Have you ever gone autistic in a video game?

Have you ever gone autistic in a video game?
Was it fun?

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I used to play minecraft religiously.



It was great fun.

Sometimes I play multiplayer games as both players so I feel like I have friends. Hundreds of rounds in fighting games, thousands of trivia questions, all by myself.


Just reading that depressed me, you've won the thread.

What game is that OP


long dark, kinda crappy longterm but good for a few hours

I've been playing the same save of Final Fantasy 8 for over 10 years now, every day, for at least an hour.

I do the same routine every single time, which consists of just visiting several different places and talking to specific people a specific number of times, then returning to my "home" save point.

I have OCD and I feel bad things will happen if I don't perform my ritual.

Where is that "home" save point, if I may ask

ur a faget

Show us your clothes too, faggot

If this is real, I want to hug you.
If this isn't real, my sister has ocd and it's hurt her ability to live a normal life. Shit's rough if not just "lol I like things a certain way"

fags like you have 4k hours in tf2 and dota2 , autism doesn't make it good.

All shitty hand-me-downs. I'm waiting for a cured deer hide so I can craft me some sweet pants and leave for the next zone so I was deciding on what to take with me.

Fisherman's Horizon.

holy shit i want to die

>and it's hurt her ability to live a normal life
how so if i miay ask?

The Long Dark. Probably the best survival game released in literally years. Not the best game out there, still in development, but makes fine progress and the developer is pretty alright for updates.

When I still played Minecraft I could get pretty crazy.

Also, whenever I decorate my house in Morrowind I go complete certified Asperger syndrome.

I've done that once, got mixed feeling because i both won and lost also loneliness

Well, apart from the usual autistic things like keeping items I will literally never use even if it gets annoying, or re-doinging tutorials until I get them perfect, I don't think I do anything SUPER ULTRA autistic. Just basic autistic.

i've gone through the entire map of Black Flag collecting EVERY SINGLE TREASURE CHEST before beating any other mission as soon as I was given access to boats.

Never again.

Has anyone every not gone autistic in a video game?

How do you play anything for an extended period of time and not eventually get autistic about something?

I have the opposite curve in MMOs, I go from super autist to absolutely casual as I play them, and the allure of the bleeding edge endgame wears off, and instead I fuck off to explore.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who did this. Being a pirate was just too fucking great, I forgot there were missions.

{spoiler]some guys wanted to play DayZ mod[/spoiler] I crawled almost through the whole Chernarus with a broken leg, found and stole a bus from one of the most dangerous camping spots and managed to heal back to normal. Blue is crawling, green is bus.

Oh yeah, I once went through stalker SOC gathering up all the unique weapons without using them (they couldn't be repaired) and saved my game before doing any of the main missions, because I thought that when I would replay it, I could do so with all the unique weapons right where I wanted them, and I could easily mix and match without wasting time.

I knew damn well I was never going to replay that game when I started doing this.

I have the high score at my local arcade's Vs. Super Mario Bros cabinet. My high score is 866950 which is not amazing but I am number one! It took a lot of quarters.

She cries and gets violent if things aren't how she wants them to be/thinks they should be. She's better medicated now, but when she and I roomed together, it was hell. She'd give herself bald patches from pulling out her hair. I guess she could hide it pretty well, but if you spent any time with her outside of work, you found out kinda quickly.


how long did this take

that's over 10 hours of crawling
nobody is that autistic, you're just too fucking stupid to read a map properly

nobody cares u stupid aspie faggot


haha thats epic dude i almost peed my pants rofl xd

Thanks for posting

Y'all don't even understand how autistic I'm going to get when this comes out on PC. I may lose my job.

I used to play Mario Party by myself.

I mean, I had friends that I played it with, but I also played it alone sometimes.

He was literally replying to someone who asked you stupid nigger.

>read a map properly
I didn't make any mistakes, on the first blue route I even tried farming deer stands or whatever they are called for medicine. And I went to the north for the guns.
4 hours or all day, don't remember.




>used to
just don't look back and everything will be fine

Uh, yeah.

>make up little storylines for my soldiers based on their experiences as if it were a TV show
>imagine how they'd interact with each other and if one died
>personalities were based on nationality and class: badass russian assault, almost comic relief swedish heavy etc

I'm doing the same with X2

4 8 15 16 23 42

Playing 4 different Disgaea games already gives me autism status.
>Getting all Achievements on XBOX 360 to any game I had, no matter how tedious
That too.

isnt having an imagination basically the opposite of autism

I had totally forgotten that Morrowind even had shuriken. Huh.

But user, that's the *BEST* way of enjoying XCOM games!

Ye i did one time

Oh yes. Among many other things, I emptied 10 full weapons and melee'd a dead hunter for 3 hours in Halo CE while trying to get a perfectly circular blood pool around it.

Square is even thinking about porting Star ocean to PC.
PC is currently the second biggest (not counting emulation) JRPG platform.

Guess it's a pretty harmless habit compared to some of the OCD stories I've read.

That's called playing Xcom you ninny

>tfw I´m adding and configuring plugins more than building trying to build the best possible server like a fucking autist
>tfw friends are building and wondering why shit constantly changes

it would take you 16 hours minimum to use this route instead of just respawning like a normal person, you are absolutely lying if you somehow confuse 4 hours of playing with 16 hours, shut the fuck up you stupid autist

One word. Minecraft

Disc 1 or 4? Also why? Loneliness, or you just love the world of FF8 that much

After clearing a room in a shooting game I used to go back to the beginning of the room and act like a forensic scientist would. Analyzing the bodies, bullet holes, and environmental damage to try and determine exactly how each person died.
Pretty stupid but I found it oddly enjoyable at the time.

Have you ever missed it? Like what if the power goes out?

>mobile ports

holy shit

i might start doing this

That kind of sounds fun though. I mean I guess it depends on the game.

I like being very efficient in games. It becomes detrimental when I get rid of a character just on the basis that I wanna try 'something new' even if I know I'll end up making that character again later cause I like it.
This weekend I opened Prison Architect 2-3 times and spent altogether 6 hours with no prisons made, I want my starting prison built 'right'.
I've spent my two weeks off playing Skyrim only to start a new character every 1-2 days just because I didn't like the race anymore or wanted to be more organized or 'try something new'. The mods don't help.

are you me

I found it the most fun in F.E.A.R.
Seeing as how it made a big deal about persistent environmental damage.

3, and it's a compulsion, not done for any other reason than to stop me feeling like awful things will happen to me or others if I don't do it. It's entirely irrational, but as rituals go it's better than what a lot of people get locked into doing.

A handful of times, I don't think I've ever missed it and not been so freaked out I didn't get it done within 24 hours though.

I said I don't remember it was probably 3 or 4 years ago.

When I play singleplayer games, I sometimes play like I have an audience watching.

Like, I do camera work in an Elder Scrolls title to show off the landscapes or don't skip the dialogue's voice acting.

I also do useless tricks here and there just to "make the audience laugh".

Weirdly enough I'm not interested in streaming at all. It would be an inconvenience.

I remember some guy saying he was playing XCOM EU and Artificial Academy 2 with the same cast of characters.

So you don't really give a shit about the game. I get your point though. Weird that you had to have that happen with video games though, esp. for an hour.

In Oblivion, paint brushes weren't affected by physics so they would float in the air and you could jump on them.

I made a makeshift ladder of them and climbed up the tower in Imperial City, took about 5 hours and 200 save files.

The worst part is the top of the tower doesn't have a floor to stand on :(

You know, you wouldn't have to stream if you just record yourself.

Autists have difficulty displaying emotion, not imagining things.

Well, I do have PlaysTV recording stuff all the time, but I only upload small clips for me and my friends.

It would be an bother to edit a good Let's Play, and a shame to publish a bad one.

i put on subtitles so i can act out the voices instead

I do the exact same thing with all the FF games before 10. It's so awesome. I should get around speaking irl while imagining how they would sound like

That actually sounds like a pretty cool game idea. Sort of like Indigo Prophecy's first 10 minutes. You go through a level murdering the shit out of everything, then have to go through again as someone else following the first guy's trail and piecing together what happened.

I see, keep doing what you're doing.
>and a shame to publish a bad one
Man I wish more LPers thought that way, so much trash to sift through, same old problems.

your room isn't that clean

I dug a massive cube from ground to bedrock then built it up to the max height manually

I do that usually, somehow I'd rather read than trust a japanese game to have a good voice acting.

>so much trash to sift through

That's exactly my point of view. I would feel like contributing to a literal Cancer if I would upload bad, unedited, boring Let's Play.

I spent hundreds of hours making Littlebigplanet levels. Over time, I'd put more and more effort into the levels I made. The first level I made took about a week to finish and was just a short little minigame, the last level took several months and had a full storyline and fancy cinematic cutscenes, as well as multiple outcomes based on your actions.

I basically let the autism engulf me over time until it had become extreme. I don't regret though it was fun.

I do this aswell

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

I play through the Library or High Charity on Legendary every night (alternating). If I die more than three times I will not allow myself to eat dinner.

And that's great to know, that you question whether you would do good or not. That's more than I can say for most LPs I've seen and dropped, like far too often for instance; Who the hell wants to watch someone piss and whine about the game? No one with half a brain.

>Sup Forums is full of NEETs this pathetic


>inb4 super-autismo Terraria guy shows up

I've done that a few times in New Vegas, but that's usually when I'm trying to work out just what the hell happened after a particularly frenzied firefight.

Sweet mother of Joseph.

I would kill myself long ago knowing how hard it is to get morphine and yet you crawled all that way. Wow, true autism, but hell that was epic journey there user.

Me and a few friends had a minecraft server set up with one of those huge mod packs, I went completely autistic with the thaumcraft mod and ruined the whole world

How about the opposite?
First you analyze the scene, then you get too see how it happened and check if your assumptions were correct.
Even better if you have to reenact how things went in the "shooting" part and you get bonus points if you manage to recreate the same things as when you were the forensics guy

I'm better at writing than acting, that's one thing for sure. I'll stick to my writing projects for now.