Kingdom Hearts

So how many of you are gonna jump right into KH3 without playing the previous games? Or at least have a working knowledge of what's going on?

there are so many retcons with each new release that not even anyone who's played through everything knows what's going on.

Like what? And don't say the Nobody heart thing because it technically isn't a retcon and has been hinted at for a while now.

I'm surprised that people are still confused on what's going on after all this time.

I know what's going on. It's not that hard.

They're too lazy to play the games that aren't 1 & 2

MGS is far more confusing

KH went to shit starting with Birth by Sleep. Prove me wrong

you can't

I'm jumping into it without playing Coded, Days or the mobile game, or finishing CoM, but frankly I couldn't give less of a shit.

The only game in the series I actually liked was BBS and all of them have terrible writing, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

I imagine there are a lot of Aquafags who have only played BBS and don't care to play any others since she isn't in them.

Well technically she's in 2.8.

I appreciate your dedication in starting shit with/hating BbS user.

Other dumb fucks.

MGS is really only confusing because too many important things happen between games, rather than in them.

Sup Forums likes to be stupid, what else is new?

I played every game yet I donĀ“t know shit about the story aside from muh darkness

>a working knowledge
>of that clusterfuck revisionist history lore
top kek OP

What don't you understand?

I've only played 1, 2, CoM, and DDD.
Should I play BBS? Also is there any chance of 1.5 or 2.5 HD remix coming to PS4?

Yes, BbS sets up the main antagonist for this first Saga.
>Also is there any chance of 1.5 or 2.5 HD remix coming to PS4?
They've said something about it not being a sure thing, for now I wouldn't hold my breath.

Neccesary Games to Understand Story

>Kingdom Hearts
>Chain of Memories
>Kingdom Hearts 2
>Birth by Sleep
>Dream Drop Distance

Play nothing else unless you want more KH or you're super interested in the lore(lulz)

>Release Kingdom Hearts 3 on Xbox One

>Don't release the 1.5 and 2.5 remixes

>KH on Xbone
This itself is an anomaly.

No the story is easy to follow.

It has however, gotten completely fucking retarded. Understanding it doesn't really make me feel much better.

>Not liking a side of retarded with his ARPGs
Nigga gets some taste.

Emperor Palpatine wants to rule the world and gain ultimate power by opening a magical door.

He can only do by making two teenage boys fight each other which somehow produces a special keyblade, so for all of BBS he dicks around waiting for that to happen. He also steals a younger mans body so he's less crippled and old.

Now he's making an evil cult of various clones he's made of himself to fulfill the prophecy and open the door, but the anime jedi are determined to stop him. First they need to save all the ones who got a bad end to increase their numbers though, and pad out the game time with Disney adventures.

Terra really was too much like Anakin.

He was like Anakin if he finally wised up when Palpatine went full evil and didn't decide to embrace the edge with him because muh Padme.

Ven was Terra's Padme. It is known.

recently picked up a second hand PS2 and the first two Kingdom Hearts games, I'll power through them

Have fun.

Yeah but the difference is.

Anakin: Oh noes I got a respected mentor killed and the guy I've trusted is the bad guy. Better join him and start cutting up kids because I have gone too far.

Terra: Oh noes I got a respected mentor killed and the guy I've trusted is the bad guy. Fuck you Xehanort I will smite you with my oversized key.

It didn't work out quite that way for Terra but at least he wised up at the very end.

user, I was being facetious.

This is no place for that! We take KH very srsly here user!

For shame.

Disney should have reigned in the gook's story. It's a convoluted Japanese mess at this point.

I only played through 1, 2, demo of DDD and a little BBS.

1 is still the best with the best pacing with disney and ff content and the best story.

2 has the best combat but dumbfuck retarded story and too much nomura oc.

I hope KH3 has a recap video or something

Why don't you just find one on youtube?

>it technically isn't a retcon and has been hinted at for a while now
yeh i bet you think axel's little gay speech counted and that it wasn't suddenly shoved in during days

A hint is a hint.

1.5 and 2.5 were designed to hold off the fanbase while we waited for 2.8 and 3

also there's little chance they're bringing them to the ps4 even

>Secret Ansem Reports in KH2 say Apprentice Xehanort had lost his memories
>trait carried over to Xemnas, as when Sora asks him if he remembers that the heart is more than just anger and hate, he replies with "Unfortunately, I dont."
>DDD retcons it by implying Apprentice Xehanort had never lost his memories and by making it so Xemnas was acting according to Master Xehanort's plan from the very beginning

Couldn't have been that Ansem the Wise who wrote the reports in KH2 was wrong?