Family Guy Game

>Family Guy Game
>Futurama Game
>South Park: Stick of Truth
>Simpsons: Hit & Run

Will we ever get a game that allows you to fully explore the American Dad world?

We just got one.

>There will never be a Wheels and the Legman True Crime clone

I'm pretty sure there was a family guy MMo

American Dad is probably the world where random people would die the most often.

life and times of tim gta clone when

Bobs Burger is better.

I dont understand why Fox doesnt team up with Rockstar to create legit open world games set in Simpsons and Family Guy

holy shit there was

It was taken down because the players couldn't figure out how to do any quests.

Mind Quad > Wheels and the Legman

This is straight out of a Sup Forums joke thread I swear.

Archer game when?

Not really.

Adventure time game when?

Wake up

Mission Hill expansion pack when


You actually think American dad is better than bobs burgers? Jesus fucking Christ. You probably think Rick and morty is hilarious as well.

You just need to watch it in the right point of view.

New Fetish Discovered!
>+1 Knowledge

God I love Louise

You actually think Bob's Burgers is better than American Dad? Jesus fucking Christ. You probably think the Cleveland Show is hilarious as well.

Wasn't this shut down after like a year or something?

I've had this picture saved with this filename ever since the game was first mentioned here


Edgy fake Mortadelo

god i wish we had a koth online.

Mind quad is too OP.

Hey Ice King why'd you steal our Garbage is a good game imo

Wish they made a Futurama Chrono Trigger/Mass Effect ripoff.

I want a GOOD Cowboy Bebop game also too bad none of these will happen.

Hit and Run & Road Rage exists

>expensive ship upgrades, weapons and helpful gadgets for bounty hunting
>they're just there as a joke because you never get bounty money

What is this? I'd kill for a good KoTH and Futurama game

Simpsons seasons 1-6

Bob's Burgers, Futurama, early American Dad, King of The Hill seasons 1-4

>meh tier
early Family Guy, later seasons of American Dad

King of the Hill seasons 5-13, later seasons of the Simpsons

>Vile Cancer tier
Modern Family Guy, modern Simpsons

Seth's style of animation makes me want to fucking vomit btw, his animation team should all be fired and forced to unlearn everything CalArts taught them.

Might've been interesting if they actually pulled the cannibalism plot.

its shit

Hearthstone clone.

I enjoy KoTH all the way through so by this scale I guess I'm a shitter and proud.


I know there's two Japanese exclusive which one is a beat em up and the other is a sidescroller .

I'd like a Space Dandy game also.

>early American Dad

Honestly American Dad got much better once it found its own identity and was no longer "Diet Family Guy"

It was good at first but Peggy was always an annoying smug cunt and nothing bad ever happens to her, except for the parachute thing which was out of the way quickly.

Honestly if Peggy Hill wasn't in the show or wasn't an extremely annoying, smug, vindictive and quick to blame Hank for everything, then KOTH would be in god tier, but that's just my opinion.

We can all agree Cleveland Show sucks ass right?

I liked the Diehard episode but that's it.

Bob's Burgers is shit tier and is worse than The Cleveland Show and the short lived Napoleon Dynamite cartoon, at least those two shows were funny, Bob's Burgers is another strike in old Jon Benjamin's career cap, poor guy, hasn't don't anything great since Home Movies.

>good tier
>Bob's Burger
Overrated as fuck. Most episodes aren't funny.
I would at least knock to Vile Cancer tier a few episodes from this show (the eye phone one among others from the 2 latest seasons and the movies)

Peggy is pants on head retarded though which always kills me.

>Your honor, I can tell you are a very honorable horse
>I am very pregnant because of what happened with Lupe

any futurama episode from the comedy central seasons is absolute garbage

I liked at least 3. But yeah I agree.

>God Tier
Simpsons 2-9
Family Guy 1-10
American Dad
South Park 1-17
Good Tier
The Cleveland Show

Meh Tier

Shit Tier
Bob's Burgers, KOTH, Modern Family Guy, Modern The Simpsons, Current South Park(don't like the one story per season thing)

jesus, what a shitty fucking list.

>doesn't find any amusement in Rick an Morty
>appreciates Bob's Burgers' """comedy"""

Simpsons season 1 was pure fucking garbage

No, because American Dad has been in an awkward position for its entire life that caused people to disregard it

Family Guy fans disregarded it because the humor wasn't the same

Everyone else disregarded it because they thought the humor would be like Famiy Guy's

Although now that Fox has clearly given up on the show, the humor is exactly like Family Guy's, meaning now the show is shit

It had a good run, though.

American Dad up to before the last couple seasons and pre-Comedy Central Futurama are both goat

Guess I'm a massive fuck head because I love Futurama through and through. I hate that the show doesn't have a proper ending because of the time shit in the finale but it doesn't bother me that much.

Too bad, it's my list, make your own so we can see how shit it is.

>God Tier
>Simpsons 7-9
>Family Gay any season
>Black Family Gay
You don't deserve to have a TV or cable.

What the fuck this actually makes me sick.

i don't listen to people who make shitty lists.

South Park stopped being good after S14

I fucking hate Peggy Hill so much.

I've never had a single character ruin a show so much for me.

Holy fuck kill yourself

Hayley is my waifu

I remember the diehard episode, and an episode where Cleveland was in a cool olympics or something and Snoop Dog was a guest voice and I remember wondering "how the fuck did they get him to come on the show?"

I can imagine the amount they paid him blew through their entire budget.

Even if you hate Bob's Burgers, nothing could be worse than Cleveland Show.

That's one (1) funny moment out of 13 seasons of Peggy never taking Hank's side in things, smugness and acting like she's perfect and can do nothing wrong. I'd agree with you if she her plans backfired on her, but they either succeed or Hank saves her, but she just never fucking learns anything, or at least humbles a bit.

I put Family Guy in vile cancer tier because the new episodes have shit like Stewie becoming pregnant with Brian's babies. This is deviantart fetish tier shit. At least the Simpsons is ending after season 30.

Just fucking kill yourselves.

I prefer the Franny Fanny myself

I just ignore her completely.
This right here sums Peggy up.

Cleveland's wife's daughter is pretty alright looking.

Rick and morty is reddits child. Sorry I don't have 5 year old humor.

Honestly I wish the Cleveland Show got some more respect. It's later season was actually pretty funny and I appreciated how it didn't ever really rely on the same shock value that Family Guy continued after the shows split.

Had it started off a bit stronger rather that just starting as a straight up Family Guy rip off, I think people would have grown to like it a bit more.

It stopped being good after season 5

So many triggered faggots, I didn't know my post had that kind of power.

>people actually like the trash that is Bob's Burgers

At least we got an entertaining Archer episode out of it.

Futurama is the best series as a whole, American Dad was pretty good too and probably the funniest.
Family Guy and Simpsons were good until they went straight to shit with modern seasons.

>tfw she's a disgusting NEET like me

Would have been better if they crossed over with Home Movies.

>likes archer but not BB
Top Kek. Did you come in here hot from Sup Forums?

>"No u got the leddit show fuk u man u don't know me""



Nice shitpost. Really showing how mature and intellectual you are for liking Rick and morty

Peggy is dumb as fuck though which is why I enjoy her.

I won't defend her but I won't say she drags the show down either.

Makes Luanne look smart in retrospect imo.

The only european comedy I know is the Euro.


>european comedy

>it's literally canon that Francine has a perfect ass

Heartbreaking that I will never suffocate under it TO BE HONEST

>putting brits in charge of american comedy

Your superior intellect and maturity has defeated me. Good job winrar. Your the big hero

Atleast you like Goodfellas otherwise here's your (you)

Even Americans make European comedies better. US office blows the fuck out of the UK shit.

Over 100 men have been under there, fucking Seth characters all being cucks

Rick and Morty is actually pretty good though. Not the best but it's far from shit.

how am i funny?

Does it get better after the first season? I watched that and had literally zero interest in going further.

Haha. Holy shit no.

TbQh, I just want to be tied up with Linda where I'm right underneath her and we're basically hugging while Francine tickles both of our feet until we piss all over each other.


For one, the finale of Season 1 has actual consequences. And the finale of 2 honestly makes you feel like shit is changing.

If you didn't like the first season, you won't like the second. I guess it's just not for you.

If you didn't really like season 1 chances are you probably won't like season 2 either. Season 2 has a few more stinkers, but (to me anyway) there's a lot of god-teir episodes still.

How can someone have this shit of an opinion? UK is literally shit.

Normally I'm immensely anti-slut, but with an ass like that...I just don't know man.

A-user that's so t-taboo

Playing Gta4 and listening to Ricky Gervais try to be funny wasn't any fun I always skip that but Kat "I get my ass beat by a child" Williams is pretty funny still for some reason.

No, enjoy your card game.

Bob's Burger is pretty good i just wish Tina was any other type of character because the monotone voice and boring personality of hers bores the shit out of me. Teddy is the best character

I thought it was taken down because people only wanted to harass Meg