>As for localisation, the team working on it is called 8-4. They actually changed a lot from the original script to fit the different regions. That’s because there’s a lot of concepts or ideas that only really the Japanese audience would understand. And so the localisation team really went in and made it so that the English native speakers will really enjoy the game’, he adds.
I didn't want to play it anyway.
Elijah Gonzalez
I want to strangle a bitch Give these faggots DoD1 to 'localize' and the pedophile would turn into a daycare worker and the cannibal would turn into a master chef
Angel White
Reminder that they talked about the original Nier here.
Nathan Ross
Reminder that the new game will be translated by the same team Which wasn't bad, so i don't know why you're brining this shit up
Bentley Ortiz
That's good, why do you want a game you can't understand?
Levi Reed
>That’s because there’s a lot of concepts or ideas that only really the Japanese audience would understand. This shit happens all the time. For all we know, these could be jokes that don't make sense in English. Would you still call censorship for that?
Dylan Gutierrez
>They actually changed a lot from the original script to fit the different regions.
like what?
Jose Cook
Like changed the fucking language from japanese to english. Nier had a really good translation, the only things that were changed were the prostitution parts from brother Nier since they wouldn't fit, but those also don't exist in the papa nier japanese version. The only bad translations they did were the personatliy change in DOD3 and Gunvolt
Nathaniel Flores
I bring this up because in the other thread a lot of people sperged out misreading that this quote is about Automata and thinking there will be huge differences between the versions. While the localized Nier was already altered in some way.
Jaxon Scott
Yes, imagine changing entire panels from a comic book into something else entirely just because the joke doesn't translate well. It would cause a scandal. Pic related
Benjamin Bell
Theres a difference between localizing and censoring.
Brayden Sanders
You'll all bitch and moan and then buy it anyway
Ayden Myers
If anyone is wondering the joke is that he smokes weed everyday
Anthony Long
They did Gunvolt?
I'm actually a little worried now
I liked Nier's translation
I've seen the differences, there weren't much
But no I am scared because of Gunvolt
Parker Russell
What censoring?
Isaiah Torres
>Platinum >no Emi Evans >shit localization this game is looking worse and worse as it comes closer
Blake Brown
>Tfw nier threads will always have shitposter now
Noah Flores
Maybe it's not censorship? Maybe it's just shit like "oh, Americans won't understand our 12 hour work days and low birthrates"
Cooper Gomez
List of games 8-4 also localized and no one seemed to care >MGR >Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon >Dragons Dogma >Tales of Graces, Vesperia, Xillia, Abyss > Rouge Galaxy >Baten Kaitos Origins >Soul Calibur 5 >Tekken 6 >Katamari Forever >Eternal Sonata >NieR
Evan King
Emi Evans confirmed on Twitter that she is working on Nier Automata
Ayden Morgan
>Platinum >bad
Brody Gomez
The difference with that is that it's a visual joke, you'd have to change it for it to make sense. If it's a written joke then anything goes, I'd like to imagine that translators would change it while trying to keep as close to the original as possible. Also, the translator of SBR could just put an explanation at the end of the chapter, and I think that's what they did. You can't really do that in a game. But the game's not out so we can only assume what will be changed. The first Nier didn't really have any visual gags IIRC.
Luke Richardson
>Dragons Dogma >Nier They were alright, so why does anyone care?
Jack Gomez
Logan Gray
Read the thread and stop with your copypasta. Noone says that alle 8-4 translatiions are bad, but they're hit or miss and their latest games are not that great
Austin Wright
I can be almost certain that they're talking about jokes and metaphors that make zero sense in English. This isn't a bad thing and this shit happens in nearly every translation only the most hardcore weebs would want to play a game with dialogue they can't understand because of cultural differences.
Brandon Powell
Justin Cook
Andrew Miller
Falseflaggers like you should get permabanned.
Carter Mitchell
>people who never cared for the first Nier are going to shitpost in this thread pretending to be mad >people who didnt know 8-4 did the first game's localization are going to shitpost in this thread pretending to be mad >people who literally thinks any changes, translation included, count as censorship are going to shitpost in this thread and getting actually mad
Aaron Foster
Going bigger was a mistake. nier should've remained niche. I'm sure Taro knew this as well but squeenix pushed platinum on him because of their gaining popularity and he said fuck it, I'm not even gonna give inputs in the gameplay.
Bravo squeenix, you fucked us over yet again.
Henry Walker
Since it was announced that Platinum will work on the new Nier the threads have been getting worse and worse anyway. It's better to just talk about it in Drakengard threads
Mason Robinson
>You'll all bitch and moan and then buy it anyway
>people buying a Yoko Taro game
Asher Hernandez
>People will ignore this and still fill up countless threads with shitposting and those three letters everyone loves saying
Julian Morales
>Korra >Transformers >Starfox >TMNT >Scalebound
Benjamin Cooper
8-4 6 years ago =/= 8-4 now
Otherwise people would be happy with FE Awakening, Xillia, and XCX localizations
Cameron Carter
I thought Platinum did translations in-house
Julian Cruz
I'm not even a weeb but I'd just prefer an authentic experience over a cringe worthy localization. the jokes and references in videogames are always shit anyway so might as well do an unfiltered jap translation. it would be much more interesting to me just to observe and play as a different culture
Isaiah Lewis
You forgot MGR and Anarchy Reigns in that list as well
Grayson Gutierrez
8-4 has a LOT of good localizations under their belt. I don't know what it is about their jobs with Nintendo that make them shit the bed so hard, but overall they do an excellent job of making stiff Japanese dialogue sound natural.
For evidence, just compare Metal Gear Rising to any of the previous MGS games. Shit's way better.
Nathaniel Evans
Don't forget Bayonetta and MadWorld.
Jaxson Collins
>people will ignore Gunvolt, XCX, FE awakening etc. We can play this game all day
Sebastian Butler
>Rouge Galaxy
Thomas White
This is the same shit they do in every translation. It's like neptunia when they translated 2ch memes into Sup Forums memes. You wouldn't get a 2ch meme so you wouldn't get the joke. Doing direct literal translations are bad.
Jack Lopez
>compare MGR to MGS localizations
It's literally the same shit
Connor Roberts
and they could be anything else >2B is a sexbot >localization changes her to hamburger chef
Michael Moore
that's simple, nintendo forces censorship of dialogue or themes too "mature" for their toddler audience
Aaron Walker
I wish everything about gaming dies
Nathan Reyes
the pros outweigh the cons here m8
and in any case it's always better to just wait for more info instead of bitching about the game being somehow "ruined" now
Justin Moore
How was Xillia bad?
Luis Stewart
Or any Platinum game because when we start being contrarian we might as well go all the way.
Robert Clark
>no platinum is not shit it's just every single game they worked on after Bayo 2
David Young
Reminder that 8-4 wrote Armstrong's redpilled speech and the Japanese team changed their script to match it.
Jackson Roberts
but the jokes are shit no matter what so who cares? I want to experience the authors vision, not be inundated with the latest memes by numale white boys
Dominic Parker
I'm not saying they don't. But non of their translations after Nier have been as good as Nier
John Diaz
and those are all old as fuck, care to post something new? SJWs, in their current form, werent a thing 10 years ago
Brayden Lewis
Hitler should've won.
Julian Rogers
You're in the extreme minority so who gives a shit. Most people don't want to play a game they can't understand
Blake Ross
Get fucked sonyggers
Daniel Edwards
>You're in the extreme minority people with taste usually are
Luis Garcia
They also did localization of some Monster Hunter games
Camden Brown
Square Enix is the publisher, so they don't have full control
Jonathan White
Wanting to play a game you don't understand doesn't make you have taste it makes you an idiot
Luis Bennett
GOD TIER >Bayo 1 >Vanquish >W101
GOOD TIER >Bayo 2 >Madworld
OK TIER >Transformers >MGR >Korra
SHIT TIER >Anarchy Reigns >TMNT
Platinum is in a tough spot lately desu, the Bayo formula used in 90% of their games is getting stale but no one wants them to do different genres. I don't know why clover was able to pump out unique action games while Platinum seems perfectly fine reusing the same mechanics.
Henry Sullivan
those people dont want to play nier automata anyway
Nathaniel Lewis
>people They're just butthurt nintendrones and treehouse cockgobblers, trying to get even for FE and TMS, among other things. They even tried to overblow miniscule cover changes on Odin Sphere and Persona 5.
Levi Campbell
localizations are like going to a foreign movie screening and watching it with a dub written and recorded by the projectionist. it's fucking stupid. if people want american culture and jokes why not just play american games? if you're gonna play a foreign game you should expect being presented with an unfamiliar culture
Cooper Johnson
>weebs >taste
Julian Myers
Kamiya isn't writing Automata
Samuel Evans
>Neptunia >taste
Brandon Taylor
I'll stay cautiously neutral. If they pull something as bad as having no replicant on PS3 I'll wait for an unbutchered version.
Ryder Miller
Oops, typo
Oliver Morris
Aren't they the ones who butchered XCX and turned Nier into a BiglargeMcgrittygruff old man? Welp, there goes my hype, thanks Sony.
Asher Smith
>b-b-but Nintendo
Lmao dumb Sony cockgobbler. How's that Star Ocean localization huh? That's what I thought
Nathaniel Jones
It's not like it would have been that good anyway...
Lincoln James
>Anarchy Reigns >shit tier
Kill yourself, desu.
Christopher Nguyen
>they would surely censor her as well Ok user. I believe you need to take a second and realize how dumb that sounds. Not only are you assuming they would overall an entire character's design, you also are assuming Vanillaware would have been ok with such a change and allowed it to happen. Considering how much Kamitani takes pride in his and his company's work, it's highly doubtful he would let anyone change anything like that. Remember the "scandal" with DC? Remember how Kamitani didn't take anyone's shit and said nothing would be changed?
Also, I don't know why the possibility someone could have changed something matters, when nobody changed anything. I to fail to see your point, or lack thereof.
Sebastian Sullivan
why couldnt you underatand it? it can still be fucking translated and be 99% understandable. the only thing you wouldn't understand are cultural references. you've never watched a fucking foreign film because you can't understand other cultures or something? videogames are the only medium where this idiotic shit happens.
Brandon Roberts
>made it so that the English native speakers will really enjoy the game
I don't play my fucking video games to enjoy them. When will Japan fucking learn?
Carson Lopez
>How's that Star Ocean localization huh? the game is shit anyway, so the localization is not much of a problem
Leo Smith
Not according to the people that have been shitposting Nintendo threads for the last year
Tyler King
ITT whining anti-sjws In tears because maybe a little skin will be covered and even If thats not the case and the "censorship" comes down to a word being mispelled, they'll still flail their arms and "MUH CENZORSUP"
I love you tards that think youre any better then those "sjw" forums out there, muppets
Jason Cruz
No, if you want to experience the fireign culture you learn their fucking language
Sebastian Ross
Which one of you cucks is this
Leo Rogers
>MGR >less than 3 years old >old as fuck I want off this ride.
Aaron Barnes
Nier was already buff man in the original jap release Besides, papa Nier is objectively the better version of the character
Juan Ross
They did the translation for XCX and Nier, but they didn't invent papa Nier. Both brother Nier and papa Nier exist in Japan. Stop acting like a huge weeb if you don't even know shit. Papa Nier was just as good as brother
Adrian Miller
It's better this way. Bang wagoners fuck off and we can go back to non-consolewar drakengard and nier threads
hell in shitposting as much as I can to keep these faggots away from nier. I don't want the same thing that happened to dark souls happen to this
Alexander Phillips
You posted it and then took a screenshot
Sebastian Perry
who the fuck mentioned Neptunia? I'm not even a weeb, I prefer western games to jap. it's just that writing in jap games and their localizations is always fucking awful, especially the humor and memes and shit. that can't possibly be better than just having a straight translation and possibly not understanding everything
Daniel Morgan
>w-we never wanted to big green titty witch anyways!
AHAHAHHAHAHAHA comedy gold m8.
Oliver Wood
>Korra It's not a bad game. It's okay. Which is still better than most of the shit that comes out nowadays. >Transformers >bad Kill yourself, holy shit.
Ian Morris
>butchered XCX The script, due to being hefty on the lore, was near 1:1
What do you think was "butchered"?
Isaiah Brown
>and turned Nier into a BiglargeMcgrittygruff old man No.
Japan did that.
Julian Morris
>playing Neptuenia games >taste
Anthony Williams
I agree they should start localizing foreign films for American audiences. without memes I simply can't enjoy a movie
Thomas Phillips
Apologists, kek
Nicholas Johnson
>>Besides, papa Nier is objectively the better version of the character A single ending makes slightly more sense if you approach it from the western standpoint of siblings never getting along, and ignore the fun incestuous subtext.
Everything else in the game works miles better with brother Nier.
Logan Thomas
Not me.
I'm this other cuck.
Liam Gutierrez
Papa Nier was in Japan and canon, plus something so huge was more than likely a publisher decision. Both of their brutally censored games are from nintendo. They haven't censored tales of even with a female MC strutting around in pic related, so it's hard to say how much control, if any, they have over what goes and what stays.