So is Nintendo the only one not following the VR train?

If so they have my support for the NX.

What do you guys think of VR anyway. Gimmick or here to stay?

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No body cares. Smart gamers arent gonna buy it to get blind.


Then why'd are companies pushing it so hard?

Seriously if the average gamer doesn't want it, won't all the advertising and research go to waste?

I honesty can't see it succeeding with the high costs and everything else

Good or shitty gimmick?

Maybe it'd be good for hentai games but I can't imagine myself weaing that shit to play a normal video game every time.

I think Nintendo are sitting back to see how things fare for the other platforms.

It's a gimmick that is here to stay.

nintendo wishes its hardware could support vr, they can barely pass for current gen.

It's reaching a point VR naysayers are starting to sound like 'flat earth' campaigners.

There's growing support and positive feedback anywhere you look and they're in flat out denial of it, saying they know better than literal thousands.

It will probably be here to stay but it will always be a separate thing from actual video games. They'll be two different markets.

>positive feedback

Good job shill

The only positive feedback I've ever seen is "This is fun for 30 minutes!"

So isn't it stupid for Sony and Microsoft to be pushing it so hard?

Microsoft isn't pushing it very hard at all. As for Sony, it will probably be successful enough as a gimmick.

When I talked about VR being a different market that's here to stay, I meant High-End VR, not what we currently have.

Why do you think VR will be successful?

I mean in the future, yeah, but right now it is too expensive for a normie while also queuing a console, and it frankly isn't as good. It needs to be strapped really tight for it to work well, and most of the games aren't really good.

I don't see how it will be successful. I suspect it will backfire, but sell just enough to justify other markets tapping into it

HTV Vive is cool.

Everything else is shit

That's what I'm saying. It will be a fairly big thing in the future when the technology gets better and cheaper.

Again, though, it will be a separate market. Don't expect every video game ever to be VR-based even a hundred years from now. They will have to be designed around being VR so there will be a difference between the video games we play nowadays and video games catered towards VR.

Yeah, but I don't see why the PSVr can be successful

Has anyone tried it? How does it feel?

It will be successful as a gimmick the same way the Wii was. It's not "true VR" yet but it doesn't need to be. It'll impress the normies and be cheap.

How much is it anyway

One negative video out of hundreds and even that is an edit by naysayers to make VR look bad.

Get your head out of the ground.

Show me a positive review now.

Sure. Though I'm sure you'll try to discredit any source I give, so I'll link multiple ones.

Plus the unedited Giant Bomb vid that shows they were actually positive with what VR can do.

Not saying much familia

1. Nintendo already tried jumping on the VR bandwagon once during the last VR generation. It was a categorical failure for them. It was so bad that most people don't even remember it.
2. One of the presidents tried it out and "predicted" that it's going to be another failed generation. A guy who runs Nintendo said that a gimmick was too gimmicky. Let that sink in.

I've never seen so many people hype up a technology for so long and have absolutely nothing to show for it.

I think VR is great!

but it'll be gen 3 or 4 before I even touch the shit again. No 3d body scans or Augmented Reality Skype, ect. VR needs to at least meet my minimum requirements, which it doesn't in any way.

This is the 6th VR generation.

>large groups, in particular gamers, are always right about everything

That's it? That's your big counter?

No respectable reviewer speaks in definitive terms about the future of anything. They're not psychic and it sounds highly bias and unprofessional.

You must be really, really desperate to win an argument on the internet if you're nitpicking English terms.

hey man, you're the one defending a technology that currently has 0 must-play titles for it.


Why are you sperging out so hard?

Anyway, could suggests it does not have has much potential, but it is not utilized well right now. Which will severely affect VR's success

>this denial
I bet you own a Novint Falcon too.


400$ plus you need a ps4, and playstation move camera and controllers.

that puts you back around 900$

Don't you have a wall to build around your house Zuckerberg?

>Gimmick or here to stay?
VR as a concept is definitely here to stay, but these first gen headsets are not.

>literal thousands


Impossible to succeed at this point

It's niche at the moment. It can still turn a profit, but that doesn't mean it's anywhere near mainstream.

how will vr affect someone like me who plays mostly multiplayer games like rocket league and quake and occasionally dark souls?

It won't. It'll be a blip in the background you hear about now and then, but it's gonna be niche for a long time.

do you think it will affect my other hobbies, reading and spending time outside and playing trumpet?

No. But it will change the way you watch porn. VR porn is fucking incredible

>it is too expensive for a normie
Who cares about them? VR doesn't need their money now, just like countless other tech industries. People will buy it regardless.

i would rather have sex

Its here to stay. I have no idea where people get that things like this are a gimmick.

VR and motion control has basically been what people have been striving to for years. Maybe it wont be the oculus and the vive when it goes popular and universal but its not going anywhere. Technology is fast approaching the level it needs to be to give VR a chance for a lot of people and its only going to get better from here. There are a lot of places VR that are not even too far off from solutions to walking/teleporting problems as well as better remote and tracking functions

Thing is VR is not going to be the death of Normal gaming. People wont give it up just because they all have a VR system. Firstly you will have many people who cant use it. All media will not also change to these systems. 3rd person games will also work better not in VR for the most part as will every 2D game. These are not going to change

VR will be a thing there is no denying it. i have problems with it last i tried but i dont deny where the trend of technology is going

So who will buy it? Normies are everything now


VR is going to stay niche and the way it is used in most games it IS a gimmick. Until they start making games that benefit from being VR and aren't just slapped on it, it will be a gimmick.

but let's face it you aren't going to.

>Nays: Nobody's interested in this thing.

>Yays: But there's a large number of people really interested in that thing.

>Nays: Yeah well what do they know?

vr has plenty of potential. like it has plenty of applications in architecture, real estate, and other fields where spatial information is dominant. but in video games? how will they solve a problem like precise and comfortable controls in a fast fps? i think most games for vr will be walking simulators, pilot/racing games, and three dimensional puzzle games for a long time. and i guess porn.

it is easy to have sex

>>it is easy to have sex

but vr is cheaper at the long planning

No joke, a VR space pilot sim sound fucking incredible.

>it is easy to have sex
And yet, you can't do it. Fascinating.

VR needs money to develop further. Gaming is a great source of money. VR is here to stay, unless the tech hits a ceiling. Gaming companies are eager to hop on the VR train, since raw graphical power is getting close to acceptable limit. Nobody is adopting to 4K settings and most console gamers have sworn on 30fps.

If NX was supposed to gather multiplat audience, they lost it again by not joining VR race.

>Can't think of anything to counter.
>Quick! Call them defensive/sperg/Zuckerberg!

Just admit you have nothing.

Having tried the PS VR multiple times throughout a tech event in frog land, I can safely state that it's the most competent and comfortable VR headpiece, although it's actually impressively immersive it has one drawback that can become a major problem : it heats up. Not a lot, but it can lead to more serious heating up issues.

I also can't see myself playing VR for more than an hour.

>Just admit you have nothing.

Just like you have no good games.

Motion controls have been both popular and economically successful for more than 10 years yet there aren't even five motion-control-focused games that are actually great.
Why should VR be different?

Mark, you seem awfully mad/defensive.
Take it easy. It's a holiday and you are posting on a Korean macaroni art website.
You seem to be taking this way too serious.

Just admit you are autistic.

>yet there aren't even five motion-control-focused games that are actually great.
Mario Galaxy was pretty fun. WarioWare was too.

Mario Galaxy would have been better without motion controls.

Eh, I thought it worked well.

Motion controls handle entirely differently in VR.

Not really, or at least not that much.
In a certain way current VR is really just motion controls+, in the sense that it simply solve one of the core problems of motion controls.

>implying wii motion controls were ever as accurate and usable as vive controllers

yeah no. it is indeed better.

>supporting someone because it lacks an optional feature that they instead replaced with amiibos and miitomos

you should honestly kill yourself. your logic is that of a child.

Accidentally doing a spin because you moved your arm/hand a bit too much was shit.
The game not registering a spin because you didn't move enough also sucked.
The blue stars where a waste of time, a stupid gimmick.
Navigating menus with them is just a cumbersome and inferior system.
Throwing the crystals to paralyze the enemies felt like cheating in an already easy game.

I knew you'd go that way.
The problem of motion controls isn't really precision.
I mean we live in a world in which the most popular genre of videogames on consoles are FPS so you know that precision really doesn't matter that much.
Regardless as much as I know the PS Move was much more precise than the wii and it also sold a lot, yet that thing still got no great games.
To avoid making another post later, the core issue with motion controls is the lack of physical feedback, which is also a problem of touch controls and also, unsurprising, of current VR.

It will be the future of gaming, but right now it is (a) too expensive and (b) not quite there yet as far as technology.

Playstation VR is a nice idea, but they fucked it up. So many of the games that support it aren't even first person, so what's the point?

Motion controls are fine for Third person and FPS game.

Metroid prime,Goldeneye and RE4 make good uses to it, for everything else, normal controllers are better.

Do you guys think its worth investing in VR companies or should I take the safe route and just invest in shit like Nvidia?

VR has uses outside of vidya in other entertainment industries like themeparks but is it worth investing at this point?

Had a vive for a while, wouldn't say it is a gimmick hardware wise.

Software wise there are many pitfalls that would make a game feel gimmicky.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to get into this generation of VR, save your money for a better and cheaper iteration in the future.

As it stand it vive is a solid proof of concept with a lot of potential. Too bad I haven't encountered a single game I would want to sink hundreds of hours into.

Most games I've encountered so far are glorified tech demoes. Been enjoying H3VR the most for simulating an indoor/outdoor gun range.

Can't wait for more mechanically accurate ww2 era smgs, LMGs, and bolt action rifles. The rest of the stuff the dev has been experimenting on is pretty lame aside from grenade skeetball which is fun for a short while.

Someone hurry the fuck up and make a ww2 game for this thing with similar level of detail to H3VR's guns. I need to make a gun stock for 2H rifles and sliding rail for the pump action. Battle dome has also fun been fun for what it was worth.

Waiting on some decent slow paced horror/mystery title. Sisters might be alright but it is peacemeal episodal content.

Starving for some good meaty content, likely won't get any until well after PSVR is out since they seem to be the only ones willing to invest into games not made on a shoestring budget.

lmao nintendo delayed nx to add vr gimick