What game should I play to celebrate the best country in the world?

What game should I play to celebrate the best country in the world?

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Battlestations: Midway

Go Navy.

Fuck Army.


Metal gear Rising


Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising and Red River

Wrong flag?

American Truck Simulator.

Duke Nukem.

Burger Time

Every battlefield, call of duty and medal of honor game ever made.

Yeah, you did post the wrong flag

Metal Gear Rising Revengance

The game of life

I can't think of any video games about Iceland.

>bought Revengence when my PC died and I had to play on my old ass laptop
>made it to the final boss fight
>couldn't beat it because fucking trackpad

Is it worth playing over again just to beat him?


I'm afraid there are no games about Belarus


Nigger why didn't you use your old mouse from your desktop?

That's what I do since I have to use a craptop now. Just make sure it's off while the mouse is plugged in and you're golden.

You're telling me you didn't even have a single gamepad handy?

>irrelevant euroshitters think they are great

I played on hard the first time I played it back on PS3, couldn't beat him for shit, game up for a year and came back to the game and finally beat him. So satisfying, one of my favorite bosses of all time

Sid Meier's Gettysburg and Antietam

I had a mouse and controller, but I spilled soda on my laptop and the USB port was kaput after that

black ops 1 campaign

fallout new vegas

Fuck that, play the real Operation Flashpoint.

Hearts of Iron

Be completely irrelevant for half the war then singlehandedly bring Europe FREEDOM by enabling them to go on the offensive.

Hotline Miami, you literally kill commies the entire game (except for literally one level where you fight police but they're still pinko pigs)

Just spen $30 on xbox360 controller

1776 mod for Mount & Blade

State of Decay

>Sid Meier's Gettysburg and Antietam
You sir, have exceptional taste.


USB port is fucked, it won't work.

You can only post in this thread if your country was the first to split the atom.

Not so fast rest of the world.

You only have one port? Man, that's fucked up


And when libshits and native americans get salty as fuck.

Shiny beads.

Also, Indians never claimed to own the land, so it was basically finder's-keepers

I'm not even him, try reading the man's posts. Fucks sake.


Hatred. No better way to celebrate America than with a mass shooting or two for good measure.

I can understand giving a shit about celebrating Columbas Day, but this is ridiculous.


the answer i would ask this question:

What game has the most use of gun combat?

Yeah, play Bioshock, the underwater city is an allegory for American Elites

How about recommending a mass shooting sim that's actually good.

New Vegas and join the NCR

serious sam

Garry's Mod DarkRP

Liberty or Death

GTAV tbqhwyfams

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater