Do you support your local gaming store Sup Forums?
Do you support your local gaming store Sup Forums?
yeah but they all turned into gamestops anyway
Fuck no. I don't feel like paying for upcharged used games.
I mean, I would, if I like had a job. I wouldn't mind paying for more to shoot the shit with other enthusiasts.
Videogames are such a cheap hobby it's ridiculous.
How do you charge a game?
why do you live in such a filthy neighborhood?
you should quit spending money on useless games and focus on getting out of niggertown
I supported Gamestop when they used to sell NES and SNES games.
>have a local small business vidya store near me
>it's just a clone of gamestop but higher used game prices, no rewards bonuses, issues with pre-orders, lower trade in values, etc.
Fuck that. I'm just going to keep using gamestop.
>Duke Nukem Forever Poster
Not much, you?
Back when Hollywood video was a thing. I'd stop by before and shoot the shit with employees. Was there so much I was on a first name basis with everyone. I would always get discounts and free shit. They would also give me passes for free rentals. It was the best. To bad it got shut down.
I live in a town of less than 5,000 people. We don't have a local gaming store.
you have no clue where that actually is do you
doesn't matter where it is, the fucking sign is tagged up by gangs, you're in a niggertown
Why yes I do in fact. There are only 2 game shops in town. GAME and GamesCentre. Even when games are cheaper in GAME I always go to GamesCentre for my purchases because they actually seem to like and enjoy games and let me try out their VR helmet they had just got in. There's only about 10 stores in the UK but they're great places.
yes, especially since i get games a few days early from them
Start your own.
My local store got closed down cause Game opened down the road and stole all their buisness. Pretty shit desu, I used to hang out there and became friends with the owner.
Is NYC the ugliest city in the US?
My local stores prices are worse then eBay, so no, I hope they go out of business soon.
NYC is no different from any other big city in the world. There are clean, nice areas and there are gross areas.
To answer your question though, pretty much any big city in Florida is uglier.
I miss EB Games. I remember when I was a kid I used go to the EB at the mall so often that all the people working there knew me and let me try out any game on the xbox demo station they had.
Gamestop is fucking garbage.
My local vidya store is charging 45 bucks for dark souls. What do you think?
NYC is niggertown?
I don't think I've ever had a "local store". It's always been either Walmart or Gamestop.
Games are more expensive and less available. after a while they stop being friends with you and start treating loyal customers like shit.
Depends on the game. For example, my parents have amazon prime so I can get stuff cheap with free next day delivery. if the price is similar with the local place on the high street though i'll just go there because the owner is cool and we always have a conversation about shit. confuses some of the locals 12 year olds when there's a guy in a suit talking to some fat weeb looking faggot though, I think kids just assume anyone who looks slightly normal shouldn't be playing vidya in their 20's
No. It's not my fault they decided to open an obsolete business and actually expected it to make money.
I support whoever gives me the lowest price.
Those places are just for buying imports and good weed. Also just for hanging out in.
With digital downloading is Gamestop and local stores like these a dying business? Is Gamestop going to be the next blockbuster?
Why yes
I have one that's kinda local that's mainly pre-owned stuff, but they have three arcade cabinets too, one has Metal Slug X, so I go there whenever I can.
Prices are decent and it's the only place with a decent PS2 section, never looked into getting new games or preorders from them though.
There are none.
So I just buy online.
>this is how sheltered the average Sup Forumsirgin is
No because they're a bunch of turbokikes
They plow Facebook buy/sell/trade groups daily looking for good deals, haggling to get them even cheaper and resell them in their store next day.
I avoid those fuckers like the plague.
I did but
>has limited selection if good games
>ends up with many copies of bad games
>cheaper on amazon anyway
>GameCube controller I bought from them was subtlely broken
They went out of business anyway.
Yes. They are the only store in my city who haven't been bought by the jews who run GameZone.
I'm from Mexico and they sell lots of dudebro stuff, it doesn't help that the dollar is quite expensive and videogames too.
I buy most of my stuff from Amazon Mexico, specially my Chinese figurines
Pic related, a typical vidya store here.
I swear at least 40% of gaymen stores these days are just fucking merchandise. Bloody Funko pops everywhere.
> Go to Gameplanet to buy Odin Spehere
> 1000$ for the Vita version
> 1200$ pesos for the PS3 version
puto gameplanet
I like the staff at the one I visit but they kike the shit out of anything remotely considered "retro".
No chance in hell Normies and autistic Neckbeards love it there
At the rate american ISPs continue to jew the everliving shit out of their customers, no.
Maybe in first world countries where the internet is fast and unlimited, where downloading a 40gb PS4 game takes half hour, but not in america where it takes a day and you eat up 50% of your monthly bandwidth allowance.
No, they turned into a repair store over the past few years and don't stock to many games anymore
This, you'd be retarded not to.
Vgny is overpriced.
Also big fat Hawaiian smiley is a Faggot.
I support that store at every year's Comic Con.
I work at it and we are doing extremely well for just a local business. We have great prices and hive decent money back.
Also on good terms with the local GameStop and Best Buy. We are friends with the manager and he comes in all the time and we swap discounts at each other's stores
I suppose it helps we are really well known for our retro games and systems so we arnt supper imposing on them.
I don't have any nearby local gaming store, they all got replaced with Gamestop then Gamestop left and basically forced me to buy games from Best Buy
I'm not even aware of a local store around where I live. Gamestop pretty much reigns supreme. Fuck there's even two gamestops in close proximity of each other.
There's a non-Gamestop vidya store where I live, but I'm not gonna support them just for the sake of it. If I can get a lower price at Amazon/Best Buy then that's where I'll buy it from.
i used to have a game stop in my area from about 2005 to 2008 or so. ok prices, i got in on the ground floor when they opened, got to know the owner which let me be able to see what he was getting in before it hit the shelf.
being a small area, it died though in about 3-4 years. if i was opening a store, i'd just toss all my stuff in a storage unit and post on craigslist for good prices. everyone gets a nice price, what they want, i get money, im happy.
It's a museum at best. Don't buy anything from there, it's way too expensive.
They justify selling new games at $69.99 because their rent is high (in Manhattan)
I took my business to the gamestop a few blocks away.
who /nyc/ here
queens reporting
>tfw will never live in new york
>spend $160 on hardware at a local game store
>none of it worked
>wouldn't give me cash back
I bought a 360 and some Rock Band instruments. The 360 red ringed when I turned it on, and all of the instruments had major problems like one or two buttons not working.
I buy all my used games from local stores, we only have one Gamestop and it's all the way across town from me, so I got like, 4 local game stores to check out before I'd even reach gamestop.
I buy my new games at walmart for convenience, they're open at midnight, there's no lines at midnight, and I don't have to pre-order.
>FF6 & 9
> $99
can't see what games come with the nes and n64 buy holy shit what a ripoff
>new york
how is that mario statue not stolen
Yeah, I gotta say they need to be more cautious about the shit they buy and actually test it.
I bought several DS games that won't load even after an alcohol cleaning. Same with memory cards that are corrupt.
But, they are always willing to return it, or trade it for a different one that works.
lol it would barely make any profit even in a town with 10 000 people
i don't like GameStop but fuck "AAA", I buy used games often as I can
I don't know where you live in America where you have a "bandwidth allowance" but you need to move. Top kek. I've never had such a thing.
Look at the feet, it's fucking chained to the ground.
Jnl Mustard here, they have overpriced shit but if you know the right folks/regular theyll give you a discounts and freebies.
battery park checkin in
Queens master race reporting
I wrote the website for my local gaming store. Scored a bunch of free shit and got paid a decent amount. That's support, right?
My "local" game store is a 2 hour drive away. I get games online or from target or walmart
Bushwick here famygdala, but I grew up in Astoria. I'd love to move back there at some point.
There's this decent place near Bryant Park alled J&L games. Prices are more or less the same, but they break street dates quite often, I got Bloodborne there like 2 days early, and that was only because they had already sold out.
Bayside master race here.
Yup. Buy and sell all my shit at the local used book/movie/game store since "game stores" are pretty much gone now in most places.
Feels goodman. Save mad money and support local business. They have insane deals on books too, I got this whole stack for about 20 bucks.
Pinche Gameplanet
I just order everything online since it's easier
The closest one is a good half-hour drive from where I live. Actually closer to 40 minutes now that I think about it
ayy lmao Long Island (Suffolk) reporting
>Contact Harvest
My nigga.
Ft. Greene reporting in
this, I have no reason not to just buy shit off Amazon instead
I read Fall of Reach way back in high school and I think that's book 2. I always wanted to read the whole series because once you get past the LOLHALO meme it's actually a pretty damn good book. I saw this one sitting there for like 4 bucks so I snagged it up.
These stores are always staffed by snobby, know-it-all turbo autists and they're prices are always way higher than private sellers due to their overhead.
They're all dying and good riddance.
yeah so true, pawn shops are much better than independent game stores for prices
does anybody know if gamestop is open today?
the local shops round me are closed
Man, when I lived in Seattle, I went there all the time. The closest store now only has PS3 gen up. I hate it.
plz respond ;_;
>bandwith allowance
>having such a shitty ISP
Level Up Games in Inver Grove Heights, MN
love the fucking place
Floral park
>joyce gameland by the place I used to live closed down
>only alternatives are toyz r us, gamestop and amazon
>the gamestops are in nassau
>toyz r us barely has any selection
Mine either turned into GAMEs, vanished, or mysteriously caught on fire.
No, seriously. Console Action, Swansea.
Luckily it's reopening soon.
There are no local gaming stores, but there are bazaars where they sell new games for cheap, and used games for an even better price.
Most of the times they don't sell the games I want though and the internet is more reliable, but I try to buy there whenever I can.
I usually go to Retrotaku Games in Madison Heights, MI. They got a lot of imports and prices are pretty fair.
Other than that, Disc Replay in Sterling Heights, MI, usually have games for cheaper than you'd think they'd be (besides 3rd/4th gen games). For instance, I found a copy of FFVIII for $10.
last time i went there, fucking Rival Schools was new. its so damn sad that they do that shit because MUHNHATTEN RENT
but that is the price of it, its $10.
>mysteriously caught on fire.
Sounds like insurance fraud.