I just bought this and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Any beginner tips?
I just bought this and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Any beginner tips?
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I dunno, go find a four leaf clover or buy a golden horseshoe.
Dont spend any money on the first 20 weeks
Heroes are a spendable resource during this period, if they get afflicted, just replace em
Upgrade the stagecoach Asaph
DONT WASTE GOLD during first 20 weeks!
Sometimes, doing damage is better than healing, specially early game when mobs hit you for 10 and you heal for 5
Also, having an antiquarian is really useful specially early game, they suck in combat, their main role is making you loads of money per run 20k+ on short novice dungeons
it's just RNG anyway so it doesn't matter, just reload a save if things go bad
> reload a save
>he doesn't know
fucking consolefags
Manor: Rub holy water on everything. NEVER read books
Warrens: Rub herbs and bandages on everything
Weald: Rub herbs and shovels on everything
Cove: Hit boxes with shovels
refund it before you realize how shit it is
I play on pc and im not a scrub that needs to save after every fight, the game is not that hard, it's not like you are having trouble, right user?
Arbalest and Bounty Hunter combo will destroy just about anything. Man At Arms kinda got a little nerfed but their counter attack ability is still dope. Use an Occultist with a -bleed chance as your healer.
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
blight ability will make your life easier in the cove and ruins
use an arbalest with rallying flare on swine prince
activation/collect quests gives you +15 % damage and XP on the next quest in the same place
do antiquarian runs regularly to keep a good economy
>guy stresses the fuck out
>Affliction Check
>A moment of valor shines brightest against the backdrop of despair
Push the advantage, give them no quarter
Slowly, gently. This is how a life is taken.
treat it as an xcom game
I've been waiting for one of these threads.
So, do the dungeons level down at all?
Everyone tells me not to care about my hero's, but aren't I supposed to care about actually finishing a dungeon? What do I do when all of the dungeons available are level two and all of my experienced hero's are too stressed to do anything?
It feels like every time I try to play I get a couple weeks into the campaign and then it looks like every move I make after that will result in nothing but dead hero's and wasted time, so I just give up.
A death by inches.
Great is the weapon that cuts on its own
And they wonder how people die doing this shit.
>What do I do when all of the dungeons available are level two
You still get green and yellow quests even if dungeons are maxed out. But suicide runs are a thing.
Also, learn to retreat.
>Play Abom
>collect loot
who the fuck sees a hole in the ground and decides to stick their body in it? why do i feel compelled to do the same thing?
>What do I do when all of the dungeons available are level two and all of my experienced hero's are too stressed to do anything?
pardon me ma'am? the dungeons level doesn't matter. if the mission is lvl1 you can do it with characters lvl0-2. don't throw away your heroes if they don't have shitty quirks/diseases or whatever. upgrade them, heal their stress, go on to fight lvl3 missions.
You get missions based on the levels of the guys in your roster. So if you have nothing but level 5 - 6s, for example, you'll never get missions for levels 0 - 4. It's a good idea to level up multiple teams at once to have a variety of missions, as well as potential replacements in case the worst happens.
The rest? Throw them in the meat grinder for money and heirlooms, or to pass the in game time if you're waiting on stress/quirk/disease treatments.
Cause it's your hole, it was made for you
>have a bug where the embark slots for heroes black out and I cant put anyone in there
>unable to recruit heroes from the carriage, cant drag them away with the mouse
I have this bug on two different computers and I am unable to make any progress. Restarting does not help, nor does evaluating the files on steam. I can not find anyone with the same problem anywhere on the internet. Why does this just happen to me and whats wrong? Anyone had this problem?
Damn you Ito Jun!
Any news of new content? Classes, monsters/bosses, dungeons, game modes, or anything?
vestal is a cute. A CUTE!
Ooooh baby
>game's not that hard
there's another bigger opening to that cave
good shit
dark souls with RNG
top kek
Also, another mariner another misfortune lad
>Slowly, gently. This is how a life is taken.
I want to do immoral and unsavory things to the plague doctor.
>tfw grievous injury, palpable fear
Abomination is cute! CUTE!
>double Rabies
R.I.P. best fighter.
Managing to use them as a sub for my plague doctor was more fun than I've expected.
Great is the weapon that cuts on its own.
Leper with rabies
>I am growing stronger
>perfect dungeon
>every one leaves with no stress
Thanks game it's not like I want to use that party against a boss next.
Gotta be my favorite character
>Crit chances on an Arbalest
My traveling companion!
He's a great tank and damage dealer who doesn't need anybody to help him kick ass
>man ata rms counter attack
>not highwayman and his full damage lunge that also sets him up for his most damaging attack WHILE giving him riposte
i wonder if we'll ever get a size 2 hero. that could be something else.
prodigious size alone does not Dissuade the sharpen blade.
I've been wondering on this, how the FUCK do I make the Antiquarian work in combat? Just spam dodge aura?
MaA is still a beast.
>works in positions 1, 2, and 4
>good attack range
>high health
>can Guard
>great stun/knockback
>Bellow is godly
>Command/Bolster also great
>Riposte is icing on the cake
nervous stab and blight attack
she's not a good character for combat, that's pretty much the trade off you make for making fat stacks
Play a good game instead.
She was designed specifically to not work in combat situations. Spam guard/dodge, and knife/blight/heal when you get the chance.
>no long range attack that makes the enemies not attack because of the 30 billion
Oi Vey
>work in combat
She's not for that, she's a utility that takes up a space. Spam dodge aura, occasionally use her as the fastest medic in the game capable of getting people off death's door first thing in a turn, and only use nervous stab if you can guarantee or likely guarantee a kill.
so I forgot to bring healers to the fucking Hag
still managed to win but holy FUCK
Funnily enough, antiquarian still works great in low level dungeons. Her support loses steam at Veteran levels, and then she's more or less dead weight at Champion level.
Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.
>mfw I know the doujin that was the inspiration for that image
you don't need healers for hag, you should bring her down as quickly as possible, she's super squishy
You don't need a healer for the hag fight, just a bunch of backline damage dealers
Where you really fucked up is bringing the crusader, he's useless for the Hag and Prophet fights. Don't worry about the pot in the hag fight, just focus her the fuck down and you'll kill her before anybody hits death's door.
>you will never give the Grave Robber the life she once had
Not in champion mode
FUCK champion mode hag
actually, the Crusader was really helpful, because he could knock over the cauldron in 1 hit
the problems came when he was put in it
>did Champ. Hag not even 15min ago
>INTO THE POT goes my Occultist
>spam Iron Swan/Rage/Aimed Shot
>Occultist didn't even hit half hp
What is the source ?
can we bring back Darkest Dungeon general?
I miss it
Really? I brought a crusader into my first blind hag fight, and I remember him really sucking at bringing the pot down. Maybe it was your trinket selection?
Not at all
Darkest Dungeon General doesn't exist anymore you fucknut, that's what user is saying.
It got swallowed up by /lite/
I'm doing a blind run and I spent a lot of gold on stress relief, but I have a lot of high-level units at week 18
how fucked am I?
All of my damage on my arbalest is tied to her being in rank 4. If she gets moved up, she's only hitting 20s, not 40s.
oh, didn't know that, I don't frequent vg
Though I didn't play it this way myself either, a lot of people recommend just picking up units and dropping them as soon as they become too stressed/get bad quirks/disease during the beginning weeks, then picking up new ones. Beginner level dungeoneers are really not worth much, so you're supposed to save on gold and just keep rotating them in.
All in all it's really impossible to get fucked in the early stages of the game, because any setbacks can easily be made up for. It's not until you start losing Resolve 5/6 chars or get like Wolves at the Door that you can really get set back.
I've not changed any difficulty settings and I've failed about 4 quests in a run that already downed all medium level bosses and hard level Hag.
People who actually think this game is hard either are too emotional about small setbacks or don't know the mechanics and additive stacking of probabilities so they just spam random shit.
>each hero can go to the Darkest Dungeon only once, basically forcing you to grind 16 lvl 6 heroes with good quirks
Yeah fuck you too game.
This is bullshit, I can understand grinding but this is just grinding for the sake of grinding.
>got the cauldron as a random drop off the hag
>my crusader gives it away to the church
Oh joy so you're telling me I need to train up another vestal?
Three of them.