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I did though. The battle system is good enough to make up for the idol nonsense.
>giving NoA money for making changes I never wanted
I don't have a Wii U.
But I did, user. And it was wonderful up until the start of Chapter 4, where I stopped playing for the moment. I'm a little burnt out on it because I just got done with SMTIV (I want to get ready in time for Apocalypse) and Dragon Quest IX (a friend is playing through it so we can do the multiplayer stuff), but I'll get back to it in a few weeks.
Wrong pic
I don't have a Wii U and there are better JRPGs on systems I already own.
I'm not a fucking weeb and I already bought FF X-2
no JRPGs as good as #FE so far this year though.
I want to but I don't have a Wii U and there are no other Wii U games I want. Maybe if they had a good Animal Crossing game I would check it out.
Too weeb-y for me.
Hates vidiya?
Persona 5 in an understandable language if for 2017
If anything he likes it too much to bother with that piece of shit.
I'm dumb, I just now got this.
Im not gay enough
You won't believe me TMS = SMT backwards
I don't buy censored shit
I know someone who defends the censorship as localization and that it's good to change the swimsuits since it's "child porn since they aren't legal"
He loves Persona 3 and 4
Times like this I wish I was one of those faggots who pretend censorship isnt a problem...
>Cute anime girl with revolver
I am so easily pandered to. All they'd have to do is make her a cyborg and it'd pretty much cover everything.
Those off-center tiny hats are annoying though.
You SHILLS just get more and more AND FUCKING MORE obvious every week dont you i mean you are not even tryjng to hide it how much you make a post 20 cents?
Check out this paranoid retard
No WiiU
Also, the Weebpocolyaspe happened when Hashtag FE came out
>Star Ocean
>Eyes of Heaven
>even worth looking at let alone playing
still better than Hashtag FE
And ZTD was a letdown as well.
holy fuck what's wrong with her face
Because the uncensored (superior) version it´s free.
So does YHVH show up to fuck everything up?
Too bussy playing non-muslim games like Senran Kagura on PC.
I hate idolshit
>muh censor
this is only chapter 2 and on some shit cosmetics
I want to bang Ame No Uzume.
Why? Because it's not on Wii U?
Either way, #FE's battle system looks like dumbed down Strange Journey battle system, anyway.
I wouldn´t mind the raplacement of the swimsuit so much if it hadn´t been replaced with such an nigger-tier costume.
Hip hop culture makes me cringe even more than idol culture.
Literally imposible to find on Spain. Only special edition was released, and of course, it was sold out in a minute.
oh shit
But I did and I already finished it.
I genuinely enjoyed this scene and it got me pumped as fuck for the final battle
not a wii u cuck
sure it does you cuck
Exactly how I feel.
I've been able to look past the idol shit, and the battle and skill system is just incredible
Too expensive and I dont pirate.
>Battle System
It's literally a spin off the worst SMT one, with just long ass stupid animations.
Isn't Spain third world? How do you even have video games?
>It's literally a spin off the worst SMT one
shitpost better friendo
I really hope we get a less dense protag in the sequel.
Sold out.
Got Odin Sphere instead.
No regrets.
The artist isn't thinking as a cameraman. One of the golden rules is that the nose should never break the cheek line.
>le triggered ghetto nigga.
Go back to get shot by the police, is the only thing you are good at.
Attention everyone, best girl passing through
>in the sequel.
"We are considering it"
The sales numbers will make Atlus and Nintendo stop "considering", if they haven't already stopped of course.
That's actually one of the censored costumes. Even in the game's opening, there's a green woman covering a poster thing with her on it. She was covering the part where you would see the zipper panties that were there.
can someone explain this meme in detail
She was also covering in Jap release. Stop whining.
Is it that hard to understand that people don't want to support censored stuff?
Too expensive. Will buy it when it's 30€ at most. Or used.
It wasn´t censored for SJW reasons tho, it was a request by Avex.
It looks pretty good but I can't be bothered dusting off my WiiU and reconnecting the fucking thing for one game.
That only makes me more angry, because it basically shows that all changes they did were purely for the sake of change and not necessary by any stretch of the imagination.
Forced meme.
Some retard got that image from a godly Hentai CG Set and made a thread and, well, I forgot the exact title but it had him demmanding to be Banned, if he got banned he would stop posting forever "It's a deal".
Well, mods took his challenge, he got banned the the thread stayed up for all to see, with that pic and tits on show; then forced shit like "a deal is deal" popped up.
You won't change anything with
""""""not supporting""""""" meme.
You're better off blowing yourself up at NoA.
Exlplain to me how giving them money is going to "change anything"
>buying weebshit
My friend did though
And he's making em play it.
It's not bad.
It has to happen at a level that makes Nintendo take pause. Like, actual in-the-news boycott levels. Otherwise it's just not that much of a blip on their ledgers.
Wow, it's actually out?
I did though. So far the only thing that has pissed me off about is that Barry isn't playable
I'd tell you but it would probably get censored
>godly Hentai CG Set
name pls?
Is Barry based on Sup Forums?
Because the patch doesn't require the disc.
A meme's a meme!
oh, user...
I did, localization is fucked. Of all games to include honorifics this is the one that should do it.
Also I am sad that you do not play as tsubasa
I did buy it, and I'm playing the localized USA version. I don't care about whether or not characters clothes got changed and it doesn't take more than an ounce of brain power to 'replace' the obviously localized parts with what the original content was in my own mind while it's on the screen, because it's such obvious low level shit and doesn't make a damn difference to the game's quality anyway. it's a good game, I'm playing it on hard mode, and it's a very comfy summer jrpg
>this game doesn't use honorifics and has no dub
>Persona uses them all the time and we have to hear some burgers saying -coon and -sun
I swear, this has to be on purpose.
SJ was a shit combat system
I did then I found out how easy Wii U piracy is and sold my unopened copy for like $50. Game needed a restoration patch in the first place, I wish I hadn't even spent the $10
I did buy it. I'm only on the intermission between Ch. 2 and Ch. 3 though, as I only get about 1-2 hours to play each day. It's been a fun ride so far though.
>"we dont know what to put here so we are literally just going to leave this blank"
>#FE's battle system looks like dumbed down Strange Journey battle system, anyway.
Nah, it has a lot more going on than just having the same alignment.
>2 assasins having a discussion about having slight regrets about their line of work
>meanwhile ebin SJW fuckers meme'd it up
>it deviated so far from smt territory that they litterally inverted smt to show its not in any way smt
Good thing they made it better then.
true, but i still dont like they used SJ as the base amd sessions can get long later in the game
I don't buy censored shit.
you can pirate it
>I use Tumblr all day and the concept of a sharp is now completely foreign to me because all I do is think about downing nigger cock while reading about my favourite Sjws hashtag