Is it worth 3.74 on Steam?
Is it worth 3.74 on Steam?
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only if you can put up with mediocre and occasionally broken gameplay to get through to a fun, convoluted story.
Yeah. It's a usual Obsidian product, though; focus on story and roleplaying over decent gameplay. The small changes in story if you take different routes makes replays worth it IMO, but the shitty mechanics might ruin that for you.
They at least put it through one round of bug-testing, though.
Also, fuck SIE.
I'd say so, yeah. Just play with a controller and you should be fine (the hacking minigame on keyboard is more or less a shit show)
It ain't worth it. Imagine a shitty Mass Effect/Splinter Cell but doing nothing noteworthy
it's an ok game, but nothing impressive.
Turn it up.
Best VN I've played.
Disabling AI vision and hearing makes it even better.
It isn't worth pirating.
it's the definition of a love or hate experience. i beat it like 12 times before i put it down. some people despise it. definitely worth four bucks to try it out.
For $3.74? Yeah, I'd say so. The gameplay is below average although the level design and story are pretty great. If you can put up with mediocre gameplay and shitty fucking glitches, you'll find a cool and fun game buried in there somewhere.
He's an example in the game that infuriated me. I tried playing pure stealth the first time through (no kills, no one sees me, ect.) and there's this one segment where you're supposed to defend a spot while reinforcements occasionally come in. Since I was never spotted, you'd see these Agent 47 look alike goofballs rush in with all piss and vinegar and the second they step into the arena type area, they immediately chill out and just start walking around like nothing happened. That's silly enough, but it becomes clear that this segment was not designed at all for stealth as the patrols these enemies would go on has them doing 180 degree turns in a single frame with no warning. That's a big fucking problem when you're trying to sneak past someone when while they're walking away. Anyone who's played this part (the ruins in Greece, I think?) knows what I'm talking about.
For the most part, the game works alright but moments like this just keep happening and it's incredibly frustrating. For $3.74 it's worth it though. I remember reading about the game a fair bit when I was subscribed to the magazine EGM and the developers sent them two or three advance copies, if I'm not mistaken, but EGM was convinced that the game was going to be shit and they wouldn't retract their word on the matter. I guess they were right.
Would you say it's more fun with a stealth approach or an action approach? I want to enjoy this as a stealth game but the game just isn't cooperating with me and I'll occasionally get enemies spotting me from impossible angles. Shit like that makes me not want to play it anymore.
>Anyone who's played this part (the ruins in Greece, I think?) knows what I'm talking about
I know what level you mean and I had the exact same thing happen to me. The alarm starts automatically and never resets, so the agents are always on guard and since you have to interact with a bomb in the open, you have to kill everyone.
>Would you say it's more fun with a stealth approach or an action approach?
Depends on what you like. Stealth is really, really overpowered later on, but as you have noticed there can be some bugs.
In comparison to that some weapons like shotguns just suck so it may not be much fun to play the game with them.
I think most of the time you can get through missions with stealth alone (except for things like the mission above).
Stealth is fine but make sure to put points into pistols even if you plan on going non lethal against regular guards, otherwise bosses are going to be almost impossible.
Alternatively going full meele is fun too
there are stealth perks that reduce the range enemies can see you from. when you get the second one you pretty much have to be in pistol range for them to notice you. when you get the last one you are basically invisible.
>Sis romance route was cut out due to time constraints
>cute meeting with her is still in the game but goes nowhere
just fuck my shit up
I feel like a big problem was Obsidian trying to appeal to both action and stealth demographics at the same time but without allowing accessible avenues for both in most situations. For example, the optional mission where you have to sneak into an apartment full of agents is pretty great. It's a lot of trial and error, sure, but it doesn't fucking fall apart like the rest of the game. The thing is, though, that that level was specifically designed for stealth and you lose automatically if you kill anyone. Most of the game, however, has stealth segments and then action segments and then stealth segments again, bouncing back and forth in a single level. This is especially bullshit when you consider that this is supposed to be an RPG where you specialize in a few areas, as opposed to being a jack of all trades. It's like SEGA wanted this to be more like Metal Gear Solid and Obsidian couldn't convince them that it wouldn't work here.
See that "Obsidian" on the box?
That should be a huge warning sign.
Isn't she underage?
I'm not saying that this is a problem but I'm sure that the publisher didn't want to have anything to do with that.
Ger in game age is estimated to be late teens to early twenties
you can still complete that level if you kill everyone. you just don't get as much information from the bug.
Worth every fucking cent if you can get past the meh gameplay.
Oh shit, really? I don't know why I thought it was automatic game over. I must've completely misremembered that part; it's been years. My bad.
It's one of the best damn RPGs ever made.
Thing is, most reviewers and ignorants go into it thinking it's Mass Effect 2 with spies.
It isn't that, it's a mechanically flawed stat based RPG that makes up for its shortcomings by having the greatest, most dynamic choice and consequence dialog system in RPG history, which gives it a much bigger replay value than the MOTHER TERESA - UNDERWHELMING - PUPPY KICKER alignment systems of games such as Mass Effect 2, while feeling much more natural and involving than the often overbearing loredumps of the Black Isle days.
Put all your points in Martial Arts and Endurance. Play it like a beat-em-up. That was my favorite playthrough.