Say something nice about this game
Say something nice about this game
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Cestus and vanquisher's seal enhanced fists are fucking amazing.
warrior knight looks cool and i can see that the developpers tried to create more challenging scenario
>stellar optimization, runs at a billion fps on a toaster, seriously wtf, it's so smooth it hurts
>bear seek seek lest
>forest of the fallen giants is 10/10
>best DLC content From has made with the old hunters
>chariot executionner, lost sinner, demon of songs, mirror knight, duke's dear freja, velstadt, sinh, fume knight, aava, ruin sentinels
>best build variety
>has best souls girl
>some amazing areas
>way more lore than what one may think at first glance
>majula music=best soulsborne soundtrack, also majula is 10/10 and best hub
And with all these great things you have a floating volcano, poorly textured areas, missing geometry, and tanimura that had just a few months to fix the bullshit of the previous director.
small white soapstone is cool and the online feels smoother and better integrated than other souls games, although the lack of a whole red eye orb kinda ruins that
Majula was a comfy hub
The game looks better than its predecessor
its better than demon souls.
Spears are actually viable weapons.
Had some cool equipment (lookin at you throne watcher)
That's all I can think of
>murmuring echoes of the first game
>subtle callbacks but nothing overt -- it feels like the original game has mostly been forgotten and happened centuries ago
>the plot is mysterious and uncertain but still utilizes the same thematics
>references to the first game everywhere
>corpses of DS1 characters as though it happened yesterday
>subtle isn't even in the rulebook -- everything is a winking elbow jab reference
it had a way better atmosphere than 3
There are builds that aren't R1 spam parry knight and 2H look out for hyperarmor warrior
runs great
huge armor and weapon variety
great DLC
majority of bosses are good
I have to agree mostly, but for some reason I couldn't stand Majula's music
Poise works
soul memory
Are magic cestus viable? I want to do a Symphogear build.
Power Stance and Bonfire Ascetics were great.
The Pursuer encounters were fun
It tried to be it's own thing rather than a rehash wich copy paste areas. Feels fresh instead of boring.
It is better than Dark Souls III
vastly improved innuendos over the predecessors
>great level design (yes, some areas are poorly connected, but they were crafted with video games -- people criticize dark souls 2's level design because it has an unrealistic approach unlike the other souls games)
>extremely diverse areas (from a viking pirate cove to a castle sunken in lava, you name it)
>huge amount of armor sets and customization (around 110, most of them are new, unlike Dark Souls 3 which recycled shit from older games)
>huge amount of weapons
>fluid, weighted mo-capped animation that is just a pleasure to look at
>cloth physics
>great, diverse PvP, even a PvP arena that ties in with the lore and isn't just randomly tacked on
>can respec as much as you want
>lots of bosses
>huge build diversity (hexes, magic, faith, strength, dex, can be mixed and matched)
>100+ hrs worth of content, SotFS is great value
>runs amazingly well, even reaching 60fps on the PS4
Seriously, Dark Souls 2 SotFS is the best souls game and literally the only fault with it is Soul Memory, and even that can be mitigated now with the Agape Ring.
The only good thing about Soul Memory is how it destroys the artificial SL max imposed by tryhard min-max over the entire comunity. I always was able to summon, be summoned, invade and to be invaded regardless of SM. Meanwhile I reached SL 160 in DaS3 and I can't find anybody; not even as a Blademoon or an Aldrich.
It had the best PvP of all three DaS games.
DaS3 was such a fucking lemon. Awful in every single way.
they were crafted with it being a video game in mind***
It's not Overwatch
I love how they improved the big weapons gameplay compared to DaS1.
Runs great. Huge variety of armors and weapons, nearly all of which are viable. The resulting massive build diversity available, leading to infinite replayability. Excellent pvp scene due to the variety, although this flounders after passing into the final SM tier. Good variety of environments, from flaming castles to misty forests, to damp caverns.
DS2 gets a lot of shit, but it's the one that I'm still going to be replaying in 10 years. The key is "variety". DS3 was a step back in variety on every level, from armor to weapons to magic, to simple build viabliity. Sure, there's flavor of the month meta problems in every game, but DS3's entire combat system is built around longsword attack speed. That's something they can't fix by tweaking magic stats or adding in a half dozen armors in a DLC.
It has the most build variety of all the souls games
Yup, my guy in DS2 is level 230 and I still get invaded and find summons regularly
>It's well designed to pick up and play a new build with gimmicky setups
>Its the most non-linear souls game during the first 10 minutes, and the second most during the first half of the game after demon's
>connecting to other players was improved after dark and demon's, netcode nonwithstanding
>consuming multiple souls at the same time was a well needed streamlining process
>is the best-optimized game on pc in the series
>spellcasting, while slightly underpowered, is probably the most well-balanced in the series
>parrying and backstabbing require timing and tact and cant be abused to an overpowered extent
>shield choice doesnt come down to "pick grass crest or havels" every time
>both 50% and 70% equip loads have advantages and disadvantages
>healing mid-fight is punishable, needs to be done tactfully
>poise isnt overpowered, though heavy armor could have stood to have a small buff as it currently stands, but not as strong as initial release
>boss weapons and spells are cool as fuck, and don't require wasting upgrade materials to obtain
>infusion is handled better as it has been streamlined to it's current state
DS2 was probably the best game "to happen" to the souls series, as it solidified what works well as well as what doesn't.
This user gets it.
I don't think it is a question at all as to whether Dks3 is a better designed game, but after your first playthrough, that's pretty much it. Just like in Bloodborne, the build variety is so small that there isn't much reason to go back and dick around with shit like in the prior souls games.
Lack of variety is honestly the only reason I'm not too fond of Dks3 and Bloodborne.
As someone who has never understood what the fuck it is, what the fuck is Soul Memory?
Isn't the ammout of souls you got?
every soul (if you have never played a soul's game, souls are both experience and currency at the same time, earned from defeating enemies) you obtain, whether it is used or lost upon death, is counted in a meter. The range of players you can connect to online is determined not by your level (like in every other souls game), but by the difference between your soul memory numbers. This leads to players who want to grind for items like consumables, or have multiple upgraded sets of armor or weapons for build variety to have inflated soul memories, and get connected to players with much more points in their stats, leading to one-sided fights.
It's your total amount of acquired souls. Dks2 pairs you up with people based on that, instead of your actual level. They did it to try and prevent ganking, but it created a myriad of other connection problems with people that a braindead chimpanzee could have seen coming from a mile a way.
The guy in Majula who went crazy with narcissism because he was experiencing the sales of each of his alternate selves was a good character
That was quick.
Thank you and yeah. I just didn't get what exactly it was. So that means someone who dies a shitload without getting their Souls back will also be a bit bloated on a per-area basis due to killing shit multiple times I assume?
Yeah, and thus very underpowered for online connectivity. One of the many issues caused by soul memory.
Of course it wasn't much of an issue in terms of invasions, since it's practically impossible to get invaded until you go NG+ or stick around to extremely high NG levels.
on paper, SM was a good idea in concept, but the problem was its execution. It wouldnt have been nearly as bad as it was if the tiers were wider than they currently are, or if SM didn't get counted if you lost those souls by not getting your bloodstain after dying
And people who just wanted to help people with bosses (like me) would be forced to move to another area because there is a point where your character reaches a SM range outside the one where the people fighting that particular boss are.
I found it funny when he did that
Then I killed him and took his Jewish clothes
It didn't influence any of the other games they made. It's nice enough to sit in it's own shitty little corner
the outstanding issues with SM were also placed on top of the fact that items used for invading other players were limited, unless you grinded for them. In every other souls game, you had an infinite-use item for invasions, so players were more than likely not willing to invade in DS2 out of the fear of wasting a consumable. Co-op signs were (and still are) pretty plentiful in the game since they are infinite use, AS WELL AS the fact that the SM tiers are larger in range for co-op
It made Sup Forumss contrarian hipsterism hilariously transparent, as if it wasn't already.
DLC areas are top notch.
It was great seeing the NPCs going hollow slowly. Every time you found Lucatiel she was more and more gone. Meanwhile DaS had NPCs perfectly fine, then the next time you found them they were hollowed.
That has been somewhat corrected though, as SotFS made spawns when joining the Company of Champions infinite, so there isn't a limited amount of red/blue eye orbs in the game anymore.
It also made grinding for armor sets and shit easier as well.
>Company of Champions
I like how the developers did something for the people who prefers the single-player content and wanted an extra challenge.
I believe the phrase "you can paint shit gold.." applies here. If they wanted to fix the invasion item problem, they should have just patched in a Red Eye Orb or something. Wouldn't have fixed SM, but it would fix another problem that shouldn't have been there in the first place.
that only avoids the problem, it doesn't correct it. No one wants to grind for shit that should be given to the player in some form in the first place
Hey, well, at least it's not finite any more.
Power Stancing
Actual additions to NG+
That's about it, though
How about you list something bad about it besides muh soul memory or stop memeing about how bad it was. That band wagon is over
Majula is cozy as fuck. It's the best hub area of all of soulsborne.
I like how nonlinear the first half of the game's progression is.
Forest of the Giants is a great zone.
DLC was great.
it's the best DaS game and people is just realizing it around here
The DLC was alright besides the first.
Powerstancing caestus was a grand old time
Where the fuck did all the DS2 apologists come from?
I never played it
Its weapon variety, build variety, length, and general level of balance are all the best in the series.
Despite its assets being scrambled and put together after the mess Shibuya made, they still managed to make it enjoyable enough for it to be my favorite and gave it a pretty interesting original story.
Lucatiel is cool.
It runs well.
That's about it.
Its weapon variety, build variety, length, and general level of balance are all the best in the series.
It tried an astound amount of things and most of them were great changes.
While being a sequel, the story, theme, assets are all its own. Looking at you, Dark Souls 3.
Despite its assets being scrambled and put together after the mess Shibuya made, they still managed to make it enjoyable enough for it to be my favorite and gave it a pretty interesting original story.
DaS3 came out and surprise, it's actually not that great.
First time it's not hipstering around. 3 isn't that memorable and makes the other two shine.
All of this is lies except for large amount of armor, great attack animations, cloth physics, and the pvp stuff.
They areas are diverse too, but they're so poorly made. No intelligent layout. Straight path. And a let's hit the player with 300 weak dudes mindset.
Literally an embarrassment to the series.
>Brum Tower was alright
I disagree.
3 is more fun than 2 though, even if it is admittedly a little weak. 2 is just a mess. People might be disappointed by 3 but has everyone already forgotten just how bad 2 actually is? Is this some Zelda cycle shit going on?
>spend years defending DS2 whenever it comes up
>now that 3 is out and other people realize that miyazaki isn't god, they start realizing DS2 had good qualities
>"lol you're all just being contrarian wind wakerites"
It's not BioWare
I really think people just haven't played 2 lately. Jumping immediately from 2 to 3, 3 is a fucking godsend. I wish we had just gotten it instead of 2 altogether.
>got ds1 first during a sale
>didn't play past 10 hours
>got ds2 since the gameplay and exploration felt nice
>played for more than 200 hours
>would love to play bloodborne but not paying for a fucking ps4
>got ds3
>almost 150 hours played
I can see how ds2 wasn't a "real" souls title, more of a spin off but it's stil a great game.
Bell tower was fun! FUN!
Why did dex have to be so shit in DS2?
>use a dex weapon
>kill 3-4 guys
>lol weapin at risk
Small white soap stone and life gems were the shit, tho.
>Best souls girl
Maiden in Black has yet to be topped
Best boss designs
Best lore
This. I seriously think the ds3 connectivity problems are because of reddit and /dsg/ forcing artificial levels cap that no one trully follow.
>life gems were the shit
that's a new meme
let me add it to my database
>And a let's hit the player with 300 weak dudes mindset.
Dark Souls 3 does this a THOUSAND times more.
It has the best and most amount of armor and weapons in the souls games, with every weapon being pretty damn viable in one way or another, for both pve and pvp.
>life gems
It is a fair argument, but it isnt something new. Demon souls have them, and it is instant heal, not slow like in ds2.
>Small white soapstone
Fuck you, it was great.
Life gems sucked. I don't know why they changed the old estus system, it was perfectly fine in DaS.
It tired.
It was still fun. It was very well optimized for PC. It had some interesting new bosses, areas and good looking new weapons and armour. DLC was pretty good.
Not him, I feel the opposite. Going from DS3, my first, to DS2, I feel like I've made a mistake this whole time.
>subtle isn't even in the rulebook -- everything is a winking elbow jab reference
Yeah this kind of bugs me about DaS3. I don't mind a few throwbacks in an NPC or item description but it's too much. I like DaS3 a lot but it doesn't stand on its own enough to my liking.
How far are you into 2? It's pretty shit and long, one of the few games where i really rushed to finish so I could stop playing. It was fun for a little while however so maybe you're new to it?
This. You actually had to know when to use an Estus in DaS2, and who the fuck wants that? Istant healing is much better so that i don't even have to try at the game.
It plays like dog shit. It's the least fluid feeling out of all of the games. Feels like you're moving though molasses with every action.
Adaptability is a shit mechanic that makes gameplay less consistent if you don't invest in a stat.
The lore is far and away the least we'll thought out in the entire series.
Level design is pretty bad, got a bit better in the DLCs but was still uneven(ice one was mostly all bad).
Bosses lacked variety and were far simpler compared to the other games.
... And much Soul Memory. It's a bad game that had a troubled development history, which shows in nearly every aspect of the title.
It actually had a lot of cool ideas. Powerstancing, gear/build variety, NG+ adding new enemies, ascetics, Mirror Knight summons, rat covenant, etc. I could never quite get past the disappointing level design, even more disappointing bosses and various little moment to moment gameplay issues, but the game definitely has its strong points. Really wish I could have enjoyed it better overall.
Yeah, I really enjoyed how hollowing was handled in Dark2. Say what you will, but seeing a lot of your friends slowly go mad was much better than "Hey thanks for teaching me this cool fire spell. I am now insane zombie man!"
The only person to fit the hollowing process properly in Dark1 (and even 3) was Logan, but even then he never hollowed, just went loony.
Good changes DaS2 made that FROM removed in DaS3 for some retarded reason
>Ascetics, not to respawn enemies but to respawn bosses
>Able to use a weapons full moveset in the left hand
>Upgrading shields actually improved their stats, not just the stability
>Depleting your stamina caused your character to breathe heavily
>You didn't lose your momentum from falling down 2 feet
>Poise wasn't as retarded as in 1 or as useless as in 3
>Really fun NPC invaders where they didn't act like just another enemy
>Interacting with the environment unlocked secrets, like lighting all the scones in The Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and the pickaxe
>Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches to manipulate the environment
>Getting wet reduced your characters lightning resistance while boosting your fire resistance
>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
>rolling in poison pools made your poison build up continue even on dry land because you were still covered in it
>rolling in snow/poison/water covered you in it, and it slowly disappeared
>You could activate several pools of blood at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded even if you were hollow and if the boss was dead, but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders, but as a result you blocked summons as well
>Poison builds were not only viable, they were useful
>You could roll in more directions when locked on
>Hexes were fleshed out
>White phantoms couldn't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones if you wanted help with the area before a boss, without having to Black Crystal to solo the boss
>Ds2 made full use of the elemental rock paper scizor system. In ds1 and ds3, It is Just a minor bonus
>Backstep has i-frames
>Convenants were unique
>Estus isnt instantaneous while you can still fucking move.
Never had problems with durability in DaS2 after the Scholar patch that fixed the bug.
Rapiers are so powerful that you basically don't run out. Maybe shitty katanas will be an issue.
I think the game really gets good after Castle Drangleic (sort of the opposite of how Dark Souls 1 sort of falls apart in some places after Anor Londo)
Shrine of Amana was beautiful (though horseshit before they patched the trigger range on the casters). Aesthetically just one of the best areas FROMSoft's ever put into a Souls game. Finding the hollowed King Vendrick was atmospheric as hell, and I thought the giants' memories were a neat feature.
There is something about Majula's theme that feels dreary, but hopeful at the same time. It's like it shows that things have gone to hell, but there is still hope to make it all better.
Dark1 felt a little too cheery, which does work in ways as it was the first of the cycle of relighting, and was meant to be "world is saved"
Dark3 was too despairing, which also makes sense as it has now become "the world is fucked, who cares anymore."
That's not what I meant retard. I meant why the fuck did they change it from always having 5 to having 1 and slowly upgrading until you always have 12 while giving you a ton of consumable healing items. Only having 5 at all times and no other ways to heal besides cracking humanities was nice, it really made each estus feel like it mattered.
Also I think the slow heal was shit. It just made fight more boring because every time you got hit you then had to bait the boss into doing an attack with enough cooldown to heal before you could actually heal. It wasn't actually that strategic like people claim because you're constantly baiting enemies anyway, it just made fights last longer than they needed to. I think DS1 had the perfect heal length: you couldn't do it at anytime but you had more opportunities to heal than in 2
>How about you list something bad about it besides muh soul memory
>only make arguments I agree with
sasuga fammu
Better game than DS3.
You tellin me all these are missing form DS3?
It had some nice mechanics and the only real annoyance is the number of enemies that are just guys with swords.
It's actually very open-ended once you start getting fragrant branches
Scholar fixed almost everything wrong with the game and it would have been 10/10 if the game just released like that.
I entirely agree with this. I loved the story and the way it was delivered in DaS2.
>and the only real annoyance is the number of enemies that are just guys with swords.
Something tells me people don't actually play these games.