If indie games take no effort, and sell so well, then why aren't you cashing in. Sup Forums never stops crying about how easy indie devs have it. What's stopping you from doing what they do?
If indie games take no effort, and sell so well, then why aren't you cashing in...
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I am doing it. I already released 2 games and im working on better ones now
Lazy as shit. I have some plans for a cool phone game though
I don't know how to make a game, but most indie games probably make somewhere between jack and shit unless you luck out and some well known streamer makes a reaction video.
Most indie games are total garbage with the occasional diamond in the rough. Nobody needs to be an indie developer to know that, much like someone doesn't have to be a director to know a film is shit.
>tfw I will never make a critically acclaimed indie game that gets picked up by some faggot YouTube personality and cash in on my millions
Why even live?
How hard is it to make a game that people actually want to play. If it's a half decent game, you're guaranteed at least 100k sales through steam. Steam buyers are indiscriminate.
Maybe if it's $1, people will literally pirate a $5 game then wait for it to go on sale before buying it.
And 100k sales is a lot more than the vast majority of games will get. Also figure in the steam cut, which is pretty massive.
Well, I am mate. Not exactly rolling in dosh, but still earn a lot.
Sell it for $10. Holy shit, you can't make a $10 game? People will respect your game more if you price it higher. If you price your game to dirt, then people will treat it like dirt.
Steam cut is only like what? 30%? If you sell 100K for $10, then you're looking at 1M. 700K gross. Probably around 400K after taxes.
Come on, it's not that hard.
Just post the rest, get it over with before more people ask for it.
i am but it sucks
i do it for matsuno-san
You don't have to say what game you made, but give a ballpark of the money you're earning.
because it actually take a lot of effort to do shit, even in the easiest difficulty, rpgmaker.
Sup Forumsirgins couldn't even do broquest even in rpgmaker can keep whining that they did release katawa shoujo despite that's Sup Forums accomplishment.
Where do I start though
If I need to learn some programming then where do I start with that also?
I am a 3d artist at a small indie company. There are like 6 people total. Since I am a hired gun, I don't really get a cut of the sales, but the pay is 2.5 times local median salary.
Which allows me to save up money. I plan to quit at the end of the year and live off my savings for a couple of years while trying to make a small game of my own.
i envy third worlders like you in the age of globalization
i went homeless in 2009 because the faggot effects of globalization were in full swing. fuck corporations and fuck banks.
some other user posted these links that his professor gave him
Programming 1: users.cis.fiu.edu
Programming 2: users.cis.fiu.edu
Nice. Glad someone around here has some gumption.
Got to /agdg/ on /vg/
Depends on what you want to do. Are you okay with 2d? Try game maker/rpg maker or even unity 2d. You need to know how to draw 2d sprites and read tutorials.
You want 3d? There is Unity, Unreal and even CryEngine/Lumberyard. Depending on what you want to do, you would need to know how to make 3d assets, read tutorials and some sort of language like C++. Unreal has a visual scripting system for retards called Blueprints, but you still need to understand basic programming principles.
hey, it is the very reason why everything except rent is cheap.
just go homeless or live in your parent's basement
Yea, probably the best thing you can do now is to find a remote job, and move to somewhere cheap like Thailand, while working over internet. Since the cost of living is low as fuck, you can undercut competition and ask for less money.
Your only concern is finding someone who can make all the papers for you, as well as explain how to pay taxes and shit.
They do take effort, they don't take talent. All you need to be a successful indie dev is the patience to sit through the tedium of making your piece of shit game.
I was working on a JRPG where you could kill enemies or convince them to join your party.
The game was to take place in a 21st century city setting and monsters were to be modernized/stylized versions of popular RPG monster archetypes.
One of my friends told me my game was a 99% ripoff of SMT, so now I'm taking a break to play MegaTen and see what tropes to avoid.
>people will literally pirate a $5 game then wait for it to go on sale before buying it.
If people don't want to pay $5 for your game it's just not worth $5 to them. Don't blame piracy like an out-of-touch business suit, because if your game is any good those pirates will buy and spread the word.
What game mod or artist is that sheet from?
Google gives nothing.
Indie games either sell on effort or memes.
If you don't make your game in a way where redditors can jerk off to it and post it for upvotes it won't sell. This also counts for not pandering to furfags.
This is only if you don't want to put any effort into it though, since effort may result in a good game.
give me some of that oni desu senpai
I'm pretty sure a lot of people would enjoy a game that is similar to but not completely ripping off SMT, though.
>Indie games either sell on effort or memes.
That's not true at all. The real indie games sell based on who the dev knows.
Undertale didn't have a single meme in it unless you want to be a faggot and claim skeletons are a meme, It was popular because Toby Fox was an avid member in the Homestuck community.
>they don't take talent
Then why are you fags always saying how poor graphics is inexcusable? Do you think these things come from sheer patience? That's funny.
What are you making? I've seen you posting your characters here for the past 3 weeks or so.
It's just an edit from a sprite someone posted here when looking for pixelart advice for a game they're actually making. The edits themselves are meaningless, and originate in Sup Forums.
>Do you think these things come from sheer patience?
Drawing is 80% practice, user. As long as you have non-retard taste you're set.
Thanks x
I don't mean memes like the game contains memes (like Guacameme), I'm saying the game is selling based on the novelty of itself with the attempt to make an inside joke of itself, or perhaps games that are trying to mimic a meme to make sales.
Good examples include I am Bread, Garry's Mod and goat simulator.
None of these are particularly good games, but sell rather well based on their novelty.
If you picture your game as some sort of joke or some attempt to appeal to "intellectuals" you can genuinely get good sales based on something that exists outside of the actual gameplay.
No, patience just puts you in a "MUH STYLE" hole. You need actual knowledge an practice. You need to build up your skill, so that you have talent.
>No, patience just puts you in a "MUH STYLE" hole. You need actual knowledge an practice.
Like I said, you need non-retard taste and the capacity to look at your own art critically. In other words, not be an idiot. With practice you build skill, talent simply lets you build skill faster, but practice is still paramount.
Same sex transformation is fine but TGTF is superior
Any Crypt of the Necrodancer lewd mods?
You can't improve yourself in a vacuum. Patience is far overrated. You can be the most patient person in the world, but if you're hacking away at the same thing, because you haven't learned how to approach it with new/improved techniques, then you will not make it as an artist. It doesn't matter if you work at something for 5 years. You need to build yourself up.
>You can't improve yourself in a vacuum.
sure you can
Which has nothing to do with talent, just "not being fucking stupid". No shit that if all you do is draw the same thing you'll stay stuck. You need to put actual thought into improving.
The player was going to be a new kid in a highschool who'd make friends and solve mysteries surrounding the city. The player would enter an alternate dimension through TV screens, computer monitors, and smartphones. Then as the story progresses they'd learn that Lucifer is planning an attack on Heaven, and you'd be free to join him and fight God, or you could join God to defeat Lucifer.
I don't know how I managed to write a story so similar to Nocturne and P4G without having played either. Maybe I read a synopsis and forgot about it.
That has everything to do with talent. Your talent is your innate ability to perform a skill. Well what do you think if you don't work on your skills? Then you won't have the talent. Patience only gives you the ability to tolerate what you're doing. But it doesn't give you the ability to actually do something.
You can have all the patience in the world, and it will amount to shit without talent.
I don't think you know what "innate" means, you dumbass. Talent simply means you can improve skills faster, grasp things easier.The ability to actually DO shit is called skill, which you cultivate with practice and patience regardless of how talented you are.
You can amount to much with little talent, as long as you put in the appropriate amount of work. If you don't put in the work, you won't amount to shit, regardless of how talented you are.
Your innate ability to perform a task is flexible, and can grow. It's like a muscle. When you're weak, you can't do a single chin-up. But you exercise and work on it, and then you can do many chin-ups. Your innate ability grew with practice. With your new strength, you're able to perform more/better skills, thus making yourself talented.
You won't get talented if you don't put in the practice. And patience =/= practice. If you have the patience to do 1000 reps with 1lb weights, then you'll never get strong enough to lift heavy weights. you're just hacking away at a useless task that will leave you flatlined.
>Your innate ability to perform a task is flexible, and can grow. It's like a muscle
Again, you don't know what "innate" means.
You're confusing skill for talent. And skill can only be achieved via practice. Talent makes it easier, but unless you're aiming for the top, practice trumps talent every time.
>If you have the patience to do 1000 reps with 1lb weights, then you'll never get strong enough to lift heavy weights
That has nothing to do with skill or talent, that has to do with not being mentally deficient enough to train wrong.
You don't know what innate means. Your muscles are innate. The amount of practice you put into them makes them grow or atrophy. They are variable. You aren't just born with the ability to lift 300lbs. You have to work toward that.
>That has nothing to do with skill or talent, that has to do with not being mentally deficient enough to train wrong.
That's what patience will get you. That's what happens when you think you know enough that you can get by on your "tastes", and not study.
I maybe have a game idea about succubi.
You start as one and you get to corrupt girls turning them into other succubi.
I'm certain there are a million porn games like that.
okay so I should give up?
I didn't say it has to be original.
I need more of that thicc warrior goddess
>Still no _F set
>Implying Sup Forums understands the most basic of programming paradigms.
And who are you?
You should make a mechanic where you can completely drain a person of their lifeforce, killing them, or convert them. This way, you have the option of getting a big chunk of lifeforce earlier, or allow the new succubi to add their power to yours, dealing you with increments of lifeforce over time. The long term increments are ultimately worth more, but it requires more patience.
>Your muscles are innate.
Strength isn't innate, your muscles are. If you have a genetic predisposition, you gain muscle mass faster and better, via training. So to correct your analogy, your genetic predisposition is talent, your strength is your skill, and training is practice. No matter how great your predisposition is, if you don't train, you won't get swole. If you do train, even if you're genetically less predisposed, you'll at least get somewhere, unless your'e actually retarded and train wrong.
Whining about talent for art is like a fatass tumblr whale whining about genetics. Genetics didn't make you a fatass, it was lack of exercise (practice) and lack of discipline. No one who's swole got there via talent alone, and in exercise or in art, talent is often used as an excuse by the lazy to justify not trying.
Sprites aren't detailed enough. I've tried. Unless you want a mod of the sprites themselves being body parts?
Considering i sucked at everything i tried at first but am pretty good at everything ive put tons of time into with the exception of starcraft yeah this user is spot on
Because only 0.001% of them are successful enough to make any money worth talking about
In all other cases the devs would've made more money by picking up bottles in public trash bins in the hours they spent
>Strength isn't innate, your muscles are
Right. And because of this fact, your genetic predisposition isn't your talent. *Strength* is a talent. Your genetic predisposition only allows you to become talented more quickly. However, if you work out, then you can become talented as well.
As someone who spent the majority of their teenage years realizing they were completely talentless and then decided to dedicate themselves to art for at least three years, I'm here to tell you sticking to your principles and hating yourself while forcing through the pain to work and hone your talent is complete horseshit. You'll never accomplish anything.
>and sell so well
good luck making EVERYTHING yourself for a game that is so good people would buy 10 dollars for it
>price > quality/respect
Tell that to one way heroics, cave story, or the original version of spelunky.
Again, you're confusing talent for skill. Use a dictionary, for fuck's sake. Talent is innate. It's what allows you to become better faster. It's your genetics, your predisposition for strength. Skill is what your actual performance depends on, not talent.
Don't project your inadequacies on me, user. Sounds like your trained wrong to me. I was always fairly talented artwise, and I was good in school because I practiced a lot when I was a very young kid. I had friends in school who liked drawing, but weren't nearly as good. One of them continued drawing, practicing despite his stuff being very inferior to mine. Today, he's honestly more than caught up. Unless you're actually brain damaged or have a legitimate learning disability, you can learn to draw.
Even the shittiest indie games out there take a lot of effort.
No, having strength isn't a skill. using your strength to say, balance on your hands and walk up the stairs, that's a skill. Strength is an innate talent almost anyone can obtain, unless they have some weird genetic thing that prevents them from gaining muscle.
If you hated what you were doing, why did you continue?
Did you actually practice your anatomy, rendering skills, line quality, and the like, or did you just draw without any proper practice for three years?
>Strength is an innate talent almost anyone can obtain
Strength is neither a talent nor a skill nor innate in any way, user, you're getting confused. It's only a skill within the confines of your analogy. It's not a talent within the confines of the analogy, genetic predisposition is. Almost anyone can obtain strength, provided they TRAIN. Anyone can obtain skills, provided they train. No one can get innate talent via practice, that's not what talent means. Use a fucking dictionary.
Strength is not a skill. What are you smoking?
You muscles are INNATE, therefore, if you work your muscles to be stronger, then you have innate strength. Making it a talent. Skills are the methods by which you execute tasks.
A talent is being able to lift a heavy box. A skill is knowing to lift with your legs because it's safer. You can learn skills, and not have the talent to pull it off. Knowing to lift with your legs won't help you if the box is too heavy for you. You will be limited to only lifting the light boxes. If you *only* lift light boxes, then you will never gain the talent to lift the heavy boxes. That's why patience means fuck all. Because the most patient person in the world can sit there and lift all the light boxes, and never get the job done, because he's too weak for the heavy boxes. Patience is far overrated.