Steam sale recommendation thread

It's the final hours of the Steam sale.

Ask for advice and recommend games to others.

Also don't wait until the very last moment, because the server might overload and you won't be able to buy your games with discount anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:

Please recommend me a cheap multiplayer first person shooter with an active playerbase.

I want a decent game I can play in short bursts, something like Isaac except without rougelike elements, I'm tired of those.


I wanted to use some money towards the sale. But then my sister's laptop got fucked and put money towards that instead. Did I do good?

Did you fuck her?

>average players: 2500

I'm not sure how long this will last.

Only if she lets you finger her.

Ew no. She's real fat.

Then you should have put that money towards a gym membership for her.
It's got a very stable community.


Good co-op/multiplayer games???

Is the new Rainbow Six game good?

Just want to make ONE good multiplayer game purchase. Everything has been slightly singleplayer focused.

Any good?

Good 2D shooter with a nice graphic?

Valkyrie Chronicles

So, installing now. Is this Alicia girl any good? Will I fall in love with her?

Tabletop Simulator? It looks pretty fun.


Grim Dawn, Darkest Dungeon or Gothic Armada.

Which one Sup Forums? I can't decide

Age of Wonders 3 complete pack or Rome II Total War? I've never played an Age of Wonders games.

All Serious Sam games are 90% off.

Siege is fantastic. Just make sure you have friends and communicate well. Best fps game in years by far.

anything good i can get $4.59 or under?


There are a lot of waifus to choose from though

Good game if you enjoy that sort of thing.
Padding and more padding, avoid.
Okay but unbalanced.

Don't play 3. Play Shadow Magic.

Recollection is my favourite. The games differ a bit between titles, so which one you enjoy the most comes down to taste. They're all fun, imaginative and entertaining, though.

Check out the eXceed games, RefleX and Satazius as well. All solid.

I only come here to see you losers beg for recommendations and not get anything at all before the sale ends

Is it a good game for waifus?

How is the netcode in street fighter v? And is there any chance that there will be some retarded super ultra double nigger street fighter v super premium edition?

>2 out of 3 are RNG based cancer
Grim dawn is better though
Rocket league or memelands

Grim Dawn

Only if she's cute

Grim Dawn, not even a question



Should I refund FF13-2 and Lightning Returns? I kinda regret getting them but if they're good I may keep them.

Cheers anons, buying now

Any good/great RPGs for 5 euros? Other than the obvious (witcher, mass effect, deus ex etc.).

Or should I just get Dark Souls? The price not getting any lower, it's been 4,99e on every single sale.


Alpha Protocol

I regret buying it. 2.1 hours


There is a big selection of unique troops with their own voicelines

Just don't let them die, it's permadeath for anyone that's not a main character

I need a comfy game. Any reccomendations?

I'd recommend this gem.

They're better than FF13 if that's what you're worried about.

Is this a good entry to Strategy RPGs?

How old are you willing to go? Darklands is amazing for an old rpg.

Just getting back into gaming after 10-15 years or so and not looking for a huge investment. I got some bretty gud feedback yesterday, but I made some adjustments to my cart.

Am I good here with pic related? Advice/recs welcome.

Is Pike and Shot Campaigns worth it?

Are you autistic/cancerous?
If so, go ahead! You'll love the similarly mentally disabled community.
If not, why are you on Sup Forums?

tl;dr buy gaem

It's a good introduction to shitty RNG

67 eurobux is way more than I'm willing to part with.
What should I drop and what should stay?
Pretty sure I'll drop Shadow Warrior and Banner Saga unless you convince me not to.

Those are generally considered "alright". It's entirely up to you.

interessted in undertale and xenoverse

25 euros for both, is it worth?

I want to buy savage reborn but i feel like it's not worth it. averages 40 players but savage XR was so fun


How does this look?

I wanted to get Quake 3 Arena, but everyone keeps telling me the online is dead

Wouldn't probably go with steam version of gta vice city, it has some music removed from the soundtrack due to copyright issues.

i can only comment on The Banner Saga and that is a solid 8/10 at least. Keep that one.

Buy all of them and eat Oatmeal for a month

Undertale is worth pirating.

Its fun, but the RNG will annoy you.

Stardew Valley?

Banner Saga is quite shallow you won't lose much by dropping it. Stranger of Sword City is a shitty deal you shoudl wait till its lower. Shadow Warrior is best game on that list.

Unless you've somehow managed to completely avoid hearing about Undertale, it's not worth playing. Xenoverse is just alright.

Who else here hasn't bought a single game this sale?

It's dead as a door nail, fun tho

is that supposed to look fun? Because it doesn't.

If you want Quake 3, get Quake Live. It's the same exact game, but with modern updates and support etc. it's also actively being played so you will always have servers to join.

What would be a better fps?

>3 completely conflicting opinions
I appreciate the advice, but this really isn't helping.
What about Anima, is that any good? 2nd most pricey game on the list.

Should i buy MGSV? I haven't played any previous games

>I haven't played any previous games

No, you should just start with MGS1.

Thanks, I think I'll pick it up

it will happen

It's a game inspired by Nier very clunky and low budget but it has its own charm. Every single game on that list is worth playing.

How about this instead, then;
Give me your harshest criticism, Sup Forums. And recommendations of course, especially if you're going to shoot something down.


only thing that sucks worse than salt and sanctuary is your shitty video


You're just going to miss out lots of plot stuff, and plot is very important in MGS. Just start from MGS1, it's totally worth it.

By all means, go for it.
You'll get to enjoy the best gameplay in the series and won't be disappointed by the awful story.
Play the others too, it's a great series and you can get the games for cheap.

Toy soldiers is 49p, is it any good?

Should I get the shadowrun bundle?

not gonna work with mgs bro ur gonna have to play [them all]

dankest dungeon

Firewatch is pretty bad.

No, to both.

Darkest Dungeon is literally RNG: The Game

You might as well get a slot machine app for your phone while listening to linkin park

Sure, Firewatch is great but a bit short and has a flat ending. Maybe the best walking sim if not for that though

Gat out of hell will be free on PS4 this month, if you have one of those.

Rest is fine.

Got a few cents left in your wallet?

>4 games, 2 with trading cards, 99% off for 0.08€

>5 games, all with trading cards, 98% off for 0.16€

>11 games, 7 with trading cards, 99% off for 0.59€

MGSV is perfect for people who haven't played any other game in the series because they can enjoy the gameplay without feeling the phantom pain it left the rest of us with.

Dirty Bomb

>Prison Architect
>Sniper Elite III

I'm considering picking up these before the sales end in a few hours. I also want to grab The Witcher 3, but I feel like I should just wait at this point and get a GOTY version with all of the DLC this winter/next summer.

Answer the following-

Favourite Game:

>i don't like roguelike elements
>get darkest dungeon aka roguelike dicerolling

Super Mario Bros 3

Second Insurgency with this user, , devs do a great job supporting it and keeping it updated. It's a steal for the price and the co-op alone is worth it. Find a server with the bots on expert and enjoy.

>Indie shit
No thank you

Bought sniper elite v3, if you're gonna co-op be aware that there are no xray kills.

I have a shitty PC.
1,6 Ghz processor (goes to 2,15 tho)
4 Gb Ram
integrated Intel HD graphics

What good stuff will it run?