1 more day, are you ready to unite the land Sup Forums?

1 more day, are you ready to unite the land Sup Forums?

>when you realize that Cao Cao was right about literally everything

Why is he the villain again?

>Shit reviews everywhere
Why are we excited for this again?

I love me some RotK but wasn't XIII supposed to be pretty bad?

It's better than nothing.

/eagg/ revival for ROTK13

Not at that price. I'd rather pre-order a game, then cancel it during Amazon Prime Day, for a possibly better deal.

Because he was the grandson of a filthy eunuch.

Is this like Command and Conquer or more like Civilization?
I love base building/management

Out of these two, it's more like civilization though none of them are really close.

I've been thinking of downloading this because goddamn, ancient China was fucking awesome.

Is it worth a watch?

Yes, and there's even a free DLC for ROTK13 that changes the sprites for the characters into the TV shows.

>stabbed everyone who ever trusted him in the back
>hurr why was he a bad guy?

The 2010 version is fucking glorious, highly recommended.

>stabbed everyone who ever trusted him in the back

That's not Liu Bei.

>He defected from Gongsun Zan to Tao Qian (194), then betrayed his alliance with Lü Bu (198), revolted against Cao Cao (199), abandoned Yuan Shao (200), turned on Liu Zhang (212-214), and violated Sun Quan’s trust time and time again.

I really liked the recent Nobunaga's Ambition, how similar is this?

You literally cannot name a single person that he betrayed.

The fictional character's reputation for treachery in fiction and literature originated from the historical man's incredible skill in deceiving and surprising his enemies on the battlefield, not from any actual instances of treachery.

It's trying to simplify so many mechanics, some of them it's fine, but some of them turn into complete garbage, it's been too long and I can't remember what's what anymore about it, I'm sure a quick watch of gameplay and seeing battles and diplomacy in action will be enough to figure it out.

Same engine, so similar with the added bonus of being able to play as officer + ruler.

Cao Cao... had a hard life

who is the nigga that was playing the review copy?

is it worth it?
i know this game will be rare in the future, right?

I'm not sure, I know there was a lot of backlash against XII so it might be getting mixed up with this.

Is this series better than the 2010 one?

Depends on what you want in a series. It covers different things.

China would have been amazing had Sun Jian or Sun Ce been alive

This makes me happy. Just finished the show.

I love showing this episode to people and I never get tired of rewatching Zhao Yun throwing the baby up in the air.

>Shu stole Wu's credit for pretty much everything they did

Why is this allowed?

>Sun Jian survives
So the Sun family can remain Yuan Shu's bitch and ultimately be destroyed when Yuan Shu claims Imperia title.

>Sun Ce survives
Only to end up spending all his time running around in circles putting down rebellion after rebellion and thus being utterly unable to expand outside of Yangzhou.

more like wusses

He plotted against Tung Cho, and killed his own Uncle because he was worried he'd turn him in for the failed assassination attempt.

Both fictional.

And who the fuck still uses Wade-Giles?

Is this the one where they literally set animals on fire and then filmed them? I've lost track of how many adaptations there are.

Sima Yi hard on for Zhuge