Medievil remastered from the ground up

Medievil remastered from the ground up.

yes? no?

also old IPs we wanna see remastered thread.

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Only if they change nothing but the graphics and re-record all the sound at high quality.

I think the combat can be tweeked a bit from the old games, not by much, but just enough so its smoother, and the button layout

I could live with that. I'd like to see a new Maximo.

they would ruin it and add tumblr shit to it so no


Only if mechanically it stays about the same, and they don't mess with the story / level design. Also, he can't look like your pic, that version of him looks too serious / shitty.

Medievil 2 was the best game

if you don't agree you are a silly gayboi

Is this game worth emulating? I never played it but kinda want to.


Haven't tried to emulate it but you should definitely play MediEvil. I heard the PSP game was good.

yes, both 1 and 2

like what exactly?

2 kind of sucked,but damn the first one was top tier.
>featuring Dante from the DmC series

no no nonononono

He looks way too angry and serious in those photos.

Keep the game lighthearted and make him look goofy as fuck still

Dan gets plenty serious in combat, which those pictures imply he is getting ready for.
The third picture gives him back his doofy neutral expression.

>that version of him looks too serious / shitty.
nah its still stylized enough that its not realistic, and in Medievil 1 he wasnt the goof ball he was in Resurrection. he had a more serious tone to his character, its the world around him that was goofy.

at least its 10+ years old
it will be ruined

The only Sony character I ever cared about.

he actually seemed pretty annoyed if you listen to his conversations with the other heroes in the hall of heroes

This, The one in the OP is pretty solid.

You'd be annoyed too if you had to listen to the braggings of actual heroes with your lower jaw missing. Some of them even acted hostile towards him.

Fuck off with your console war shit.

Im not sure I like that design or not, I like it, but Dan shouldnt look so menacing. I mean all the characters in the games and the world itself look like a cartoon, so it would be interesting to see everything recreated to look like that.



>no leg joints connecting to torso
>hes not only a skele, but a skele-ghost

the statues in the Hall of Heroes all look like normal people. its Dan and the villagers that look like deformed monsters.

Please remaster Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg

Okay, I'll get to work.

>MediEvil is revived
>It's a Souls clone now

How would you feel?

I'd buy it on a sale two years after launch and enjoy it despite the deviation from the original vision.


Dark Souls was a mistake.

If it kept the colourful world but took on some of the sombre "world is unravelling" tone, I'd love it.

>Dark Souls esque enemies
>same combat from the first 2 games with Dan running around swinging his sword violently

it would be glorious

Now Im just curious what a high resredesign of these models would look like. i mean if they kept the gameplay EXACTLY the same and just changed the look of it all I might be on board with it.

Nope. Make an action game, not a Souls game, Souls games work because of the level progression and ability to make a character from the ground up, in Medievil you would need some more interesting combat, if it is to change at all. Dragons Dogma combat, where different weapons in the game play completely differently and there is a level of speed and fun to it all instead of methodical circle strafing.

day one purchase

It'll never happen but I can dream.

I'd rather have a Daniel May Cry style game

A Demon's Crest remake would be badass.

>old IPs we wanna see remastered

This game would potentially be even more twisted if it were remastered.

>old IPs we wanna see remastered thread

I wanna see Tomba come back

I had that for N64 and I never had a single clue what the fuck was going on, I thought it was a Vin Diesel action game when I bought it as a kid.

Literally just bought this game. What am I in for?

Wouldn't surprise me if they turned Caleb into some misunderstood hero instead of legit asshole he always was though.

shadow hearts

That is one of the strangest ps2 games. I thought it was shitty but some strange power compelled me to keep playing. I got up to the big ass stage with the wooden ships before I quit.


I'd like to see a not-shitty remake of Turok. The HD version was fun and all, but I want something new.

yeah boi


Medievil 2 was pretty shit.
The level design was worse, no hub world, less memorable locations apart from the museum. All around a downgrade.

Would it be 2d? I kinda would like to see it be like federation vs zeon, only more linear.


jumping flash would be fun and beautiful remastered today.

Naw nigga, OP's Sir Dan looks like a tryhard. Resurrection's is a bit too cartoony. It has to be somewhere in between, leaning closer to Resurrection.

>The level design was worse, no hub world, less memorable locations apart from the museum. All around a downgrade.

It's notable for going action/horror set in the Victorian era before the faggot steampunk bullshit ruined everything.

just add strafing

Damn, Daniel's teeth must have been terribly huge when he was alive.

soo like this

Demons crest
Alien vs predator arcade

Medievil aged like milk Tbh

> they mostly work on CoD now

Are you sure?

If the story, characters and humor stay the same, it would be fun.

If you suck at games maybe.

If the skull was a little wider then yes that would be perfect.

I'm better than you at everything, little kid

Ye can't even beat the scarecrows mate.

my dad can beat up your dad


> alundra
> avp arcade
Mah negroid compatriot

Speaking of avp

They already did that, it's called Anniversary and it's shit.

I tried playing this, but a gate glitched out and I couldn't open it even with the right key. Kind of never went back after that, is it worth it?

Can you nerds beat DMC3 on the hardest difficulty and get an S rank on all the missions?

Yeah, didn't think so.


I replayed the first game recently. The voice acting and music holds up well but the combat and perhaps the levels would need to change if they want to appeal to more than just nostalgiafags.

I wouldn't mind seeing a reboot so long as they keep the tone similar to the original. Action-adventure games have come a long way and Medievil is old enough that it could benefit from an update. Not sure who would be the right team to do it though.

I've played this game 100 times and that's never happened, so you probably suck at it.

Can you 1CC every game in existence simultaneously, while hogtied and blindfolded?

Yeah, didn't think so.


I can beat your mom at hardest difficulty

I don't care what anyone says, a more fast-paced, wacky version of Souls combat would fit Medievil like a glove.

I love you user. That game was amazing to play, I'd love to see a remaster.

From one point I'd really love a femaster of Medievil, from another point I'm too paranoid about the thought that they might fuck it up completely.

u kids better shut up before i get angry

>no hub world

Excuse me?

That's not really saying much when there's only one difficulty; easy.

>The Guardian of Legend

Massively overlooked game for some reason. It was basically superior Zelda in every respect.

damn right

Pretty much, but Hellraid was heavily inspired by Hexen before it got put on indefinite hold.

Who cares if they fuck it up, the old games won't go away. I'd much rather they at least gave it a shot.

Fuck remastering, I want to see the Dragon Campaign.


I thought I remember hearing about a remix for the ps4. Does anyone know if that's confirmed or not?


I'm glad, because from what i've seen in one of their latest videos it looked like Dead Island with skeletons, and Dead Island is dogshit.

check this out
its pretty good I say

Anything related to Suikoden, i wish they could bring the entire franchise to Steam desu, i still havent got around 3 4 and 5.

i need to replay this game

so much fun

I'll be happy when all games are at least on PSN. I think 4 and 5 are still missing.