Just picked up STALKER SOC today. Any 'absolute must have' mods for Shadow of Chernobyl? Apparently 'complete' is highly recommended?
Other urls found in this thread:
Also interested in this.
Holy fuck no
Get ZRP and absolute textures
Also SWO (Stalker Weather Overhaul)
soo good.
NO! Do NOT get the goddamn COMPLETE mods!!
They're obsolete, casual,and terrible all around.
Consult this guide, and get the Starter Packs! Patched vanilla is good enough too. Play in release order, highest difficulty, and do not give up in the beginning.
oh. aight. whats wrong with complete?
looking up ZRP right now
I love AMK to bits, but it really does not fit for rookirs. Way too many beginners already whine about the very first "tutorial" mission being too hard for them.
I would recommend starting with the patched vanilla games, maybe apply that ZRP to SoC amd SRP to CS, and some light visual stuff like Shaders Max and Abs.Nature.
For starters, it's a huge overhaul mod. You just dont start STALKER games with those.
Second, it makes the game cadual tier easy moodo, bumping inventory space limits to exoskeleton levels, making AI literally half blind and deaf, greatly increasing the accuracy of all guns while lowering all damage values, makes the bandages and antirad pills be used automatically... etc. On top of that, they only tend to introduce MORE bugs (CS is literally unbeatable with Complete mod), and there's some terrible art too (bloom, blur, golden engraved guns...).
It's been said many years now: Avoid Complete mods!
start reading.
also, for the future reference, consult the /vg/'s huge, 24/7 STALKER general and its FAQ posts & links:
This. The "starter pack" actually includes all of these + few others, such as the FOV Switcher, which lets you adjust the otherwise super narrow field of view, and Shaders Max, which ya can use to either apply new shader effects (SSAO, Parallax...), or optimize the stock effects for a small performance gain.
autumn aurora 2
>play stalker
>get mission to kill bandits
>wow wtf only a pistol? w/e
>go to friendly stalker
>ok lets go attack the base
>they get gunned down like retards
>have to kill 6-7 bandits alone with a fucking pistol
Play vanilla first or you're no better than someone who goes straight to Brutal Doom when starting Doom.
I can still remember playing STALKER for the first time in 2008 at midnight wearing headphones and shitting myself over how terrifying the game was
>underground tunnels
>Red Forest
I wish I could wipe my memory of all those hundreds of hours and play it for the first time
>I don't know anything about this game but I just so happen to know this one thing that is guaranteed to drive stalkers up the wall everytime teehee
I know that feel, bro.
I personally grabbed it quite early, in 2007, when the legendarily horrible v1.0 was all we got. Luckily the first patch came out just a couple days later, fixing quite a lot of things, eventho' it meant starting from the very beginning. Enjoyed the ride tremendously, and a year later we saw the boom of these nonstop, insanely long-living Stalker threads on Sup Forums, with the advent of first big mods.
It's hard to believe it's been almost a decade since those days! Few thousand hours later, I still feel the itch to return to the Zone from time to time, but obviously it's not the same anymore. It's really sad that STALKER 2 was canceled under bizarre circumstances, and shit like Metro and DayZ do not scratch that itch too well.
All that said and done, it makes me kinda sad to see how many people tend to come back to Sup Forums after mere 20 or so MINUTES, shitposting how boring / hard / weird the game is, and how they demand mods to "fix" something that's a part of the game's core design.
Any news on gunslinger? Oh no wait it's pretty much dead.
never ever! ;_;
nah, jokes aside, the author uploaded some new footage few weeks ago. It's pretty much just one guy doing all that, so shit takes time, and he loves to take his time.
Nice bait, got me to reply
unfortunately, that "bait" has been a sad reality in case of many ADHD casual rookies in the past 8 or so years.
That's what a decade full of Xbox360 Cowadooteh shooters creates. The Car Park in Cordon really is a literal casual filter.
How do I install ZoA?
I've played the game a dozen times and spend hundreds of hours and the fucking Car Park is still a challenge every time.
For your first playthrough, just use ZRP (Zone Reclamation Project).
If you decide you really like the game, then just move onto things like OGSE.
(Or just play Clear Sky)
Any new big overhauls coming for CoP?
That's because it's supposed to be, it's the hobo stage.
>clear sky
>before CoP
>be at Generators
>Emission comes from opposite direction of Chernobyl
i will never understand that at this point why dont they release unfinished mods to be open source or some shit
>People actually recommending that OP play with big overhauls that change a lot of things and add a lot of new stuff.
All you need for your first playthrough is the starter pack with all the fixes from stalker general. You should always play a game as close to vanilla as possible and then do big mods to better appreciate them and the difference they make, it's common sense almost.
Is the car park the mission with Bes where you have to kill the 6 bandits?
I picked the game up the day before yesterday and that was the first time I really got my footing and knew what I was doing
Gunslinger's not dead yet, and especially artist souls do not want to just "leave" their hard work out there.
It is the VERY first mission you do for Wolf, in Cordon, where you attack the bandit installation and try to rescue that captured guy and his USB drive. Pic related.
Merc suit or stalker suit? I just started plying and I don't know which one is better
Don't listen to people who hate on "Complete" because it makes it easier. That is bullshit. It removes the bulletsponge enemies and makes both you and enemies die easier, and apparently that is wrong according to these people.
>have to investigate crash site of helicopter (again)
>look on map
>walk towards destination
>the location is blocked by a flimsy hill
>tried to walk around it to no avail
>the entire bottom half of the map is blocked by this magical impenetrable 7 foot high hill
Holy fuck, is this why people always say SoC is the best Stalker game? This is some immersion breaking shit right there.
>he didnt find the gate
Sup Forums is filled with parroting fools
I played with Complete and I had a blast.
What gate?
And it doesn't change the fact that it's immersion breaking as fuck.
>the entire south side of the map is only accessible through a gate
Even a severely crippled baby could climb that hill.
But that mission isn't even difficult what the fuck
And that's coming from someone who transitioned from cowadooty bullshit
>What gate?
you never have been to a farm?
I find the mission harder than most of the rest of the game. Having an accurate gun makes things a hundred times easier.
Your first game should always be as vanilla as possible, I played mine without patches and it was some of the best fun I've ever had.
>Image not recommending Misery and just Misery for CoP
What is this 2007?
I've only played for 2 hours.
can someone help me out
im currently replaying CoP with AO3 and AbsoluteShits and i notice that all guns are less RNG and bullets actually land where i aim and i love that.
Im gonna replay SoC next with RMA+Autumnthing is there a mod that does this for SoC too?
I hate RNG shit.
Misery 2.2
You should play thorugh with no fucking mods. Fixes only.
Im in the same situation. Bought it yesterday after hearing some much.
What are the best mods if I just want to spruce up the graphics but not really change anything else?
oh fuk this isnt the general
Fuck off you fucking Complete shills.
Any interested parties head over to the /vg/ thread and read the pasta in the OP for more on why Complete is shit.
Anything that's not made by tryhard CoD kids?
>It removes the bulletsponge enemies and makes both you and enemies die easier,
False. It does the exact opposite.
That is, unless you used one of those "realistic weapons" addon, which just throws bullet physics out of the window and cranks all damage to 10x, totally butchering the balance.
You should play it first with no mods or patches.
Not OP but I downloaded the starter pack and well, how do you actually install this shit?
>But that mission isn't even difficult what the fuck
True, but it seems to be to maaany people in the past few years.
Hell, even my wife beat it no problems in vanilla, dying only once to a sneeki breeki with a shotgun managing to flank to her back. It was amazing to see her pop heads like a pro with that puny Makarov. Hard to believe she'd never gamed on a PC before late 2009.
>well, how do you actually install this shit?
buy a console faggot
>15 minutes
Will watch later, thanks
No no no just no user. Whatever it is, start your first with vanilla. Then, use what the fuck mods or any mod anons here recommend. I already made a mistake used complete, luckily only on CoP
Fuck off. I actually did play the mod when it was still fresh, and considered it very meh even then. I even recommended it, assuming the user had strong enough PC to run it back then.
Then I found the full list of features and changes the thing does, and I was literally shocked. The thing really is like a crappy Hollywood adaptation of some deep foreign hit film; similar starting point, totally butchered everything else.
And now it's also obsolete. As in, it uses ancient alpha-versions of many OTHER mods. Why play with literal ZRP v0.4, when you can download v1.8 manually?
I kinda regret not picking up this pack for 10 bucks when I could. I was thinking about it, but I had already bought some vidya and being a poorfag is suffering.
I guess I can just pirate and buy it next time it goes on sale. I held off on it because shooting mechanics seemed really dumb in it.
>Will watch later, thanks
The basics of installing STALKER mods is mentioned in the Stalker Starting guide picture though. It was posted earlier ITT.
Some mods are literally drag & drop, others have simple GUI installer exes. Just don't forget to edit that fsgame.ltx to enable mods.
There's actually very little reason to BUY these games anymore, since the original devs are long gone, and won't get a single cent out of purchases.
Also, by pirating, you usually get the original release versions (1.0 in SoC's case), which you can then manually patch to whatever you want. This is very handy in case of certain big overhaul mods, like the AMK1.4, which may require the game to run a specific patch.
Speaking of which, here's a neat STALKER mod choosing chart, for any future replay sessions.
STALKER suit (Sunrise).
It has Nightvision goggles.
Well in that case, I don't feel bad in the slightest.
Cheers, user. I'll get it eventually. Kinda working through Fallout 1 but it gets pretty dry at times.
>10/10 suit and everything
>a fucking L85
Already beat
>Autumn Aurora 2
What should I try next?
move to CS or CoP.
Try The Faction War 3.8 (or newer) or Call Of Chernobyl.
How is it 10/10? It lacks containers and anomaly resistance, and probably has the same if not worse armor and impact defense than a SEVA.
SEVA or Exoskeleton are the best depending on game
>It lacks containers and anomaly resistance, and probably has the same if not worse armor and impact defense than a SEVA.
>SEVA or Exoskeleton are the best depending on game
by not having autism
the overall look, material and everything its like it was taken straight out of the game
i wasnt talking about the defensive stats you colossial faggot
>and probably has the same if not worse armor and impact defense than a SEVA.
SEVA has all around superior stats to Sunrise, but that was not the point.
you have autism
i have the game on steam am i just shit out of luck when it comes to mods
No. The Steam versions are fully moddable.
Just look up one of the numerous guides; your files will simply be located in different places than usual.
Why should anyone in their right mind play Misery?
Because unlike the random whiny kids on Sup Forums like to make it sound, the mod is not actually that bad at all?
also, after 8 years of playing STALKER, with and without mods, you kinda need something tougher to remain interested. I greatly enjoyed Misery 2.11; started it with both the Black Road and Dark Mode features, had tough first few in-game days, but soon after ascended into walking battletank mode with the purchase of Exo.
Because I don't see why anyone would enjoy wallhacking & aimboting AI, repair costs that starts at +50k. The hundreds of new items that you don't need.
oh for sure dude thanks i tried asking the same thing on the /vg/ thread and instead of just answering people on /vg/ always respond in the worst most cunt like way
>Because I don't see why anyone would enjoy wallhacking & aimboting AI, repair costs that starts at +50k. The hundreds of new items that you don't need.
None of that is true. In fact, I'd say you are simply just bad at video games.
It's also ironic that people first demand "more realism!!" into STALKER when it comes to weapon ballistics and such, but when exactly that is provided, it's suddenly 2hard.
Yeah, getting shot by a rocket when you're sneaking back to Skadovsk after starting the Dark Zone was such realism. And you can't deny the fucking repair costs and the useless items you get. Misery isn't hard, it's just retarded.
you just lack patience and discipline
Yeah right, I sat still beneath the pipeline and waited for them to leave and just randomly got shoot. The mod is bad.