
But bees are you friend user.
Though fuck wasps/hornets

I have a phobia of flying insects. If it's sufficiently large and flies sufficiently fasts, it scares the shits out of me. This includes wasps and big fucking flies, but not mosquitoes for examples.

I obviously had problems with pic related
I solved that problem by carrying an anti-material rifle or a YCS/186 at all times.

>Do you guys ever experience real-life fears
>How do you deal with them?
If it's heights I just deal with it if it's the ocean I just don't play the game

>when you're playing a first person game and you jump off a REALLY tall cliff and aim the cam straight down
I love heights but that shit makes my stomach turn


Fuck bees, people have this weird boner for them because they pollinate flowers and some shit. I'm sure we'd find a way to keep the world chugging along just fine if they went extinct.

If it's flying and has a stinger it's better off dead.

The only phobia I have is trypanophobia. Games can make me queasy with needles but I so rarely encounter them and they're usually not being used in such a way that I can see them. It's not a big deal usually.

I do have a bit of a hangup with ER and hospital settings sometimes. Ended up with a lumbar puncture in the ER, ended up back in the ER from the headaches that caused from low spinal fluid pressure. I had a panic attack that time and developed a mild PTSD. But, the only time I can really recall it bothering me was going to the theater to see some Hunger games (or whatever movie it was) and they had a hospital room with the same awful yellow light I had in the ER and that set off a pretty strong anxiety attack.

I shoot them.

I'm really scared of ghosts so whenever I play a game with ghosts in them I freeze up. The idea that they could come through the wall at any moment terrifies me.

Thankfully I've only experienced this once in real life.

I'm afraid of horses because of a bad past experience with one. Sometimes in games I actually get freaked out, particularly if one is coming right at me or being ridden towards me.

I remember having trouble in Skyrim because of it, most recently.

>because I just fear life

>almost drown in ocean 20 years ago was 7
>suppressed the memory of it
>remember it 5 years ago, when i said, well im going into the ocean.
>get inside, i fucking scream and cry for no reason, until flashes of that memory strikes my thoughts, still cant stop screaming and crying.
>everybody staring at me, laughing and speaking between each other.
>15 years of my life i believed i didn't liked to go to the beach because of hating sand getting inside everywhere.
and thats how i developed my social phobia.

A well done ocean makes me uncomfortable as fuck.

Extreme heights sometimes make my stomach drop in games.

I'm afraid of Big spiders but they don't bother me so much in games, just kind of cross me out a bit.

In games no.
But I do find it odd that in real life I have absolutely zero fear of heights, while when I am dreaming I am consistently terrified of them.

My biggest fears are heights and death.
And neither have been triggered by videogames. Even mirror's edge and standing on the edge of a building didn't give me the usual sweaty palms/tingling in my feet.

>Developed a mild PTSD
Fuck off.

>tfw legit height vertigo
>get up too far from ground and my sense of balance literally goes to shit, I get pissed but it goes to shit
>no game has made it happen yet
>don't want to check VR for it

Only fear I have since it means I can break my neck.

I actually have friends with insect/etc. phobias. My care and love for those creatures freaks them out. Their eyes get so big the moment I catch a flying, harmless insect or a big spider that will do really no harm. No sense in killing them.

Not really since I don't have any unusual phobias or whatever.

I used to be scared of dogs and heights as a kid though but I got over those.

>if they went extinct.

>As far as important species go, they are top of the list. They are critical pollinators: they pollinate 70 of the around 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world. Honey bees are responsible for $30 billion a year in crops.

>We may lose all the plants that bees pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants and so on up the food chain. Which means a world without bees could struggle to sustain the global human population of 7 billion. Our supermarkets would have half the amount of fruit and vegetables.

Ended up going through therapy for it. Had panic attacks. Still have issues of racing heart if I'm near a hospital. How about you take your own advice and fuck off a cliff into an ocean of giant wasps.

Not really a fear but I get very disoriented if I look straight up while moving and that translates to first person games entirely

great, now i fear bees getting extinct, thanks a-asshole.

I was irrationally afraid of sharks until I played Depth and got gud at it. Now my fear is strictly at rational levels. I'm no longer afraid of pool sharks or being attacked by one on dry land for example.

t.oversensitive easily triggered pussy

>How do you deal with them?
by not being a little bitch

Pussy chicken shits the thread.

Have fear of sharks since forever.

I couldn't finish Tomb Raider 2 for months until I finally worked up the courage to play through this segment until I could use the level skip cheat.

I still actively avoid Ocean related games.

I'm sort of like that. I'm generally scared of the ocean but I love diving so I'm constantly challenging my fear hoping to overcome it some day.
However GTAV fucked me up.
>Fuck off miles into the ocean with a boat
>Jump off
>Resurface and the boat is nowhere to be seen
>Frantically scramble to the load button
That set me backwards a few years I reckon.

>since it can break my neck
But lots of everyday things can break your neck. Tripping on your shoelaces, crashing with a car/bike, falling from a stepledder, you name it. The height from where you fall doesn't really matter.

i don't understand why people are so afraid of sharks, they're docile as fuck and they're usually not interested in humans

Falling from great heights makes me uncomfortable in my stomach.

I also have fear of insects but it's more about little shits crawling all around your body which is pretty hard to replicate in games.

Here's another question: Have video games ever helped you to overcome a fear?

How about you get stabbed in the back and develop such serious headaches that you can't eat, can't sleep, and develop a two week period that you literally can't remember anything except thoughts of suicide because of the pain. In that period I lost over 10% of my body weight because of it.

It has to be pretty particular. Animal fears don't bother me. I'm afraid of spiders for instance, but only to the point of them being on me. Vidya can't replicate that.

Only heights and being in deep dark water have made me feel afraid in vidya, but since it's vidya it's exhilarating so I don't really have to "deal" with it at all.

Sorry, that was more a way of saying 'killing me'. I know how fragile the human body is and I've survived some fucked up stuff. To think a slight fall at the right angle could end me is horrifying.

I've already slipped on ice enough and rammed every side of my skull into something.

i fear falls that cant kill you instantly, but can fuck your shit for sure.
dance on the edge of the roof of a 50 floors. no problem
do the same on a one floor roof? i fucking shit my pants.

After marathoning the first three Silent Hills as a teen I found out darkness didn't scare me anymore. That was nice because it was getting embarrassing.

The only thing I'm scared of is losing my arms, hands or fingers in an accident or something like that so I won't be able to play games anymore. And eyesight and hearing of course. I can do without anything else.

If you're ever stupid enough to genuinely consider suicide you should go through with it because that makes you a blight on this world.

Spiders and Hornets can both fuck off and die forever.

Bawwwwwww, kill yourself. Go write a tumblr blog about mean words on the internet now.

I'm afraid of parasites and worms of all kinds. Games with these creatures make me shit my pants. Still haven't beaten RE4 because of that.

tell me story


>Walking around the level
>Suddenly a spider runs towards you out of nowhere
>You die
>Instead of respawning at the usual area, you are now in some kind of spider nest, hidden somewhere in the level
>Good luck getting out

Can't quite make out what you said. I think your mom's teat was still in your mouth.

I got attacked by a shark in Bermuda some years ago, the oceans in farcry 3, gtaV, and assains creed really fucked my shit up

I mod spiders out if I can (which I only did for Skyrim)
Get through the area that has them as fast as I can if it's not that long
I didn't play Dark Messiah cause I saw videos with the spiders.

>mfw Cazadors

I love NV but god I hate those things.

You should play Rayman 2.

I fear height and something really stupid, it's probably related to it helium balloon and kites also sometimes space rockets
In videogames it's rare that it's scare me, because it's the upward motion that is so dreadfull, and they're often tied.
Thought in gmod they always make me uneasy.

What a fucking pansy. I had a spinal column clamping that lasted (more like took three fucking months to locate it and treat it properly) for three months. There wasn't a single moment in the day where I wasn't suffering and I still managed to smile, laugh and go along with my fucking life just fine.

Kill yourself.

My sister and I were staying the night at a friends and they had a big house with a large curved stairwell. Middle of the night I get up to go to the bathroom and see a dark haired woman climbing the stairs. None of my friends were dark haired nor is my sister. I nope'd back to bed.

Ignore those faggots, user. They're just shitposters or children who haven't developed sympathy yet.
Getting stabbed sounds like literally the worst pain imaginable and I hope you never have to experience something like that ever again. Have this space wallpaper to soothe the nerves.

I said if you're ever enough of a dumbass to actually think that killing yourself is the right thing to do because "muh life is pain and suffering", then you should stop being a pussy and do it.

fucking heights, although the only game that had me genuinely sweating with unease was the original mirror's edge, whenever I fell of a building I had to take a break

I doubt it.

Aliens, and I mean the little gray shitters.

I hate those bastards.

>itt: i hurt more than you

Oh look at big strong man here, never gone through anything traumatic in his life.

Spoiler faggot, not everyone who says they've been through some shit is a tumblr pussy doing it as the only source of attention in their lives.

i suffer from extreme homophobia, but you luckily never have do deal with gay shit in video games, unless you play some bioware garbage

Still can't quite make it out.

I doubt it.

That's free-healthcare in the second world for ya.

Not really. I feel uncomfortable around both wasps and spiders, but their video game counterparts act and hardly look anything like the real thing, and no matter how huge the devs make them, they just aren't scary at all. It's a shame, as I'd like something to play with my fears, but it just doesn't compare.


ayy lmao

i wasn't afraid of heights that much desu, but it changed few months ago
my stomach hurts when i need to jump off something in fps, so most of the time i close my eyes when i do that

>Oh look at big strong man here, never gone through anything traumatic in his life.
I lost my wife and the twin boys she was pregnant with to cancer. I've been shot in two different places in my left arm. I was homeless for a year and a half at one point. You don't hear me complaining.
>Spoiler faggot, not everyone who says they've been through some shit is a tumblr pussy doing it as the only source of attention in their lives.
I never said they were. I'm saying that if you consider suicide an option, you should actually go through with it and kill yourself.

I get more scared of video game heights than in real life.

I have to take slow, heavy breaths whenever I come up to a part in a game that deals with extreme heights.

I'm deathly afraid of heights.

I don't play games with spiders in them.

Tim Buckley, is that you?

Even if that were true, it doesn't mean everybody needs to be as strong as you. It also doesn't mean people shouldn't be able to have terrible thoughts in their worst moments. user got through it and only brought up what happened in the first place because some user got triggered at the mention of PTSD.

Thank god your family died or they'd have to suffer living with an edge lord like you.

Heights. I have to look away whenever I fall from any height that's big enough for my character to be harmed.

I chuckled

PTSD is reserved for those with actual traumatic experiences. Going to war, seeing piles of dead bodies, witnessing a terrorist attack, being trapped in a well and being told to put lotion on or be sprayed with a hose, etc. user's bad memories don't count as PTSD

Comparing struggles to another. This is not to say yours aren't harder, but most people won't understand and react differently due to their environments and upbringing. You can boast the intense suffering of one thousand, something incomprehensible to some, but just a few being shaken will ruin them due to their life experience.

If what you post is true I hope you're doing okay, man. I'd buy you a beer irl.

Still got a daughter and a dog though. She's almost old enough to go hunting with me.

>10% bodyweight
>a lot

Better stay behind her. She'll probably be aiming for the back of your head.

Spiders. Only time it fucked me up was when I played that first Skyrim dungeon.

The majority of video game spiders look too cartoonish to actually scare me.

For some reason oceans and deep water dont scare me in games even though im a terrible swimmer and drowning is probably one of the worst ways i can think of to die.

I guess I don't relate to the ingame character that much - but spiders and shit will still scare me because, even if they're just pictures, I'm the one looking at them.

PTSD, like most psychological ailments exists on a spectrum. The type of pain he's describing is actually sufficient for a MILD case. And when user said mild, he probably means mild. He sees something related to the incident and reels a bit. There's a difference between that and war induced trauma and I'm sure he knows that.

I'm sorry, who's the edge lord again?

Well, if you consider videogame characters "people", which you seem to do if you don't like the Sims specifically for this, than you can't play pretty much every game ever apart from racing games or something.

if he is american and weights about 200kg thats a lot.

The faggot telling people they should kill themselves because their pain and suffering isn't as great as their own.